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ZombieOfTheDead last won the day on January 18 2017

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About ZombieOfTheDead

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About Me

I'm bored and don't want to write my paper, so here's a short summary of who I kinda am.

Name's Drew, I'm pretty shy, quiet dude, though you might not think that when talking to me on the forums. On here I'm a lot more open. I'm also pretty set in my ways, even at 19. I don't allow people to influence me easily. Part of the reason I don't party or drink in college. What else.... well, I'm a pretty active gamer, and geek in general. I try to give myself a lot of variety in what I play/watch. I mean, in terms of games I play pretty much everything from CoD to Kingdom hearts. If you couldn't tell, I'm such a goddamn KH fanboy. KH is love, KH is life. With that said, also really love the Metal Gear series, Zelda, Persona, Infamous, etc. Like I said, variety. Not as much an online gamer anymore, though I still occasionally play zombies and Starcraft.

Also, I'm a pretty big anime fan. I'm not the stereotype at all, though. I watch whatever looks interesting, enjoy it, and don't hold bullshit standards (dubs vs subs debate is so damn stupid). Also, no body pillows or statues for me. Movies are pretty cool, too. Love Lord of the Rings, could tell ya nearly anything about it and it's lore. Not a huge fan of the books, though. They really do drag on...

I should probably stop talking about the media I like and say some more about myself... well, there really isn't much to say. So Ima just end this here.

I'm ZOTD, and I approve this message.

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