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Game Modes + Maps

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I will be talking about variety of game modes and maps that effect why you may have a bad or good k/d. Remember this is my opinion which I experience each game mode played in bo2 and how it has effect me greatly.


Team-death Match

This is quick progress with few flaws and more chance of kills with every weapon. TDM is that game mode great for all shapes of killing. Though there are few cons I will share. It mostly depends on the map and team work. Large maps may contain more AR, LMGs, and Snipers while smaller maps have SMG and Shotguns. I've mostly been an LMG Master in CoD mp but I hate objective base game although i'm great at protecting my team. This is where team work falls into play. Never be a lone wolf here since there is always going to be that guy who kills you by chance. Even though you may die your team mate can still finish the job with you getting assist and point for the team. No team means your going to lose with a low k/d.


Same situation as TDM but FFA is straight up death match. This is all about getting in the top three. In this game you need to be quick and stealthy in order to survive. Which means more smg, ar, and pistols will be used to gain the lead. Also in every corner there are enemies since spawns are more focus on player location! So spawn trapping is big here. Be silence and quick to shun all with shame in to victory. Maps don't really apply only forcovering and hiding in corners so watch your back!

Kill Confirmed

this game mode came straight from mw3 as a fan favorite but now the idea may not been so wise.

This has so many flaws its not even fun game mode anymore. A lot of people will stay never player tags instead of getting them for more kills. High annoying kill-streaks are spammed with snipers mostly used on any range maps. Snipers love this game mode more then their sniper. Also no team work is applied against kill-streaks since the tags will distract them. That gold tag is a token only for death! Beware of this game mode unless you got quick reaction time and team work!


Fast pace objective game mode with mostly all weapons used. Explosives are mostly used here to protect that bomb site. When its a small map spawn trapping is extreme here. Only one spawn point and no switching. You need a class for getting out of spawn traps is my suggestion and beware of nuketown! Nuketown with this game mode is a gamble to kills.


You want compact heat with bullets flying when they see that flashing sign? Well you found one hell of a ride here friendo. Explosives are used here expectantly c4 storm! Large maps are great for fun with a party. Small maps are when you need to get serious and get that B flag! You control B you control the map. Everyone will use everything to get a flag or prevent getting it stolen.

Ground War

No map is safe from all enemies. Snipers love this map as well as Lmgs. Yes this is one game mode I've enjoy for a long time. Now I don't well you can guess why snipers.

This game mode is even more in tense then free for all and Domination put together. You will die at a point but you can get a rapid kill if the sniper don't get it first. This map I recommend for parties as some games I will say later.

Hard point

Imagine moving point to point with your smg and ar camping for those points with bonus points to kill streaks. It's like having hard line built into the game, oh wait it is in the game. Team Work is best with two people at the hard point and others protecting them. Small maps are chaotic with explosive used and shotguns running into for a suicide kill. C4 Storm is applied into the topic as well but maybe rpg fans though. Hard point is great for earning kill streaks mostly like kill confirmed except not ruin by snipers.

Search and Destroy

Extreme camping until its the last man alive. You use anything you got but mostly team work. This is populated with mics and trash talking. I tend to stay away from SnD due to trash talk and only went in once! You only got 4 rounds and 1 life each round so a lot can happen. Mostly people go hunt for people instead of planting the bomb which is smart. Like I said "A lot can happen in 5 minutes!" Maps play a huge part for camping to ninja defuses. Large maps may take longer while short maps means quick deaths unless one whole team camps.


Team-Death Match

Same thing as core except no hud, extra bullet damage, and uav spammers. This is best for camping or prone moving around. Not much people play this since camping gets involved. Though in my opinion this is great for leveling up guns to diamond camo if you can rush without getting shot ;). Maps apply big in HC so use the map to your advantage.

Kill confirmed

Its a lot better then core version since a lot of people are on their toes. Maps are still a big advantage. Snipers are not shown much in HC so thank god.

Search and Destroy

A lot of tense camping with rush is applied here. Hiding is best option when you feel comfortable to move otherwise go with your gut.

Party games

One in the Chamber

Maps don't matter much in here since there's a continuous uav up and only got 4 lives left. One bullet which means accuracy matters otherwise its a knife war.

Gun Game

cycle threw weapons with each kill with the ballistic knife the last weapon. No score streaks and a lot of red dots popping up. The map matters here if you can read the radar right. Spawn trap and setbacks are the only issues in the game but its normal. Get past this and this is one fun game to play.

Sharp Shooter

Another cycle weapon game base on timer and your skills with the game with attachment. Same situation as gun game which can be fun.

Sticks and Stones

Accuracy is the only thing that matters here. All weapons most require skill on accurate and predicting enemy movement. The map doesn't matter since its the same as one in the chamber, a continuous uav.


NukeTown 24/7

Pretty much nuketown mapp all the time with various game modes, so moist pit with nuketown only. This only shows up during double xp weekend.

Arms Race

This pretty much TDM but with a higher chance of getting kill-streaks faster then hard point or kill confirmed. Nothing to talk about maps since its rushing with smgs and light weapons.

I know moist pit is not in here since I truly hate it. Not fun anymore when they get firing range mostly as map vote. Anyway hope this helps a little when choosing a game mode with map vote. I've tired each game mode but the best is to what fits your play style. Mine is defeating my team and nailing people with my lmgs which made me decided tdm is best to me. Yes I've been mostly in MP section since I've taken a break from zombies due to my urge to get at least one diamond camo gun.

This is CZ "Making The Ground Crimpson"

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I actually enjoyed reading this and your other Multiplayer one. I'm not the biggest MP fan, but I do like to play when I'm tired of Zombies.

Gotta confess, I am one of those Snipers on Kill Confirmed. Only temporary though haha. Just need the Ballista at Gold, and I am finally done with Snipers altogether. Not my favourite playstyle, holding back and fighting from afar. But I can't quickscope or any of that fancy stuff, so it's really my only option for them.

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Yeah probably the only reason i get campers is since I got a big gun that can do a lot of damage. :lol: Ah thw werid power of lmgs


I don't mind that I just hate getting quick scope by somebody 2 feet away from me. Some snipers I enjoy having others are a pain. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn near everything you said about these game modes is agreeable. However, I rarely run into campers in HC TDM, which is saying something considering it's basically the only game mode I play now. :P

Perhaps I'm just lucky?

Yeah there are a lot of campers in Hardcore Team Death. If I play Hardcore I prefer Kill Confirmed. More points and usually a few less campers. That's my favorite playlist actually, along with (regular) Domination. I know it is in the Hardcore playlist too but I just seem to prefer regular Domination to it.

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