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Dempsey could be the Frankeinstein monster ?


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For those who doesn't know, we think that there will be a Frankeinstein monster in the map (we can see him in the trailer etc). Also there is several references to Frankeinstein (the book of Buried, the numbers next to Dempsey in the posters which are connected to Luigi Galvani's experiences etc).

A friend of mine and I, today we have discovered something very interesting, if you look at the forehead of Dempsey in the poster : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CY_4bN7WcAEKF8G.jpg he got several scars in his forehead, as if it was operated, so he could be the Frankenstein monster...

Also if you look well, you can see the later "LR" in his forhead...


Edited by Difintel
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7 hours ago, Matuzz said:

I think those are just wrinkles that happen to be like that in the cartoonish art style chosen for the poster.

Who thought this at the beginning, but nop, look at the others characters, it's not like that. Also, he got this wrinkles of cartoonish art style, but he also gots scars which are very more marked than the wrinkles...

5 hours ago, Caddycrasher38 said:

i truly hope there is no  frankeinstien monster. to me that would completely ruin zombies for me. This is Zombies... we play to kill zombies not monsters. i dont care for the margwas or some of the other bosses but can deal with them i guess but , frankeinstien???? come on

There are too many references to Frankeinstein in this map, I don't think it's a coincidence, but I'm agree with you.

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From what I heard, the guy on the front of the poster is not Dempsey. It's supposedly the lead singer from the band, Ice Nine Kills, which is doing the, I'm assuming, EE song or Intro song. Here is the video I heard this from.


Edited by TheVGExpert
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On 1/26/2016 at 1:38 PM, Tac said:

@Difintel What are all the references to Frankenstein? I'm not convinced yet that it plays a role.

@TheVGExpert I personally don't think a lot of time should be spent thinking about who the person on the poster is. Dempsey seems like the best (and easiest) answer to me.

I too am curious about these apparent references as well, as I've kept up on all the news, images and videos for the map and haven't caught that at all. I also will assume that's Dempsey that was just made to look edgier and I really don't want another Ricthofen on the Ascension poster debate for this. 

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On 1/29/2016 at 7:22 PM, Kill_All_Monkeys said:

I too am curious about these apparent references as well, as I've kept up on all the news, images and videos for the map and haven't caught that at all. I also will assume that's Dempsey that was just made to look edgier and I really don't want another Ricthofen on the Ascension poster debate for this. 

I believe the only evidence was the (supposed) numbers on the poster, of 12 29 17 89 or something, and that date was related to Frankenstein. But, there may be something else, so I always ask haha.

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1 hour ago, The Meh said:

...or resurrected. Or however the story goes.

But you get the point.

But he will be by the end of this map. Not that I endorse this theory, because it makes no sense. Oh and dude, you need to stop double posting XD

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