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Examining the Roman Latin tombstone in PaP room


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After doing some research I've discovered that this is a Roman tombstone inscribed in Latin.



The characters I read on the inscription are:
(and feel free to double-check my work here...)

 D M

Understanding the Inscription

Since the tombstones were short on space, traditionally the texts were abbreviations that any literate Roman could read.  
Unfortunately I don't understand this dead language. So I would appreciate if anyone more familiar with the Latin language could interpret these abbreviated inscriptions further and share their work. 

This video and website explains how to decode these latin tombstones


At the top of the headstone you see D M
D M stands for "Dis Manibus", meaning roughtly "for the gods of the ghosts" (a dedication to the Underworld gods).

The second line should be the name of the deceased.

Other lines may include information such as the name of the father of the deceased, tribe, birthplace, surname, military rank, status, or profession, how many years the person lived, how many years the person served in the military, and lastly, the name of the heir that completed the tombstone.


Here is a IRL example of a ancient Roman tombstone:

    Titus POMPEIVS
    Titi Filius VOLtina tribv VI-
    ANa MILes LEGionis XVI
    ANnorum XXXX STIPendiorum
    XIX Hic Situs Est hERES POSu

(source:http://www.livius.org/mo-mt/mogontiacum/mainz_tombstones.html )


One thing that is throwing me off about the SoE tombstone though is that traditionally the words on a Roman tombstone are separated by dots, and I'm not seeing any symbols to represent where abbreviated words begin and end.  Also, other than the D M at the top, I'm not able to identify any of the texts with common latin abbreviations.  So I'm not sure if the texts in the SoE tombstonere were actually meant to be translated into anything meaningful or not.  It might just be a prop linked to the Primis ancients seen on the rock-wall murals in the same room.


Other example of Latin used in the game:

Not sure if it's meaningful to the discussion or not, but I also wanted to point out that this isn't the first time we've seen latin within the game:

This ignomo jubilus note was found in Kino and Five
ignomo jubilus - which has been debated to either mean "A Discgrace's, Joy" or "laugable mistake"



ACTO-MORTIS found on the Moon loading screen
Acto Mortis - meaning "Act Dead"


- Mix

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I applaud your effort, but I don't believe the tombstone was meant to convey anything meaningful. I studied Latin for three years, and I can tell you it is one of the most faked languages in all of media. I don't know whether it just stems from lorem ipsum or what, but I can't name a franchise, save Monty Python, that actually used it correctly.

I'd outright say it is bunk if it weren't the abbreviation thing you investigated. That is something I was not familiar with, but I figure it can be quite difficult to work backwards with them. I understand that Treyarch can make some really convoluted ciphers sometimes, but I think in this case they're just assorted letters. Perhaps the more important fact is that it is a Roman tombstone than what it actually says?

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10 minutes ago, MysteryMachineX said:

Perhaps the more important fact is that it is a Roman tombstone than what it actually says?

I feel like I'm at the same conclusion. And I appreciate the input.

So the question becomes WHY is it there?  I have some ideas...

Notice it's on an altar table.  In a magick sense, items placed on an altar table typically represent a person to be sacrificed, or are possessions of a person who's spirit you are trying to channel.

Also, there are a number of loose pieces of evidence in the game that suggest this zombie war has been going on since ancient times.  For example the rock wall murals on the walls of this room depict our (Primis) 04 as medieval templar knights battling the forces of evil.  Maybe this tombstone is nothing more than another subtle clue to this part of the story from ancient times?



- Mix

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