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Here it is guys enjoy! Make sure to check out my channel for more. :) 


1. Start up the game using the low level account (controller 1)
2. Enter MP menu and sign in to high level account (controller 2)
3. Back out controller 2 from party
4. USING CONTROLLER 1, Back out to main menu [The one where the "press x to start" appears]
5. Once in the main menu, press x to start USING CONTROLLER 2 [Black screen will appear]
6. You will get an error message, accept USING CONTROLLER 2
7. Immediately after, quickly double tap x USING CONTROLLER 1 [You will hear a clicking sound]
8. Soon after hearing the 'clicking' notification, spam x USING CONTROLLER 2 until you get a "Connecting to Online Service" message
9. Once you see the message stated above, spam x again, but this time with CONTROLLER 1, keeping pressing x until you see it signed in at the menu with the other account
10. Join a game and get a kill to get the prestige to stick!  

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On 12/5/2015, 5:56:09, backtotech said:

Here it is guys enjoy! Make sure to check out my channel for more. :) 


1. Start up the game using the low level account (controller 1)
2. Enter MP menu and sign in to high level account (controller 2)
3. Back out controller 2 from party
4. USING CONTROLLER 1, Back out to main menu [The one where the "press x to start" appears]
5. Once in the main menu, press x to start USING CONTROLLER 2 [Black screen will appear]
6. You will get an error message, accept USING CONTROLLER 2
7. Immediately after, quickly double tap x USING CONTROLLER 1 [You will hear a clicking sound]
8. Soon after hearing the 'clicking' notification, spam x USING CONTROLLER 2 until you get a "Connecting to Online Service" message
9. Once you see the message stated above, spam x again, but this time with CONTROLLER 1, keeping pressing x until you see it signed in at the menu with the other account
10. Join a game and get a kill to get the prestige to stick!  


@Stop Mocking Me0 is right, cheap lame ass way to prestige, play the game and achieve something ffs.

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