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Hip fire too extreme in bo2?

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Okay I find this amusing and BS by all means. I used a crossbow all the time while ads other wise there's no point in using it. But today tiring hip firing with a crossbow was more easy to get kills then ads. It's like using my sights is the opposite of why I need them. Even when I put tri-bolt on the ads sucks but what you know hip fire gets me a kill and no dead in the process. Then I tried this with pistols and I get head-shots and less it marks with a faster trigger finger! I've never seen hip firing to be more useful then ads. So I want you guys to ty this experiment as well.

Cod4 hip-firing

Hip firing sucked unless you got steady aim perk on. You missed a lot more and get few hit markers. Bad idea for hip firing at all when playing a match.


Hip fire has improved with less hit markers but still not suggested unless with a shotgun and steady aim perk. Also smg and pistols allowed duel hip firing which was fun for going Rambo. The spray how ever was ridicules which does out of cross hair borders.


Hip firing was only best with smgs since the others sucked when hip firing which is the same boat as cod 4.


Hip firing has improved a lot with all weapon types but prefer to ads. Hip firing is a must in cqc battles if you wished to win. Cross hairs get smaller if you use the perk stead aim. Greay improvement thanks to treyarch.


Hip firing is out outrageous from medium to small range battles. But the down fall was the hit markers show up more and give you less odds of killing someone with a weak damage weapon.


Hip firing perk is now an attachment called laser sight. The maps are medium to small range mostly. Now when hip firing the spray does go every where for a shotgun but the others it's like ads. So when hip firing the range is extreme and less hit markers show up compare to ads. Ads is only suggested when people head glitch other wise its ads with hip fire. Hip firing is used mostly since ads takes 2-3 second with quick-draw while hip fire is only 1 to shot to spray. Also its a lot more accurate then before but ads is still accurate by all means.

The Experiment

Use any weapon excluding specials(crossbow doesn't count) and lauchers. Just hip fire for one game and then after that play it normal with ads. Compare the two videos in theater mode and how insane this can be. Then decide if you should hip fire more then ads or Ads more then hip fire. If you like post your results or drop a comment about the topic.

This is CZ "Making The Ground Crimpson". Thanks for the tamb monkey bomb :D .

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The fact that they added a laser sight attachment to sniper rifles is baffling. At this point, it's no longer about aiming but hoping that your spray will take down the opponent. People actually play around with snipers more than they have ever before.

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The fact that they added a laser sight attachment to sniper rifles is baffling. At this point, it's no longer about aiming but hoping that your spray will take down the opponent. People actually play around with snipers more than they have ever before.

Well actually it's the same as using a sniper rifle and Steady Aim in previous games, and even with that advantage, hip firing will always be a bad idea outside of super close range as it is completely random where the bullet will go. A laser sight enhances the chances but with crosshairs that large, you'll still miss most of the time.

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