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WWII Zombies Trailer and Info!


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SH twitter


Below are SH twitter quotes-


"We are geeks. We've dissected horror."

"That dread. That fear of the unknown. That's where you can really get people."

"Were building this story that's based on characters." - @CameronDayton on the approach to the new co-operative mode

"They deployed small units looking for stolen art. They find much more than that, however..." - Jon Horsley on characters as part of MFAA

"You had a political divide in a family... Marie ended up taking off and joining the other side." - @CameronDayton on Marie and Klaus' story

"It's going to be the hardest Easter Egg hunt you've ever been on."

"He swears a lot. Full of bad language. I'm terribly shocked." - David Tennant on his character, Drostan Hynd

"You're a scary motherf*cker." -@GameOverGreggy on Udo Kier's maniacal character, Doktor Straub

"She's not only a very brilliant engineer, but she kicks ass." - @KatherynWinnick on her character, Marie Fischer

"We do have perks and a special reward system."

"We maintain a Mystery Box and Wonder Weapons."

"The universes are separate and they don't intersect." - @MichaelCondrey on #WWIIZombies and AW Zombies


New in depth information about wall buys and other things


Round based confirmed - IGN interview and JD


Game informer mag new info


-Zombies mode takes place towards the end of WWII, when Nazi Germany was in a desperate situation.

-Zombies features a new “dynamic approach.” One example of this is where players are forced to kill Zombies in a constantly moving radius to create an electrical charge to unlock the next area.

-The Zombies are created by man, Dr. Straub. Straub’s Zombies are centered around the nervous system. The Zombies are created by bolts and other items that you see stuck in them. Their backbone is the energy which charges their nervous system. The Zombies are actually being tortured.

-Lot of this story is based on actual events that were happening during WWII.

-There are different classes and types of Zombies. Not all have every body part you may expect. Pests class do not have any arms, rather they are assembled from spare parts. The Bomber class of Zombies are stitched up from parts.

-Zombies features customizable loadouts, but also permanent-unlocks that work like perks. GameInformer directly compares this to gobblegums, but these are permanent, not temporary uses like gobblegums.

-There are 4 classes: Offense, Control, Support, and Medic.

-Boarding up windows and collecting currency is back in this mode.

-There are both wave based rounds and location/event based encounters

-Players can earn some “special abilities” in Zombies mode. Activated by pressing R1 and L1. An example is Unlimited Ammo.

-Tesla weaponry unlock able by gaining additional power by killing zombies in a specific area.

-Super bosses are back in Zombies.

-Easter Eggs are extremely difficult in this game.


I will add more. Thoughts, opinions?

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Here we go again I think... I was so determined that after BO3 zombies I'm done with this franchise but but... WW2 trailer got me all hyped up again. Not gonna pre-order or anything though, just gonna wait and see how's it gonna be like.  I really like the more horror themed approach they have at least in the trailer. 


I really hope they don't go the Treyarch way and make the game too easy with Gobblegums and double pack-a-punch kind of things. The reason why I liked zombies in the first place was the build up and the actual tense feeling when the rounds got up and weapons started to be useless and ammo was going low. Really hoping they go for something like that. 

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On 7/20/2017 at 5:13 PM, jiipee95 said:

Here we go again I think... I was so determined that after BO3 zombies I'm done with this franchise but but... WW2 trailer got me all hyped up again. Not gonna pre-order or anything though, just gonna wait and see how's it gonna be like.  I really like the more horror themed approach they have at least in the trailer. 


I really hope they don't go the Treyarch way and make the game too easy with Gobblegums and double pack-a-punch kind of things. The reason why I liked zombies in the first place was the build up and the actual tense feeling when the rounds got up and weapons started to be useless and ammo was going low. Really hoping they go for something like that. 


I just played Virruckt with two friends last night and with no pap or wonder weapons and not relying on GG too heavy we only got to wave 19. It was quite refreshing to play a map designed for what is now considered "low rounds". 


As for my thoughts on the trailer,

Visuals- Holy cheesbergers it looks awesome! Textures seem to be a huge improvement that makes a massive difference. As a PC player I look forward to maxing out the visual settings.

Setting- Fantastic! German expedition to uncover an ancient relic and the human experimentation gone wrong thing is great. Dark tunnels and laboratories YES. 

Gameplay- not a whole lot to go on here, but I am a little sad to see the mystery box return. It is literally the ONLY mechanic in Treyarch zombies that has never been altered. I hope ammo is limited and they do something different than wall weapons. Maybe each new area you enter there is a random gun on a dead body you can choose to pick up, but no ammo buying?

Zombies- I am so glad the eyes don't glow. and it looks like there are more different types which is good. 


I am really hoping it is not just treyarch zombies with a new setting and new visuals. They need to change the formula. 

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Looks like Verruckt & Der Riese if World at War was made in 2008. I mean, 2018.



The game looks refreshing, but this just looks like a remake from 10 years ago.

Carbon Copy of OG Zombies, but if you find a good thing, beat the living shit out of it.



(Modern Day trailers have amazing graphics though. Top notch definition)

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20 hours ago, andydabeast said:

OP updated with an IGN interview. Rounds are confirmed to be returning. he made it sound like it would be different though, he said sometimes lots of zombies sometimes not as many. interesting. 

Well it could mean that some rounds there are less zombies that are more difficult, since we're having different types of zombies (or at least seems like it, haven't been following what's going on too much). 

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  • 2 weeks later...

OP updated! Perks work like permanent unlocks for your character and there are 4 classes you can be. Sounds like a linear level up system for each class. 


This is Huge. This means that once you rank up, you acquire permanent perks, making future plays easier. This means it will most likely be very difficult to start. I can see us having to play one part of the map multiple times to rank up to be able to survive other areas.

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