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Zombie Eye Color & Who is in Control

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I am going to say this first. This is a theory... actually, at this point I'm reluctant to even call it a theory at this point. It has very little evidence to back it up, however, from what I have seen, virtually no evidence to disprove it. So, at the moment, I am just going to call this "speculation".


This is based off of one of my theories/hopes for what happens in DLC 3 & 4, and will most likely be either proved or disproved in those maps.


First, my over-generalized summary of eye colors and what they signify.


Yellow: Apothicon control or influence


Blue: Vril-ya control or influence


Red: Ancient Evil control or influence


Orange: Unknown/Maxis


Green: Turned Zombie (quite possibly just for gameplay)



Now to elaborate on the more outrageous implications of this over-generalization.


Yellow: This would imply that Samantha was influenced by Apothicon forces. That is the MOST controversial claim in this. However, although there is no solid evidence for this, Sam did go from crying and being a normal girl to laughing maniacally and being demonic and sadistic VERY quickly. Just something to consider along with the timeline implications of certain maps possibly happening before Samantha taking control.


Blue: Richtofen... Remember those voices in his head? The voices he suddenly had the second he touched an ancient vril machine? Just food for thought. Also, the abundance of blue-eyed zombies in the crazy place and the "crusader" zombies with the Keeper symbol on their robes.


Red: Seen throughout MotD and now Gorod Krovi (very peculiar). In MotD there is clearly some entity controlling what is happening. I absolutely do NOT believe that this entity is Brutus. Why would Brutus talk about how he was trapped there "just like you" if he was in control? He would either leave or be there willingly. I am expecting/hoping for some elaboration on the red eye color in Gorod Krovi.


Orange: Seen only when Maxis' end game in Buried is achieved. Possibly an uninfluenced Maxis in control? Not expecting an explanation or any hidden reason to be behind this.


Green: Turned AAT Zombie. Probably just for gameplay, but I would LOVE IT if Treyarch actually put a storyline reason for this in the game.



So, I will add onto this as new information comes up. Let me know what you think of this speculation/far-fetched "theory?". Also, feel free to ask about specific times were this doesn't quite make sense and I will elaborate.

Edited by AetherialVoices
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Yellow: A fair speculation, though Apothicon influence of the MPD is still very dubious, as it is an Ancient Vril (Keeper) Machine; not something the Apothicons should have control of. But I'm still hoping we never see the Apothicons again. Their cheezyness nearly ruined SoE for me.


Blue: Originated, so we thought, from the German ideal of the perfect race having blue eyes, and as Richtofen was a Nazi, thus was his inclination. However, the point about the Keepers is worth considering. This, however, causes a conflict between your theory about the yellow eyes, as a history of the MPD seems to show that the voices Richtofen hears are likely the same Samantha encountered.


Orange: Remember, Maxis was not within the MPD. He was in the Griffin Station computer network.


Interesting points and great posts lately, though I often rebut your points, I appreciate your deeper thinking and classic style theories! If I wasn't so dang busy, I would love to do some more myself (and update my Weaponized Plasma and Nature of the Aether threads.) 


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8 hours ago, NaBrZHunter said:

Yellow: A fair speculation, though Apothicon influence of the MPD is still very dubious, as it is an Ancient Vril (Keeper) Machine; not something the Apothicons should have control of. But I'm still hoping we never see the Apothicons again. Their cheezyness nearly ruined SoE for me.

Good point. One explanation for this which I find quite likely is that the Vril-ya created the MPD to turn the Apothicon army against itself. Although the Vril-ya could very well have evil intentions, we know for a fact that the Apothicons do. According to the respective influences behind each of the two, the Vril-ya would most likely be native to Agartha, whereas the Apothicons would be native to the fourth dimension or Aether. Based off of this, although the Vril-ya created the MPD, it could be possible for it to be flawed and susceptible to Apothicon influence.


As for your hopes to never see the Apothicons again, I do not share your thoughts on that matter. I at first thought they were cheesy, but in an attempt to better understand them I decided to start reading Lovecraft's works. It was one of the best decisions of my life. The theme is (in my opinion) very fitting with the style of zombies, and if they were going to introduce more mythological concepts regardless, I am glad that they chose influence from the Cthulu Mythos. It is quite agitating that in SoE (very much like ZnS with Unit 731) you have to do a good amount of research to truly appreciate the atmosphere, but with how much I love reading the influences behind the story, it doesn't affect me much. @NaBrZHunter, if you haven't read any Lovecraft yet, I would HIGHLY recommend first reading The Call of Cthulu first, then reading Nyarlathotep (although this one can be a bit hard to understand on the first read).

8 hours ago, NaBrZHunter said:

Blue: Originated, so we thought, from the German ideal of the perfect race having blue eyes, and as Richtofen was a Nazi, thus was his inclination. However, the point about the Keepers is worth considering. This, however, causes a conflict between your theory about the yellow eyes, as a history of the MPD seems to show that the voices Richtofen hears are likely the same Samantha encountered.

Yes, yes indeed. However, the Nazis took Vril and the concept of a Hollow Earth VERY seriously, so it is not much of a stretch for them to (in the Zombies story) have gotten this trait from researching this "perfect race" of the Vril-ya.


As for the conflict, the Vril-ya built the MPD, but they are not native to the Aether. Richtofen got the voices not from being inside the machine and connected to the Aether, but from touching the machine itself. This could solve this conflict in my thought process.

8 hours ago, NaBrZHunter said:

Orange: Remember, Maxis was not within the MPD. He was in the Griffin Station computer network.

Valid point, but at what point was Maxis limited to the Griffin Station computer network? He communicates the exact same way throughout BO2. He could very well be somewhere else, and just be limited to communication through technology.

8 hours ago, NaBrZHunter said:

Interesting points and great posts lately, though I often rebut your points, I appreciate your deeper thinking and classic style theories! If I wasn't so dang busy, I would love to do some more myself (and update my Weaponized Plasma and Nature of the Aether threads.) 


Thank you! And I appreciate your disputing my points, because it ends with thinking things through and better understanding the topic at hand.

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In Avadacadavre we hear that Samantha, who is in the MPD, realizes she becomes more and more evil. Originally, she was just a normal kind girl. Richthofen was a normal guy before he touched the MPD too. We all agree there is something evil with that device, but that there has more then one faction to do with this, is something new, at least, I never heard someone say that. But there is a possibility that that is true. The blue eyed zombies in Origins come from the Crazy place, a gateway to the Agartha, Vrill Ya's home. Richthofen is in the MPD, a Vrill device, so there could be Vrill influence there too. But then I wonder, why is Samantha yellow. She is also in a Vrill device. And I actually think the eyes in all BO3 maps are more orange then yellow.

The green eyes, its strange that almost no one talks about it. I don't think they did it just for the gameplay, I mean, Treyarch knows how much confusion it brings to codz communities. If they would do it just for gameplay, they could made a green cloud around the zombies. Perhaps this is the Apothican colour. The island is Cthulus home. If Apothican colour would be yellow, why would the overlords send zombies on the SoE4 if the shadowman needs their help? But if green is Apothican, what is yellow? Oh, so confuzing

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1 hour ago, anonymous said:

The green eyes, its strange that almost no one talks about it. I don't think they did it just for the gameplay, I mean, Treyarch knows how much confusion it brings to codz communities. If they would do it just for gameplay, they could made a green cloud around the zombies. Perhaps this is the Apothican colour. The island is Cthulus home. If Apothican colour would be yellow, why would the overlords send zombies on the SoE4 if the shadowman needs their help? But if green is Apothican, what is yellow? Oh, so confuzing


@Anonymous The green eyed zombies also appear in Nightmares. Whilst some regular zombies seem to have green eyes, there is also a zombie type in Nightmares that has not been seen in regular zombies, and doesn't look like a reskin from the multiplayer campaign. The hooded green eyed zombies.


Not sure what implications that would have for their origins, but interesting nonetheless.

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