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What are we missing....


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Ok so ever since Shadows was revealed one thing has been consistent the whole time. These Orbs inside the Ruby Rabbit, containing the symbols of "Keepers" or "Keeper Language". 

My question is what is it that were missing here, in the reveal trailer for Shadows they are present as well as in the Opening Cinematic. Surely they would've fixed this or changed it by now if it were nothing, unless they are trying to tell us something.

In the beginning there was never an Orb, or Circle on the Lamp inside the Ruby Rabbit, then through updates it was added. If you look on the ceiling inside you can see these same "White Orbs" except they are smaller and have no Symbols on them.

So what is it that we are missing?!?!




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They found that the 'invisible skulls' of DE are visible in 'zombie blood' (In Plain Sight GG). So there may be something here.

Maybe now that 360 gets attachments, I can look around SoE with thermals and other sights, as well as the IPS GG.

M envelope. Signs. Those things ↑. Gateworms. PaP. Ritual circles. ?Box (are those parasites?). Keepers. Keeper language by Swords...

Back at square one.

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5 hours ago, 83457 said:

They found that the 'invisible skulls' of DE are visible in 'zombie blood' (In Plain Sight GG). So there may be something here.

Maybe now that 360 gets attachments, I can look around SoE with thermals and other sights, as well as the IPS GG.

M envelope. Signs. Those things ↑. Gateworms. PaP. Ritual circles. ?Box (are those parasites?). Keepers. Keeper language by Swords...

Back at square one.

Time to use a shit load of "In Plain Sight" GobbleGums. Speaking of which, I wonder how it would look in "Noire Mode" using an "In Plain Sight".

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I am pretty darn convinced that SoE  is this season's Tranzit....with one very critical difference.....  they actually DID to SoE what we theorized they did in Tranzit. 3arch learned from Tranzit and realized, to "make up for it"  all they would need to do is make a map that actually DID contain secret EE(s) only to be discovered much farther down the line. So they did just that, and there is alot of evidence that points to this. The community's obsession with Tranz was a blessing and a curse to 3arch, and the only sensible way forward was to take the very idea we gave them , and implement it.

I am inclned to believe that this "bug" fix was a "low tech" way of implementing the time factor...cuz no company could ever openly admit that they kept content restricted for "thematic effect" but here it is....monhs later and we get a legit reason to continue the search  (tranz never gave us a LEGIT reason).  thoughts?

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@Jami San

I agree, you ought to have a look through the T-Virus Thread @83457 posted. As that entire thread is based solely around this knowledge, what happened in Tranzit, with everyone searching for something that didn't exist. 

To now searching Shadows of Evil for a needle in a haystack,which were not even sure exists. I am one whom believes that it does indeed exist, as I've heard the complexity of the Coding for the Plague Pods, and the rest of the Easter Egg, is more so than that of anything else pertaining to Shadows.

I feel this is in fact the real, true, Easter Egg of Shadows. If it does just so happen to turn out to be Tranzit 2.0, I'd be pretty disappointed. We've had amazing Wunder Weapons in the past, and if they were to completely remove the Arbgwaoth from the game, I'd definitely say that someone at Treyarch doesn't want people getting to High Rounds, as a lot of people here recently have started to suggest.

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I am as certain as one can be without knowing for sure, the Arbgwaoth is still there, or at least has been "returned" after a bug fix. High rounds are something players care about ( I never will understand this but to each their own ) I find it hard to believe that 3arch would alter anything in an attempt to keep the high rounders from what they do. Over 90 percent of the zombies players are not in any contention for "high round" records. The overall percieved "fun" of a map is , imo ,  based off of gameplay mechanics of round 1-30 (average), ambiance(look, sound and feel of map),  and story progression (used the term progression lightly).

I can only think of a few players that care about high rounds, and even fewer that would place the importance above the mythos(story).

I am biased however, as I see high round play as nothing more than a once in a while high score attempt, not to be tried more than a few times per map.

If 3arch fundamentally alters its game to arbitrarily reduce the high rounders top score, this would be dumbfounding.

I hope it is not the case.

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@Jami San


I agree, I'm a high round player myself, and I find it frustrating this has happened. Even in my case, I don't have internet where I live, therefore I play on the Original build the game was shipped with, I can still do the PaP glitch to get the Arbgwaoth. 

However, I tend to never do so simply because I spend more time searching for that needle. Even still after a 3 year wait to only receive Shadows and nothing else outside of DoA II, which is a really good gamemode this time around, even better than the first.

I find it a little underwhelming, if that's all there is to the map, as far as the story is concerned. This is why I truly believe the "Cocoons" are in fact in the game, possibly even the "Plague Pods" as well, maybe even both. 


As far as it (Apothicon Servant Quest) being "Removed" and put back, I think it may have just been "Glitched" due to them fixing the "Glitch" to PaP it instead of Upgrading it.

What I mean by that is, on the Original build the game was shipped with, (delete all updates & patches) no matter what you do you cannot freeze the Shadow Man, preventing the Margwa from spawning. This leads me to believe once they fixed that particular "Glitch" made this particular "Glitch" possible.


Another possibility, is that of which pertains to the Noire Mode Easter Egg, there is an ending to this particular Egg, however no-one has been able to find it/figure it out. This made everyone believe it was just a filter added to the game, similar to that of Double-Take mode on Exo-Zombies.

Which in fact it is not, the coding specifically reads zm_Noire_EE_Start/zm_Noire_EE_End. We know how to start it, but how do we end it, hopefully when the Update is released for the XBone & PC, someone will figure it out :-)

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On 2/11/2016 at 3:08 AM, Ragdo11706 said:




To state the obvious: did you mess with the RR black dot lamps?

Do so, see if these change.

Also, do these look the same every game? Can you do anything to alter them? Do they change after the rituals, pap, swords (any)?

They are near: morse code(?) RR lights, black dot lamps, M-letter dead guy, Tram.

This post was brought to you by the number 3, and the letter M.

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This is the original photo Treyarch released, before the map was ever announced/revealed. The second picture can be seen in the cutscense, I've yet to see it in game. 

The Lamps with Black Dots, do NOT exist on the Original build the game shipped with.

Although, if I had that photographers Camera, and took a picture, it would sure as shit shine like 3M.



Seriously on a side note, I just realized in the Rift where the "Sword Altar" is there are 4 crevices, 2 on either side. 3 of which are lit up, almost as if something could spawn inside 1 of them.

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Looked for those orbs last night in Ruby Rabbit,  cant see them, not there inside, and not even there when looking in from the same angle as the picture.

Many things seem different since update,  the lamps in RR with the "coasters" on the shade, are these the black dot lamps you speak of?,  and is it true that they are post update only? Cuz I see those, and thought they might be new.

Much to still be discovered, "there it is ...in black and white." + noire mode +B&W checkerboard building tops on way to footlight (which is obviously connected to noire mode(noire film))

p.s.. Do you get a green mist spraying from the ground where you put a lil arnie down? after arnie goes away , sometimes i get a green spigot of "gas" shooting from the ground , and for whatever reason I have yet to have someone else back me up on this. It is pretty common for me, and def. happens when arnie goes away.

Red widow wine drops, been seeing these for a very long time, but apparently some people said they never see them, so whats THAT about?

Edited by Jami San
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@Jami San


Haha, the checkerboard buildings, still to this day I'm like wtf is up with the checkerboarded buildings.

Yup, the game I'm.currently playing, I've got 2 green fountains spewing from Arnies, don't know why though. I've been trying to get a "Purple" one, from the Upgraded form. I swear I heard the Purple one "Growl" similar to the way he does when he's ready to be upgraded. Still haven't seen a Purple fountain though.


Yes, the black dots, or Japan's "Rising Sun" flag didn't appear on the lamps until after the first update, I've got a thread in here somewhere that's labeled; "The Infamous Black Dot lamps in Ruby Rabbit"


Definitely agree about Noire Mode, and there being something else to it, funny that you mention it, I've never thought about the Phone Booth being directly in front of those two buildings.

"There it is in Black & White" 

*Turns around looks up and sees B&W checkerboarded patterns on two buildings, which lead to cinemas during a period of Noire Films.


I was one of the first people here (on this forum) to bring up the "Red Spiders" that are dropped from Widows Wine. I also don't get why they cycle between images of Lips & something else (can't make it out).

One thing I can tell you, from experience of you pick up one of the drops, let the next Zombie that smacks you be, don't mess with it. Every time the head will explode causing the Zombie to explode in a Red type mist.

Edited by Ragdo11706
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At Jami and Ragdoll mixed points:

"There it is in black and white" i think is the correct quote (i originally said it wrong in the Noire thread. Shrug). "There it is" + Noire mode + Mystery Junction Grapple/checkered (on xbone) building = ?

The Tram has mirrored (at each end) holes at the front (rear) and one set lines up perfectly with that Ruby Rabbit window with the white 'dice' as you ride it into Canal. (Mirrored meaning that one is to the left of the center, one is to the right, otherwise they are the same hole, but at opposite end of the Tram). Maybe shoot at it through there?

Green mist fountain: just to be certain there is no confusion; Turned will also leave a green mist spot about half of a zombie high, when/where you Turn a zombie. The (oft green) purple ones in your pic look like the Arnie ones, which i think only happen on xbone. (I've seen other players videos of this).

Black dot lamps have black dots inside too.

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ragdoll 's pic shows it well (although purple ) it is not the mist from a turned Z, its more of a gassy spray that can last thru multiple rounds. never noticed the icon of the red wine drops, it was truly SO common that i didnt investgate closely, i kinda just thought they refilled MORE than the blue, but never actually checked..... lazy, wont happen again. Everything could be something.

Are the 3 of us all on dif. systems? ... Cuz that would be a fun EE hunting squad.

p.s. the location of the ritual artifacts(badge etc) DO seem intentionally within "range" of the devil o/holly cakes carts. Can anyone confirm if the keepers count toward the trip mine "upgrade"?





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Yes, keepers can be used for the Trip Mine upgrade and the Egg Statue kills.

I just used only Keepers for the Devil-O upgrade, a day or so ago. It works, I did not notice any difference after the fact.

I did not use them on the Molly's Cream Cakes Trip Mine Upgrade, yet.

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Here are the buildings, they are the two on either side of the path leading towards the Footlight District. Honestly they stick out like a sore thumb, why are just those buildings like that, makes it seem like a checkered flag/finish line.

I've never noticed anything left behind by a "Turned" Zed. 

I have noticed the "Light" on the Front/Back of the Tram. It looks similar to that of the one on the "Rocket Shield". It's definitely the same shape as the "Orb" that's shown in the picture.

*One thing I forgot, there are no "Black Dots" inside the shade when the "Dot" is NOT present on the front.


@Jami San

With the Widows Wine drops make sure you let a Z smack you, after you've picked it up. Just be sure not to shoot it or mess with it in any way.

I do believe we are all 3 on separate consoles, 360, XBone, & you are....

The Keepers do spawn relatively colse to the Doughnut carts now that you've mentioned it, I had never thought of that before, even though I've used them. Personally I believe we are actually "Destroying" the Carts, therefore we should "Destroy" the Holly carts, leaving the Devil-O. However because of there being 4 sets, maybe "Destroy" the Devil-O leaving the Hollys.

Edited by Ragdo11706
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Checkered building, viral thought: that's where the Goddard Apparatus/refill tank race ends, obviously. :)


On turned: 360, there will be a small cloud of green mist where he first becomes turned.

I know that that is not the stuff in your pictures. I was just commenting on the Turned green mist randomly.

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I'm pretty sure the green and purple fountains are just a visual glitch. I get them frequently, they will always appear directly where the lil arnie was thrown, and remind me of the visual glitch with fireworks when the animation freezes and remains for the rest of the game. You can also get rainbow zombies from the zombies that survive a lil arnie explosion in later rounds. The zombie will have a multicoloured glowing body, but the visual effect comes from the lil arnie effect and does not seem like it is intended.

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Are the buildings the same way on the 360.


Yup, right there with you. I was just pointing out the fact I had never seen a Purple one before. Than what made me even more curious once I finally did get the "Purple" one was the "Red" mixed in with it. Similar to that of the "Apothicon Servant" when firing it there's a mixture of "Red & Purple", at least after the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote.


On a completely unrelated note, did you guys see the Video that guy posted, showing the PaP being Purple, along with the "Cursed" Symbol.

Im not saying it's "Real", even if it's fake, I find it weird how the flames are the same color Purple when you place the Gateworms, as the Energy inside the PaP.

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