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The Clay Bird

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Everything posted by The Clay Bird

  1. @Lenne !!! Congratulations on the new position! Gotta have a nice full staff for the explosion of awesomeness that will be Black Ops 3 zombies!!!
  2. Has there ever been pre-release actual official zombies gameplay released? I don't recall that ever being the case. I just remember watching youtube vids of Kino and Five around midnight when BO1 released since i couldn't get the game until the following day lol
  3. It honestly wouldn't surprise me that with phones getting more and more complex, that they could handle a map like MotD or Die rise or whatver, however these apps were produced at the peak of call of duty's popularity, so I think it would take BO3 absolutely knocking it out of the park and hype at BO1-MW3 type levels before they would devote the time to developing any more for iOS
  4. Ok then there is a caveat. Are your parents paying for your college? If they are, then I still support them having that type of jurisdiction. If you are paying your own way, then absolutely they shouldn't care whether you ace every class or flunk out. My parents took my car for 2 months one time, because it was still their car deed and they paid for all of my college that I didnt' have already paid for through athletic and academic scholarships. So i understood that. Either way, hope you get those grades up soon so you can hop on that sweet sweet zombies :)
  5. I don't mind there being no plans for a standalone zombies game, because i play a lot of multiplayer as well, but I really wish there was a way that activision could allow another studio or a branch of treyarch to continue the zombies DLC season beyond the 4 map packs. With 3 studios in rotation now, it really blows to have to wait 3 years to get any new content for a lot of people's favorite game mode
  6. i got 5 Cs with my GCSEs, the rest were Ds, nothing below or above them. I cant say video games were not a problem, but i never had my xbox taken away - and personally thats the one thing parents shouldnt do imo Parents absolutely should feel free to delete and distractions if their kids grades are slipping. Although as a kid it is probably hard to admit that distractions like video games and the internet and netflix can cause a decrease in performance in school, it is certainly a legitimate cause. I had my nintendo's taken away many times as a kid if i misbehaved or got a bad test score. It is what it is. Anyway, to clarify the Digital deluxe most definitely is up for preorder because I bought it and downloaded it last night. I am officially set to play at 11:01 PM central time on November 5th!! And as a reminder, the official release times are Midnight local time outside of the USA (im 99% sure on this) and then 9 PM Pacific time in the USA (Midnight on east coast, 11 pm central, 10 pm mountain) And you bet your ass I'm gonna be watching zombies streams from Europe if they are allowed during work on the 5th hehehe
  7. I get everything you say. I think this is a bit drastic though. It's just a figure of speech, but it's not far off. The issue this site has now that it didn't have so much during the BO2 on-season is the rise of Reddit. There is at least 3 main Call of Duty Zombie sub reddits now that see more activity per day than this site does. This may be down to them allowing anything and everything but it has seen developers using that platform over ours to talk to the community and even saw long-term member Milo using it over our site for his BO3 AMA session. Not sure if that was a personal choice or not but it was a bit of a shame to see. We need to move the site so it adapts to the communities demands. It is no longer a viable option to block out what we once did so we just have to accept it is the way the community is now. Also, no one hates you. I actually admire your dedication to not wanting spoilers. Sadly, the gaming industry does not agree with our opinions on the matter. very well said. I still 100% believe that CoDz is and will be the #1 zombies website for things like strategies, story theories, and discoveries for EE's and other secrets pertaining to the story, but when there are no new maps to discuss for long periods of time, I think in those months leading up to release to stay relevant you need to have news to discuss and by simply not allowing mention of any released info prior to launch date, it causes us to fall behind and look rather archaic. As if we were stuck using an old Nokia cell phone when all the other sites are using iphone 6s lol . Anyway, just wanted to say i officially purchased the digital deluxe last night, and it is downloading as we speak if it isn't already done, and i look forward to crushing it on the giant and shadows of evil with you all. Perhaps Mr. Lamia may have some zombies intel today on the BO3 Fridays stream??
  8. Nope. no way. The fly trap and the film reels i'd say are pretty close in terms of EE's. Just little snippets of fun hidden in the map.
  9. If i am able to get the digital deluxe and preload it like i am hoping to, I will play SoE while my friends are inevitably installing or downloading their games. This will be at 11pm central time on thursday. hope to get an hour in on it, and then im sure my friends and I will jump into either MP, or the co-op campaign
  10. I'm intrgiued. Hope it is legit zombies, preferably a brand new map unlock
  11. The whole thing has been a bit confusing for me. The official Spoilers announcement states that spoiler content includes officially released Story Content even from Call of Duty's social media accounts, so I honestly don't know anymore. I'll admit, even though I put my thoughts from the trailer in a spoiler, this particular policy does kind of make things difficult for future stuff. Will we not be able to freely discuss any future trailer for DLC maps and whatnot? Also what becomes fair game once the game is released? I know it will be difficult enough with most people on xbox here, but it seems like most of the heated discussions will take place in spoiler tabs and yes it doesn't take much to click through them but that's still a bit of a hassle if that will overtake most discussions. I think if the OP states the thread will use spoilers, and puts the word spoilers in the title, then everything discussed therein is fair game and doesn't need to be put within spoiler tabs. But i mean why don't we have to put story discussion about past games and maps in spoilers? I mean if someone hasn't played them or heard about them yet it could spoil it for them! Kidding aside, anything that is not a "leak" and has been officially released should be fair game for uncensored discussion
  12. We really do need to quit this bickering over "spoilers" clicking on this thread and then being mad about having something spoiled for you is like clicking on a move review for a movie you haven't seen yet and don't want spoiled. Absolutely no reason whatsoever for discussion about an OFFICIALLY RELEASED BY Activision trailer to be hidden in spoiler tags Now that I got that out of the way, It was a pretty awesome trailer. It gives me like a Saw vibe, where the shadow man is like jigsaw and is making them "earn their right to live"
  13. I agree it doesn't look that bad but my point is that even with the tabs, this info is going to be everywhere very quickly and people will hear about it either way. Users will mention it in other threads or in chat inadvertently. Some things are just hard to shy away from unless you choose to go off the grid, which most won't. In an ideal world it would be good to avoid spoilers but it's near impossible these days. It will be even more disappointing if it turns out DOA2 is an unlockable mode as all surprise will be lost. I think it looks terrible and is really annoying to have to click 20 separate buttons just to read a page of posts. If you are clicking on threads that obviously are going to have information in them that may "spoil" something for you, that is on you.
  14. There's no way that anything other than FIrst Person zombies can be called "classic" Most people if you asked them if they wanted to play some cod zombies, and then you started up DOA they'd be pissed lol
  15. The time they wasted on that, could've been put towards a third proper map on release. I wouldnt mind it if we could play it first person as well, which apparently was planned from the PC BO1 files. It is the least played map on BO1, at least non DLC anyway. I always got confused which character i was controlling and ended up dying all the time and this just made it not fun at all. I'd actually prefer DOA2 as opposed to a 3rd map. Adds more variety. I disagree with that. i don't have a problem with DOA2, but for those expecting Call of Duty Zombies, most wouldn't consider DOA to be that
  16. Thanks for clarifying, I wasn't aware of those recent tweaks to the leak policy. I know we were extremely anti-leak in the past
  17. This. Things were different back in 2010 when black ops 1 came out. If we continue to just hold this zero tolerance policy toward any information that wasn't directly given by treyarch/activision, then people will just flock away from us and toward where they will find and be able to discuss the most up to date information on the games/maps
  18. TFW you get downvoted into eternity on the /r/CODZombies subreddit for calling glitchers, cheaters.

    1. TheNathanNS


      You get downvoted anywhere on Reddit for having a different opinion than the hivemind.


      Source: Been told to kill myself for saying I hate cheaters on any video game.

  19. This is so so true. Plus, what if they had been so busy reimagining the faavorite maps from WaW that they scrapped nuketown? All the map remakes are doing are preventing us from getting our new favorite map
  20. seems like they have done quite a bit of weapon nerfing? the TTK seems quite a bit higher now at the end of the beta than it did at the beginning. Starting to seem like I will be playing only hardcore again
  21. As long as CharlieINTEL is reporting on in then we can discuss it but I think it's safe to say we will not be allowing any direct links to these audio files as long as Treyarch or Activision are pulling them down. It''s a bit hard not to discuss it though seeing as the entire community has already either heard or are aware of their existence and are discussing it everywhere else. Yeah, we are in an era now where information can be disseminated so quickly through social media and what not, I think we definitely have needed to evolve our no leaks policy here. Now that stuff like this is being shared on sites and YT channels that have strong positive relationships with the devs, I think we should be able to discuss it, report on it, etc. I certainly don't see any harm in doing so, as long as we don't claim things as fact or confirmed that are only guesses or assumptions
  22. I agree the graphics look great. Even a step up from advanced warfare, which is surprising to me for a beta.
  23. @TheNathanNS the "cool" thing to do now after AW is to blame this (and everything else) on Skill based match making or SBMM as the kids like to call it ;) but seriously, my first impressions after playing for an hour or so, I had fun, but the movement system is going to take me a long time to get used to. Still learning how all the weapons are. I heard a lot of people saying in the PS4 beta that the time to kill was really low, and either they came straight from playing halo, or they nerfed all the weapons before the xbox beta because I was getting hitmarkers and assists galore.
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