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The Great CoDz City ~Role-Play~


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Hey there, and welcome to The Great CoDz City! Here, all the members live harmoniously and have much fun.

​This role-play will be a simulation of what it would be like if the members of CoDz, and ONLY the members of CoDz, resided in a large area, making up CoDz City and it's surrounds. You can choose to run a business, be a farmer, sell ice-cream or whatever else you want to do. This is a place run by the people! Let me lay down some rules here quick:


1. No Swearing or Abuse of other players. That's not cool, and you will be banned from posting in this thread (as in your posts will be ignored)

2. Respect people's boundaries. Try not to make fights or push people into something they have chosen not to partake in.

3. Don't try to ruin the experience for anyone (Nuking the city, creating "overpowered" posts)

4. Have FUN! This is a place where we can really just calm down and make new friends, live out a dream life that the real world can't give you!

5. Respect the rules and "admins". They are the private admins of this thread, and can confirm and deny certain creations.


Let's set the scene!


CoDz City is a decent-sized city, located in a hilly valley with ancient secrets and waterfalls and other nature-y stuff (I wouldn't know, I've never been outside [jokes, but for reals]). The city is surrounded on all sides by a 11.5m tall chain link fence, which is extremely hard to break (and a good thing because of the Zombies on the other side!). The Zombies exist everywhere outside the fence, and every now and then we will be assaulted. Our teamwork will be tested and our skills will be hardened.

There are 3 main entrances to the city: 1 gate on the North side, leading to the Farms, 1 gate on the East leading to the Wastelands, and another gate on the West leading to the Temples. The South side gate was sealed after a faulty electrical line allowed a Zombie breach, wiping out the South sector of the city. It was eventually rebuilt.

The City is divided into 4 Sections; Northe (Samanthis), Sout (Maxis), Easte (Satania) and Weste (Richtofien). Each Section is overwatched by a Faction. Factions are just like the houses from Harry Potter. Each Faction is lead by it's head. Every 2 months, the Factions vote on who their new leader will be. The 4 Factions are:


Maxis: Maxi value science as the essence of life. They are brought up to believe in cold hard facts before anything else. They are often curious, and let their curiosity and thirst for knowledge stand in their way of emotions such as love. The Maxis Faction wear Orange as their representative colour.


Samanthis: Samanthi value trust and compassion. They are very generous, and are brought up to be loving and forgiving, kind and compassionate. They let their kindness overrule logic sometimes. The Samanthis Faction wear Yellow as their representative colour.


Richtofien: Richtofien are a bunch of people who love FUN! They do all the serious jobs around the city, but make them into games. They are oftentimes sarcastic, and that can be a problem for them. The Richtofien Faction wear Blue as their representative colour.


Satania: Satans are a cunning bunch. Their minds are as sharp as their wit. They undergo training from an early age to be the bravest but most careful people. The Satania Faction wear Red as their representative colour.


Faction Heads:






Faction Members:

Satania: Boom (Boomhauer, outcast)



Richtofien: sh3baproject (Proji), InfestLithium (Festo)

Undetermined: Naitrax (Nai)



Defend the Gate or Find Shelter

Defend the Gate and Survive the Seige

A secret goal of the role-play is to discover Nai's faction :)

That's all for now! I hope you enjoy the rules, and lets begin the Role-Play!



I, Naitrax, own a small, but relatively popular Diner on the corner of Trinity Ave and Focusing St. It is called the "Stay & Slay" and serves beef from Albert's Home Free Range Cattle and Chicken Farm. Our story begins as the doorbell rings and a mysterious figure walks in. 

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Ah, glad I had time to actually create a post about this without having to do so on my phone.


I, Festo, am the owner and inventor of the Food Nook. My device is a common item sold particularly along the Sout and Weste, as they are a popular sell there. After a bit of traveling and drinks at the local cola stations, he decided to grab a bite at a little diner on the corner of the road. A bit tipsy yet well-dressed, he staggered through the door. 


"Huh, this doesn't look like any burger joint I know."

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The well-dressed man staggers over to the bar, and takes a seat opposite Nai.

"Huh, this doesn't look like any burger joint I know" he says in a low tone. Nai can tell that this man has had a few drinks.


"Welcome to the Stay & Slay. What can I getcha, sir?" Nai asks, handing the man a menu. "May I recommend today's special, the Juggernog Combo? It comes with a 600mL Juggernog bottle, which I can put in a glass should you want it, and a large chicken sandwich with our famous 'Special Sauce'."

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Festo kept his head low on his shoulders while his eyes rested uneasily on the menu. His eyes felt dry and heavy as he scoped through the menu given to him. At that point, he wasn't even reading. The fatigue of going from area to area put a large burden on his physical movement. He decided to take off his backpack and placed it at the foot of the chair.


"Eh...the sandy will do. No need for the drink - I'm a walking keg as it is."

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As many pile into the hole-in-the-wall Diner to seek sanctuary from the approaching storm. Nai notices a shadowy figure standing outside the barricaded window of the eatery. As lightning illuminates the sky it is revealed to be Boomhauer the town vagrant. It is rumored that he was once part of the Satania faction, but was cast out for being too ruthless. Aside from a name and some hearsay not much is known about the man.
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"You know why I'm here and it ain't for your damn hot cakes." grumbled Boom


Boomhauer reaches into the left pocket of his tattered overcoat and pulls out an object wrapped in burlap.


“This is what he was looking for… This will bring an end to this madness; but I warn you it comes with a price.”

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Nai walks over to the door and holds it open as Boom walks in and takes a seat next to Festo.


"How terrible a price? It must be paid someday to fix the damage he caused, and I am nearly completely sure he would not pay this price, if it is what I expect."


As Nai says this, a load siren blares through the mandatory City-Alert Speakers positioned above the door to the **** please report this topic, post ****. An automated voice plays over the sirens.

"There is heavy activity in Sout outside the Gate. All residents are to take arms and barricade their doors. Apartments with windows must be sealed. All governmental heads are to return to the Hub."


"The day before the Faction Test? This drill might be the real thing..." Nai says as he dismisses the **** please report this topic, post **** staff. He hits a grey button underneath the cash register, and metal gates and grilles slide over all the windows and the **** please report this topic, post **** backdoor, as he moves out from behind the counter and moves toward the door. "Are we going to go, or would you all like to stay here for the night?" he says as the trio follow him out the door and onto the street.


The streets are in chaos as scooters barrel down the street, heading for the apartments each citizen calls home. The moonlit streets are lined with low-power floodlights, illuminating the footpath ahead. Rain pours as the four walk toward the Sout, passing the Maxis headquarters as they hit the street near the Gate.


The heavy pounding of fists on metal can be heard from outside the Gate. Loud moans emanate from behind the third set of defences.

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The sires continued to blare. The pounding from outside started to echo down the bustling streets as people frantically rushed to find shelter.


"It never changes", Festo grumbled. He brushed his course hands through his short, dark hair in frustration. Isn't this why you left, he thought. You got out once, and managed to resell yourself as a different man. But now history was comin' for you, old friendo. 


After a couple seconds of silence, he heaved a large sigh and grabbed his backpack off the floor.


"How long you think we'll be out for?"

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Nai turns to Festo. "We may be gone a while. The last real siege was 3 months ago. It lasted 49 hours. We may be holed up for a while, provided we decide to hide, not defend. However, hiding is a valid option. I know a place where we can hole up and last it out."

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Shifting his head towards the others, Festo furrowed his brow.


"Whatever these two decide to do, doesn't concern me. This has happened before and it's not entirely news to me."


He looked back to Nai.


"The faster we can get this done, the faster I can get back to my sandwich. Better head out now before the night crawls in."

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Boomhauer couldn’t help but stare at the inebriated man struggling to walk straight, as he sloppily forced a chicken sandwich into his mouth. The man’s voice seemed to echo through his head.


“That voice…I know that voice.” He thought to himself

The four men continued down a long dark alley way to a destination known only to Nai.

Suddenly, a look of fury washed over Boom’s face as he lunged at Festo.


“General Alowishus Mafesto!” Boom screamed

Boomhauer had the man pinned against the brick wall, tightly gripping a bowie knife in his left hand.  As each moment passed the storm seemed to get worse and the groans of the undead even louder. Nai immediately sprang into action pulling the two men apart.


Boom seemed to yield and return to his normal stoic demeanor.

“You left me for dead. You left me, and all for that damned box.” Muttered Boom

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The thunder roared against the dusky air, forcing a silence over the four as the stranger had pinned Festo against the wall. Too inebriated to react swiftly, his body was held vivacious as the man growled at him.

"General Alowishus Mafesto!"

Festo's body tensed up. He gritted his teeth and attempted and stared into the man's eyes. The man's grey eyes were clouded with red as if he hasn't slept for days. A faded scar rested just above his cheekbone. Dirt surrounded the crackle of his wrinkles on his eyelids.

He remembered those eyes.

Before he could utter a word, Nai thrusted the man away from Festo. The man relieved himself and muttered something inaudible. Festo, now released from his grasp, rolled his shoulders back. He couldn't keep his eyes off the stranger.

"Do you always attack people and call them random names?" Festo retorted haughtily as he adjusted his backpack once more.

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The group plodded on down the street until they came to an alleyway.


"This is where we make the choice" Nai announced loudly. "If we continue ahead, we're defending the Gate. There is a stash ahead where we can arm up," Nai gestured to the alleyway "or, we can head through here and to one of my safe houses. It is stocked with enough nonperishables to last us 2 weeks, and a small supply of ammunition and 3 M1's."


The group turn and look at each other. The hatred in Festo and Boom's eyes is unmistakeable. Things in this group are becoming very tense... They may not survive the next few days locked up together...


Proji slips and falls, intoxicated beyond repair. 

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"Oh, what a waste…" From behind the group comes a slightly Russian accent.

"One less man to help Gate. Is pity," the voice continued, as a man stepped over the fallen intoxicated Proji.

"You see, superior man like I is supposed to be drunkard, yes?" Complete unconcerned with the situation, the man rattles on, seemingly to himself, "But, you see, I am not drunk. Instead, it is this fool here," he nudged the man lying on the ground gently, and shook his head.

"Vladimir Imanakistoyov. Call me what you want," he offered, narrowing his eyes at the other three that seemed to be grouped together.

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The man who called himself Vladimir seemed more drunk than the unconscious Proji. At least to Festo. Although his mind was on the man who nearly assaulted him, he trained his eyes on Vladimir.


"I'm sorry, the drunk man position has already been taken," Festo scoffed. "But we could always use a bumbling Russian."


He then turned his head to Nai, but keeping his eyes on the unknown assailant who attacked him.


"The Gate would need all the assistance it can get. It's better for us to get there before we become easy meat."


Festo glanced at the Bowie Knife held in the man's hand.

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Nai kicked Festo's feet out from under him just as the Russian lunged. Festo hit the ground with a thud, and Nai brought his knee up into Vladimir's groin. "Don't you go trying anything... We're on the same side here." Nai said, authority in his voice as Vladimir fell to the ground with a thud. "We better get moving." Nai helped Festo up and walked over to Proji. The man stood up and hobbled off toward the Gate, the four behind him.


O/T: Festo, Delta's character lunged at you. Not with a knife, but while you were distracted by Lord Boom (to the moon)

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as the intoxicated proji slumbers,he begins to have a flashback.

-University of Codz,5 years ago-

"Professer Proji I presume?"

Proji turned around and faced the man who looked at him. He appeared to be a satani,but proji didnt care. He always saw the factions as young inmature kids and only had joined the richtofen because his father was one. Never the less he enjoyed being one as being a writer of humor at heart and the richtofeni enjoyed him for it. But his favorite hobby was history. Ever since Proji could remember he had a knack for it. If anything,proji was more known as a historian then a writer."The man is probably gonna ask me to tutor his son" thought proji. But what the man said next shocked proji to his core.

"I need help finding an artifact called The Key"

Suddenly,proji woke up from his slumber. He shouted "WHY???"

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"Y'know, you could've warned me at. I think I bruised my rear," Festo lamented.


The entire day was filled with nothing but alcohol, assaults, and uneaten sandwiches. Perhaps it was mainly the alcohol that was getting to his head. One man claimed to know him, while the other was a drunk Russian who apparently didn't take too kindly to insults.


Suddenly a voice shattered his remorseful thoughts.




He turned around to see Proji, his eyes alarmingly wide with a mortified expression. Nai picked Proji up, only for him to stumble a bit more. This man is strange, Festo thought to himself. Then again, I guess we all are.


Along the way to the gate, the tension in the group turned into a stringy, awkward silence. Vladimir limped a bit behind Nai, muttering something in Russian under his breath. The unknown man walked behind Vladimir, twirling the Knife as if he were ready to kill. Festo kept close to Proji at the rear of the group to keep an eye on him. 


"Any chance there would be, y'know, munition once we reach the gate? I'd hate to use my own head as a weapon," Festo commented as he passed by a decimated car.

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"Up here on the right, there is a weapons cache. The Satani use it to equip their soldiers, but since the Gate is under attack, I'm sure they won't mind." Nai called back to Festo. 


When the group reached the building, Nai walked over to the door and opened it. "Be my guests."


When everyone was inside, Nai walked over to the wall and pulled a large crate full of guns and ammunition over to the table in the centre of the room. "Take your pick, but take into account recoil and ammo capacity."


Your choice of weapons are:



M1 Garand

​Galil (½ ammo of in the game and reduced power)

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