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Justification of return of original characters. And T-travel

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EDIT: although I don't have any tangible evidence to why say the characters will return consider this- a majority of the zombie maps have featured our 4 beloved characters, excluding the original two maps, Five, and Call of the Dead. Treyarch most likely made those 4 maps to exclude the use of the Original 4 to stray away from TOO much repitition. I'm sure Treyarch knows how much we care about those 4 characters and knew how heartbroken we'd be if they left. With that in mind Treyarch would now make new maps with new characters to gain some 'freshness' to the game without hurting their devoted community.

I feel like Treyarch has put too much time and effort into developing our famous 4 characters and the story progression of Samantha. With Moon being their last Black Ops I DLC they decided to to out with a bang and add a MAJOR twist in the Nazi Zombie story. I don't think Treyarch would go ahead and ditch such a major event without offering conclusion to an unexplained scenario.

An idea- the Easter Egg on Moon ended up leaving the world in a firey blazr.

maybe the characters will once again time travel to the point in time that the Earth will be inhabitable once more and figure out a way to get Richtofen out of the power seat.

Anyone else have any suggestions pertaining to any of the aforementioned?

EDIT: although I don't have any tangible evidence to why say the characters will return consider this.

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I agree with OP. They won't leave the earth in shambles and samantha/richtofen swapped. It was a climax. Now begins the effects of the action. I also like the fact that you didn't say "go back in time and stop richtofen before he takes control". That leads to a paradox.

An idea- the Easter Egg on Moon ended up leaving the world in a firey blazer.maybe the characters will once again time travel to the point in time that the Earth will be inhabitable once more and figure out a way to get Richtofen out of the power seat.
This leads to a story continuing as normal and leading into major battles and epicness. Well worded my friend. Good post indeed.
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Here's an idea:

The nukes hit the Earth, but did not fully destroy it. The 3 rockets most likely hit the 3 main areas of infection: Germany, Russia, and America. The blasts do not wipe out the entire infection, zombies survive, and Richtofen can continue his reign of terror. The gang (now with Sam) teleport back to Earth, and find a way to remove Richtofen from the pyramid. At what point in time they travel back to Earth is up for debate. After Earth has been rebuilt? While the Earth is in shambles? 2025? Who knows!

I know what you're thinking. How would they teleport back if Richtofen, the only one with knowledge of how exactly the teleporter works, is in the pyramid and has no desire to help them. Here's two options: Maxis, still in the computer, helps teleport the gang back to Earth. The second option is a new gang for Black Ops II helps the old gang either teleport back to Earth, or the new crew stops Richtofen themselves, with the help of the old gang.

Just brainstorming here.

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