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Underground Theory... (Train)??


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When in theater mode if you take the camera and go to nacht you can glitch it out of the map right by the wind farm. Once out of the map you can take the camera to the bottom (of the map). But you can only move around the Corn Field, Nacht, and Farm. If you try and take it past any of those spots you hit a "wall". I think there may be more to the map underground... possibly a train. What are your guys' thoughts?

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When in theater mode if you take the camera and go to nacht you can glitch it out of the map right by the wind farm. Once out of the map you can take the camera to the bottom (of the map). But you can only move around the Corn Field, Nacht, and Farm. If you try and take it past any of those spots you hit a "wall". I think there may be more to the map underground... possibly a train. What are your guys' thoughts?

Train? Where is this sudden idea of there being a train underground coming from? The only relevant trains around the map are their carts busted along the route between the tower/Nacht and the power station.

It is very unlikely that a train exists underground. It's just an invisible barrier made to prevent the player from hitting a drop-off zone or simply just...a wall.

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When in theater mode if you take the camera and go to nacht you can glitch it out of the map right by the wind farm. Once out of the map you can take the camera to the bottom (of the map). But you can only move around the Corn Field, Nacht, and Farm. If you try and take it past any of those spots you hit a "wall". I think there may be more to the map underground... possibly a train. What are your guys' thoughts?

Train? Where is this sudden idea of there being a train underground coming from? The only relevant trains around the map are their carts busted along the route between the tower/Nacht and the power station.

It is very unlikely that a train exists underground. It's just an invisible barrier made to prevent the player from hitting a drop-off zone or simply just...a wall.

Look around, multiple people have confirmed the sound of an underground train in the Bar at Town. There is also rumors of a scream coming from the Laundromat (i think).

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People have been reporting of a train noise coming from town. Also people have been exploring the map and reporting that if they hack the code to remove the fog, they can never get the pack a punch room to load which is underground.

Train noise? You sure nobody is mistaking it for the bus when it is a good distance away?

As for the unloaded PaP room when fog is missing, it could be that the code is linked in some external file associated with the fog; kinda like a compiled code. As a coder myself, sometimes it's very easy to erase just a small, tiny snippet of a "

Anyways, the sound could possibly be nothing more than the honking of the bus from far away. If there were some kind of underground train, I'm sure that someone would have picked up on it earlier.

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I think it could be a train. They might've added it in with the patch to give us extra clues, we are obviously struggling at the moment.

We need a video to confirm it though, a few people have said they can hear it if they go into theatre mode without any zombies, people or the bus nearby.

In my mind, I thought to myself "Aha! The crew could have traveled by train!". Then I slapped myself for thinking such a thing. :( You do have a point about the patch though, so why not try?

I'm currently playing a game of Tranzit just to test this out, and I have not heard a single sound of a train. Some randoms are hitting the glitch spot so I don't have any zombies with me at the moment. But I do hear what seems to be like a muffled scream (probably a zombie).

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After the game, go into theatre mode and go into the bar when there is absolutely no people or zombies around, and just leave it there.

Also with the new patch there is (apparently) lessened fog. Does it seem less dense to you?

I have about 15 minutes now till i head off to bed, I'm gonna quickly read up on the Patch notes for the most recent patch and see what i find.

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After the game, go into theatre mode and go into the bar when there is absolutely no people or zombies around, and just leave it there.

Also with the new patch there is (apparently) lessened fog. Does it seem less dense to you?

I have about 15 minutes now till i head off to bed, I'm gonna quickly read up on the Patch notes for the most recent patch and see what i find.

I'll do that once this match is over, haha. Damn randoms haven't went down once and I'm over here begging for them to open up the PaP room every 5 minutes, haha.

The fog seems standard to me. Although the some areas (like before the power station and cabin area) seem a bit dispersed and more clear, everything is of the same quality.

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After the game, go into theatre mode and go into the bar when there is absolutely no people or zombies around, and just leave it there.

Also with the new patch there is (apparently) lessened fog. Does it seem less dense to you?

I have about 15 minutes now till i head off to bed, I'm gonna quickly read up on the Patch notes for the most recent patch and see what i find.

I'll do that once this match is over, haha. Damn randoms haven't went down once and I'm over here begging for them to open up the PaP room every 5 minutes, haha.

The fog seems standard to me. Although the some areas (like before the power station and cabin area) seem a bit dispersed and more clear, everything is of the same quality.

Okay, thanks :) They haven't put anything specific in the patch regarding anything to do with zombies, just fixes for Multiplayer from what i have read so far. Said something in there about EMP's but i'm pretty sure thats just a multiplayer fix.

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I've been under the map in theater a few times (just now, actually) and there are a lot of invisible barriers everywhere. I don't think it means anything other than blocking off where the playable areas are. The barriers for the playable areas simply go under the map, too.

As far as the PaP room... it's there. You can see most of it. The windows are visible, some of the debris, blood smears. It's not like it just doesn't exist in theater or something (I did see the video where Spider was talking about this, BTW. He must be misinformed)... it's just that you can't see the walls from the outside. That's because there are no outside walls. It's underground, so since you're outside of it, it's not rendering the inside walls. I would upload a vid to prove it, but when you glitch out the fog and record in Theater, the fog is there again when you play it back.

I'll go back in and check for this "train" sound, though I haven't heard anything like that before. If I can find it I'll post a video.

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Hold on- yes, I hear it. And I did hear it earlier when I was glitching around the map. When they said "Train", I was thinking a whistle of some sort. This is more of a rumbling, mechanical... well... yeah, it sounds like a train. It builds, then lasts for quite a while.

When I first heard it I found it odd, but I was glitching under the map and thought maybe it was the bus.... then kind of forgot about it.

I'll see if I can get it to show up in a rendered video and start a thread of it if I can.

Edit- Video rendering now. Incoming. I'm also going to check an old game and make sure it was something added with the patch... though I assume it was if nobody ever noticed it before. I know I spend a lot of time in Zombies theater and never noticed it. But then I'm not usually going off into quieter areas either.

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If it is the case... Is it possible that this tranzit map, and the next dlc's tranzit map(maps? :o :shock: :o ) are linked together in some way? And by using the train, or teleporter you can play tranzit in one map such as green run, then take the teleporter to, oh say, Egypt (as that's what I think the next map will be). Maybe that's how you get the nav card machine to work.... OH! even better! What if the nav card machine turns the spire into a world wide teleporter, and once you receive a nav card you can use it to access another map (once you've downloaded it) that would provide a reason for the nav cards...

On the other hand that could also mean that we may never see our origional 4 in blops2, as the maps would each be connected by the same map... Maybe trayarch can work something out if this is the case...

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