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So I was thinking today (Yes I actually think from time to time) and I realize that all of us have different preferences in what we believe is true. Some of us believe maxis shot himself while others believe marlton is from 2025. So lets share our own personal Headcanons.

In my Headcanon when group 935 allied themselves with the Nazi's they had Jews Shipped from the camps to the Moon in order to use them as sacrifices or

They took patients from Verrukt and if they had any leftovers then they would just send them back to the asylum because no one would believe an insane person's claims that scientists were killing people on the moon.

In my personal headcanon. The Origins characters are the true main characters of the story, not the original characters. The old timeline is a disaster that needs to be prevented so the Origins characters left writings on the wall to guide you along your journey. However the Origins characters are stuck in an infinite loop trying to fix this.

In my personal Headcanon I like to believe the teddy bear is alive and has a consciousness 


So, any personal headcanons you have that you can't really prove but you like to believe this is how it happened?

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I got one that I can kinda prove but whenever I start making the post I am too lazy to finish it. I think Kino der Toten is after all of the other maps we've had and the characters have already been to Moon and stuff but have got Richtofen back and Samantha is back in control. Also I think Kino is set after the rockets hit.

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That Call of the Dead, Shangri-La and Moon/Nuketown are 2011. TranZit, Die Rise, Buried are 2025.

That there is no canon end to Buried yet.

This is short, sweet, and basically undeniable. I shall quote this as my own headcanon. 

I believe the O4 are the NO4, simply altered by the changes of time; I believe Old Richtofen knew something we don't yet know he knew. 935 is associated with Nazi Germany; Richtofen and Maxis were both psychologically compromised, and that Maxis was killed near the MPD. 

1. SNN (Sept. '45)

2. Der Riese (Sept '45)

3. Ascension/Five (Early 60s')

4. Kino (Early '60s')

5. Call of the Dead (2011)

6. Shangri-La (2011)

7. Moon/Nuketown/Green Run/Die Rise/Buried (2025)



Edited by NaBrZHunter
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I also think both Grief and turned are canon but I am not sure whether that might actually be true yet or not because of what they said at Comic Con.

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I also think both Grief and turned are canon but I am not sure whether that might actually be true yet or not because of what they said at Comic Con.

it wouldn't even matter if they were though, because they don't add anything to the story. They would just be filler.

I never said it would, its just head canon it doesn't have to be important to the story. Well it actually kind of is because it explains partly the struggle between Maxis and Richtofen for power.

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I also think both Grief and turned are canon but I am not sure whether that might actually be true yet or not because of what they said at Comic Con.

it wouldn't even matter if they were though, because they don't add anything to the story. They would just be filler.


I never said it would, its just head canon it doesn't have to be important to the story. Well it actually kind of is because it explains partly the struggle between Maxis and Richtofen for power.

In my head cann Grief takes place before tranzit when each area is quarantined and groups are fighting among themselves

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I also think both Grief and turned are canon but I am not sure whether that might actually be true yet or not because of what they said at Comic Con.

it wouldn't even matter if they were though, because they don't add anything to the story. They would just be filler.


I never said it would, its just head canon it doesn't have to be important to the story. Well it actually kind of is because it explains partly the struggle between Maxis and Richtofen for power.

In my head cann Grief takes place before tranzit when each area is quarantined and groups are fighting among themselves

Thats what mine is as well except CIA follow Richtofen, CDC follow Maxis and they get teleported to Buried to stop their infinite fighting at Tranzit and to light the last tower while the N4 do the others but they eventually get locked in battle again and fail so they are just killed off.

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Childhood Headcanon: A Look Back At How I interpreted the Zombies Story Line Before Visiting CoDZ.com 

WaW: As a child, it's hard to say the feelings that stirred in me as I learned from my cousin that a Ray Gun had existed in Nacht. Plus, after having spent most of my beginning play-throughs in the first room, I was surprised to hear about a Mystery Box and Open-able Doors or Debris. Nevertheless, the new-found knowledge made me and my cousins stronger as we learned the new camping strategies that would mold our play-style up until Black Ops. The story at this time was non-existant. At the least, we knew they were Nazis. So naturally, the conspiracy ship was the first to sail. Upon the release of Verruct, the story began itself as something twisted. Believed to be "the beginning" of some type of experimental onslaught, I couldn't understand what the story was leading to. The excitement was in the mystery, much like the box. The blood on the walls had many curiosities and told (apparently) many stories. None of which could've made any sense at the time. However, once Shi No Numa made it to the scene, the playing field was changed. Introducing new characters with bios and a map with the most savory wonder weapon in the history of Treyarch Zombies. Shi No Numa was thought to be the initial beginning of these new characters. I had always thought along with my colleagues (cousins) that the four different areas of Shi No Numa contain various jewels about our characters. The story now in my mind was still far out of grasp from understanding or comprehension. What was believed at the time was what the story is now. A simple curse of an ancient origin that later will be explained. Most likely by the Nazi. Finally, Der Riese came along and once again changed the game. This map truly identified with Richtofen as his map. He knew about the Monkey Bombs, the previous Wonderwaffe, and insinuated knowledge about the teleporters and power. For me, Richtofen at this point was running the show. He was essentially the leader of the troop. As magnificently placed radios were discovered, paw prints, writings, and various twisted imaged discovered, the story began to mold into the general idea that we have today. However, the curiosity surrounding the newly introduced Maxis and Samantha was leaving me in a state of want.

Black Ops: Needless to say, Kino Der Toten was what I wanted so eagerly. Although I never got a chance to listen to the hidden radios, I was able to listen to the film reels. The story from this point forward along with the comic books exciting debut was becoming more clear as the maps were released. It was linear and had a conclusion. The canon story for Kino Der Toten, with the given evidence of the comic book and the film reels, was that someone of a Nazi background was experimenting in the theatre. The photos that were later discovered that are now today a topic of the shadow man, were of a curiosity but then again of a certainty. The nazi who lead the experiments in the theatre had knowledge of the four including the shadow faced picture. (As I recall the map and the story; is it possible it was Maxis? and the rooms you teleport to are just Samanthas room at different points in time? Possible to say that we followed Maxis from Der Riese? Did Samanthas room at the end of Origins look like a room from Kino?) Anyways, the story was beginning to pick up right off the bat. Now, I hadn't discovered Five until after Ascension and struck me as something of a Hidden Jewel. At the time the Map had almost no story other than the beginning cut scene. However, the map in itself explained a lot for future games. For example, if Five was in fact canon then it's possible to say that the U.S. was experimenting with the "Disease" and had bases around the states not just at the pentagon. This theory would explain all the events in Tranzit and any further events in the U.S. like Nuketown. I digress, Five was mysterious and chock full of things to be discovered and they were. Pictures of what we believed was Richtofen and the shadow figure. I must say that at the time my believed canon was that the shadow figure was Maxis but at this point story still needs 'splainin'. Ascension's rise (HOH) was inevitable. The "Story" Easter Egg made it a shoe-in for hardcore fans looking for answers. The beginning wasn't clear, the comic had secrets. We came flying into the map on a Lunar Lander... Awesome. However, after cumming to the ideas of a Lunar Landing intro, one must begin to wonder how we got to this point and how the color can just turn off with power. For me, it was a beginning that was as memorable as Nacht. Finding that first Teddy with his Sickle made it feel like there WAS a demon named Teddy. He was trying to get us! However even with a claim like that as a youngster I had to second guess my assumptions. As the Easter Egg hunt slowly carried on, the story was unraveling. Mysterious radios containing voices of people and persons who were never previously mentioned. New intel, new data, and new ideas about Samantha. For me, I would look up to the moon and feel that Samantha would get us. Honest to your God, as a youngster playing Ascension I feared the moon for no reason. I would look up, feel anxiety and look back down and continue my Thundergun train. Ahh... Trains... Now, the story at this point in terms of the map was that Samantha is some type of spirit and she is haunting Gersch. We free him, yadda yadda and she says come find me. I was always one of the ones that said there's more to Ascension because I honestly thought there was. My playthrough of the easter egg left orbs all over the map. At the time, I felt there was so much left but I was never introduced to Tranzit. Next was Call of the Dead. Such an enlightening map. The radios scattered all over the map featuring our Nazi fiend helped explain our four heroes beginnings. However, didn't explain the Shi No Numa beginning. In my head, I just thought that Nazis are fucked up and so is Richtofen. At least he wasn't involved with NASA.  The story in CotD was clear as it was funny. Our Four Original heroes are trapped and now need help from outsiders with no experience. Although the helping and such was pointless, the meaty story piece was that Rod. OOH!! Zat long ROD! Wasn't really long, more of a devil's double-edged dildo. Anyways, were it came from was the most curious thing I ever wanted to know. Was it some type of extraterrestrials? Was it from that trippy looking monster with a green light outside the map? My childhood mind was on a train ride. Then, Shangri-La. What was once a conversation with friends regarding the Hallow Earth Theory has now become a topic of Zombies Story Discussion, a discussion that was now at this point being had on a world wide stage. It was hard to believe that Treyarch was getting away with so much in a gamemode that was now getting attention from all sixes. Illuminati references, conspiracy references, demonic references, and now Shangri-La. In my mind, it was my destiny to learn about the Illuminati and the world and the theories of Earth all because of this one Map. Shangri-La. The story at this point was clear and concise. Richtofen needs this, so do this. However, learning that Brock and Gay Gary were involved made the story that much more interesting. (Just for those who believe Shangri La is another planet, how is it possible that Brock and Gary, with the type of equipment they had, are space marines? Plus it is not mentioned anywhere besides a pyramid looking shit on the moon comic.) Our journey in saving Brock and Gary was both rewarding and frustrating. The conclusion to a complicated side story is complimented with a rush to get the meteor. All in all the story was now hinged on what we would do with these objects. Moon came to be as the finale for the story and was something of a reward for our hard work as Easter Egg hunters and story goers. A fantastic journey around the map featuring riddles, new perks, new abilities, new weapons, and new gravitational anomalies. It was confirmation that our Nazi fiend, Richtofen, and Project Paperclip had a correlation. The story in my mind was that Samantha and Maxis bad, Richtofen Guten! I still felt that way until Tranzit because of the way Maxis laughed when he blew up the Earth. The laugh was totally Super Villainous. With the story complete for this season, I was prepared for another round of Zombies come the next Treyarch title. Little did I know that the title would be Treyarch's first attempt at an overt Zombies mode instead of a covert mode. As in, Zombies had it's own picture on the back of the game.

Black Ops 2: Hailed by the fans as "Bad" or "Completely Lacking", the zombies was just that. However, the story was on top once again with mystery and confusion. In my mind, I hailed Black Ops 2 Zombies as "Outrageously Creative" and "Different". I always loved things that stuck out from the norm so I felt in love with the way Black Ops 2 WAS going. Starting off in a Bus Depot with only the voice of Maxis screaming "FINISH THE DEVICE, FUCK!" is fantastically exhilarating. It's also exhausting. However, the story was that these four are divided. Marlton and Misty against Brock- I mean Russman and Stuh-notagermanlastname-linger. Maxis against Richtofen. The clear plans at the time related to the pylon but gave no real reward. No real confirmation of completion other than the achievement. Fans were disappointed. I was anticipating the next map. During the Tranzit "illusion" I would visit Black Ops 2's website in search for some closure in the Tranzit map. Someone to say, "It's all bullshit". However, all were lost in the illusion that there is more. Some still are lost. Next was the infamous Die Rise. It's name alone insinuates a type of racism that is only felt out of confusion. The map was difficult, unappealing, and very closed. It gave me a lot of claustrophobia. The PhD Easter Egg was funny but nonetheless a little too close to a middle finger. The story Easter Egg was just as much of a middle finger because of how unresponsive the egg was to its own triggers but nonetheless the canon in my mind was still the same. These four misfits are helping these two misfits and only one misfit will win. As Die Rise was out the story in my mind was in a place of worry. Worriment that this story would just be a linear no-good story that directs our characters to do the same thing three times but in different ways each time. Suddenly, that thought disappeared as Mob of the Dead was leaked. I got all wet from the thought of playing as Sal DeLuca the actor who I know best from Night at the Roxbury, the club Owner. The story was weird and obviously demonic and satanic and all the rest of it but most of all it was touching. To see that when you would go down, your character would have regret. As if those who made this map had to prove that they could tell a fantastic story, give the characters emotion, and still have fun mechanics all in one map. They had to pick up the slack from the previous maps. Anyways, the story was clear and we all know how it goes. It's story is all explained and laid out clearly. The conclusion is the player's decision to either let Weasel live or die. Which was presumably the foreshadowing to... Buried. The 'Almost Done' map that I thought needed a final conclusion. In terms of canon, for me Richtofen's victory is far superior to Maxis'. However, I believed that both endings could exist simultaneously just like two Nikolais may be able to exist in the same map simultaneously. However, these thoughts are left alone until... Black Ops 3. It was during Origins that began to visit CoDZ.com to hear the views of others. It was at the same time I began to read your views that I stopped visiting because it ruined the fun for me. Anyways, the canon story in my mind for Origins was that this was an alternate universe. An idea that I agreed with when some folks thought it up here. However, the ideas surrounding how the Alternate four get to alternate Der Riese can possible be explained by the Teleporter they enter at the end of Origins. Again, that is a conclusion that has been left up to Black Ops 3. 

So, as a child the fun was real and now the story is real... Really crazy. The zombies story line has brought focus to things that need focus and  has brought light to subjects that need light. If the story doesn't make sense than so be it. So long as these subjects retain their light and focus is not strayed away from the overall message of corruption and secrecy that wholeheartedly exists in this day and age.

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