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Ok, so first a quick shout out to resortified on youtube for finding this out. 

Many of us have found these "purple fountains" and assumed that they are connected to the kraken mode much like afterlife mode is connected to the wall panels. However, I don't think this is the case. 


If you look at the reveal, and I'm amazed no one has found this yet, there's a trash can! When the cop is running by it in the first frame, it has a lid on it, and it appears to have tentacles poking out of it. HOWEVER once the kraken form is taken, there's no more lid on the trashcan!


You can view his video for finding this out. Any ideas on this? 

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Trash-squid sounds like a good nickname for that 3 headed creature.

But on a serious note, I can't believe no one has really picked up on this before. The player didn't appear to interact with the trashcan as he transformed but the lid was clearly removed once he entered this new afterlife mode. Maybe it's activated by proximity, like you have to interact with the fountains first and then once you get within range of these trashcans it activates the new mode. Great observation by him though.

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Trash-squid sounds like a good nickname for that 3 headed creature.

But on a serious note, I can't believe no one has really picked up on this before. The player didn't appear to interact with the trashcan as he transformed but the lid was clearly removed once he entered this new afterlife mode. Maybe it's activated by proximity, like you have to interact with the fountains first and then once you get within range of these trashcans it activates the new mode. Great observation by him though.

Perhaps it's just a matter of indicator, which we can't see. Plus there's a weird cut forward in the trailer. 

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I think that if u want to enter this new afterlife mode you have to kill that 3headed alian and it would be pretty cool if we have to do somethig to like release him so we fight him (like the tranzit boss) also it would be cool or challenging that when we kill him he like blows up and those flying stuff that we see in the trailer come out of him

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It is possible that when you release the kraken that once it's killed by anyone you all get the tentecle mode for a short time... However, it's shown that Cthulhu has it's own round, which means that we'd have to wait X amount of rounds to use the mode and, I presume, use the mode to turn on key items like perks and the PAP. I'm not too up for that.

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