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Returned - Game Mode Idea

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Kinda stupid to be posting this in the midst of getting a bunch of actual information, and the time for Treyarch to look at ideas from the community is long gone, but I just love coming up with these.

I got the name "Returned" FROM MY HEAD AS IT IS NOT A LEAK AT ALL. :roll:

Anyways, basically Returned is Infected with a zombies twist. Zombies and Infected just seem to go hand in hand. Here's how it works:


Up to 8 players

Free-for-All gametype

Everyone would start at a random location (separate from each other) on the map (in which all doors would be opened). Players would start with 3000 points, and zombies would start coming immediately - probably about round 15 health and speed. The round would be endless.

Players would play as they normally would. They can buy perks, weapons, PaP, etc. If a player goes down, however, there is no one to pick them up, and so they would die immediately.

Of course, this is like Infected. Death isn't the end of it. You will come back. But not quite in the way you were before...

After the player dies, they can come back as a zombie as many times as they want to try to kill the surviving players. They have multiple zombie types to choose from a list that looks like the class selection in multiplayer. These types are:

Sprinter: A zombie whose speed surpasses that of the AI-controlled zombies.

Hellhound: This would be controlled from third-person view, much like the RC-XD. You know how it works, faster speed, less damage.

Space Monkey: Again, controlled from third person. These can attack players, but their main advantage is that they can attack a perk machine and steal said perk from all players. When you're a monkey and you go to attack a machine, a bar will start to fill up showing your progress, similar to when you revive, defuse a bomb, etc. Players will be notified when a perk is being stolen, so they have the choice of going on a dangerous "side-quest" to kill the monkey, or losing the perk.

Screecher: Exactly like the one on Shangri-La. Fast, impairs vision when screaming, slightly higher health. Good for players who wanna rush the survivors.

Napalm Zombie: Exactly like the one on Shangri-La. Slow, but explodes with a massive radius and leaves fire on the ground for a few seconds after. Used tactically, this can really screw survivors over.

Astronaut: Exactly like the one on Moon. VERY slow, but very high health. Grabs the player and teleports them, red-screens them, and steals a perk. Hard to catch a player with it, but if you do it can be devastating.

Anyone have some others to add that I forgot? I think the Thief would be unfair mid-round. This would be a good opportunity to introduce some new zombies as well.

Anyways, you could play this a few ways. Final ranking could be judged by score, kills, or last man standing. What do you guys think? :D

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I like it. I don't know about everybody else but I would enjoy playing a game mdoe like that. A zombiefied version of a zombie game i guess?? Anyways I think george would be a good person to be able to play as tactical wise. He'd be able to make the zombies run faster and could trap the non zombiefied players in a corner. great idea bro!

Bacon for you!

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I like it. I don't know about everybody else but I would enjoy playing a game mdoe like that. A zombiefied version of a zombie game i guess?? Anyways I think george would be a good person to be able to play as tactical wise. He'd be able to make the zombies run faster and could trap the non zombiefied players in a corner. great idea bro!

Bacon for you!

I excluded George because he's just too powerful. I suppose it could work, IF his health were lowered drastically. He'd only be able to run if he were shot though. Another thing is, how would you calm him down? There are only a select number of maps with water to lead him into. Maybe George can only sprint for a limited time after he's shot? He'd definitely have to be modified a lot.

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This is information about game modes that Reza Elghazi Producer of Zombies posted awhile back and wanted to see. This one game mode may explain about the bus. This isn't 100% true until more informtion arrives on 26.

1.Mall Wars

Two teams of four survivors are holed up in a shopping mall. Items like planks to shore up windows and fence electrifying generators are scattered around the map, while collected food allows respawns. There are also weapon drops. The two teams must fight off waves of the undead while battling each other for the supplies they need to shore up their end of the mall before a final massive zombie assaults

2.Car Pool

Each four-man team has an armored van. One drives while the rest provide covering fire from window slots. The two teams must then race through zombie infested streets to reach a safe zone. If the van gets too damaged players must leave it and make repairs outside while fending off zombies

3.Buddy system

This is a game for four teams of two. One of each pair is incapacitated. They can fire any gun but they cannot move. The other player has to balance dragging them with fighting off zombies. All four teams must then ‘race’ to reach a single car with the first to get there escaping/winn

4.Points make prizes

A game for two teams of four. Teams are based on opposite ends of the map. Three players from each team are placed on rooftops with no access to the ground. The remaining player from each team is at ground level and only able to use melee weapons. It is their job to lure zombies (by hitting them) towards their teammates so they can kill them for points


A two team game. One player on each team is randomly turned into a zombie and must be protected from the opposition. The infected player is indistinguishable from other zombies so it’s possible to hide in the crowd but also to be killed by their own team. The game is over when one of the infected players is killed


An eight player zombie game with one exception: all the players are infected but symptomless. They can keep the infection suppressed by shooting zombies meaning they have to compete against each other for kills to stay alive

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This is information about game modes that Reza Elghazi Producer of Zombies posted awhile back and wanted to see. This one game mode may explain about the bus. This isn't 100% true until more informtion arrives on 26.

1.Mall Wars

Two teams of four survivors are holed up in a shopping mall. Items like planks to shore up windows and fence electrifying generators are scattered around the map, while collected food allows respawns. There are also weapon drops. The two teams must fight off waves of the undead while battling each other for the supplies they need to shore up their end of the mall before a final massive zombie assaults

2.Car Pool

Each four-man team has an armored van. One drives while the rest provide covering fire from window slots. The two teams must then race through zombie infested streets to reach a safe zone. If the van gets too damaged players must leave it and make repairs outside while fending off zombies

3.Buddy system

This is a game for four teams of two. One of each pair is incapacitated. They can fire any gun but they cannot move. The other player has to balance dragging them with fighting off zombies. All four teams must then ‘race’ to reach a single car with the first to get there escaping/winn

4.Points make prizes

A game for two teams of four. Teams are based on opposite ends of the map. Three players from each team are placed on rooftops with no access to the ground. The remaining player from each team is at ground level and only able to use melee weapons. It is their job to lure zombies (by hitting them) towards their teammates so they can kill them for points


A two team game. One player on each team is randomly turned into a zombie and must be protected from the opposition. The infected player is indistinguishable from other zombies so it’s possible to hide in the crowd but also to be killed by their own team. The game is over when one of the infected players is killed


An eight player zombie game with one exception: all the players are infected but symptomless. They can keep the infection suppressed by shooting zombies meaning they have to compete against each other for kills to stay alive

I remember this. This was simply an article with ideas for what Treyarch might present, nothing official. All these are highly unlikely and honestly don't even sound like CoDz at all.

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