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Wonder weapon and rage quit.

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Beautiful day here in PA. Was up early with the misses, went out for a nice drive in my Z4, and even had breakfast without her babbling complaints.

Last night was a different story though, trying to complete Way2g00's round 30 challenge.

Had one buddy with me hoping for two solid randoms. Could not get any solid games on Five, but easily found "good" randoms in Kino and Ascension. Both cases were similar, the two of us doing our normal set up for round 30 run, allowing randoms to focus on hitting the box for Thunder Gun. Both cases the randoms got Thunder Gun and ran away with kills while we set up long run with sufficient points. Both cases random go down a few times, being effectively revived. Both cases random go down in mid twenties, could not get revived, rage quit.

I understand why Ascension and Kino are by far the most popular maps in zombies, the almighty Thunder Gun. With the Thunder Gun one could easily get to round 30 amassing ridiculous kills without learning how to train. The weapon is so wonder it also puts a target on your back. The person with the gun often (more like almost always) thinks if he goes down, he will not get revived.

Both cases last night the person holding Thunder Gun was revived number of times prior to rage quit. Both cases the rage quitter had generated enough points to recuperate even without the Thundar Gun, yet decided to blame the team for letting him die, thus rage quit.

I hate Kino, I hate Ascension, and I hate the Thunder Gun. Even without the wonder weapons those maps are not considered challenging. Most randoms run their own trains, no team work and no communications necessary.

Maybe I am too glass half empty, but the thunder gun bring too much greed and too much selfishness in my eyes. But the general public love Thunder Gun and the general public always win.

Thunder Gun--------2


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In the case of a game mode as flexible and as malleable as zombies, it is better to side with the revolutionaries. In this case, I will side with you.

Most people say, "Give the Thundergun to the newbies." Nay, I say, nay I vehemently proclaim.

"With great power comes great responsibility."

Such is the case with our beloved Thundergun.

There are situations were I can find myself thinking that I am the only hope for the team if I have the Thundergun. When you have the Thundergun, the responsibility of the team's survival rests squarely on your shoulders. It is therefore, your fault, once your team is completely gone. I enjoy the responsibility of having the Thundergun, and so should every good zombies player.

Now, what I am about to propose may sound ridiculous, but if you're playing with a group of randoms, blow your points away to get this beast of a gun. You're good, so you'll make them back, and in the case that you don't, so what?

It's all good, once you have the Thundergun, you are the medic, the slayer, the all-around champion of the map. Randoms who will consistently go down cannot handle this mighty weapon.

It will simply... blow them away. 8-)


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I like to compare this situation to Dead Ops. When playing with randoms, some people like to give the date of firepower to the noobs, so it "helps" them. But from my perspective having a death machine does not help them get revived faster, which is what they'll be doing either way.

Such is the case with the thundergun. I frequently see randoms waste all their ammo and then hold the thundergun and wait for a max ammo. It makes no sense to me, so I never let this happen.

Tutorial on how to always get the wonderweapon:

1. Let everyone else open each door.

2. Turn on the power and buy jug.

3. Kill the crawler

4. Hit the box repeatedly mid round, making points with the guns you acquire.

5. Let the randoms make a crawler.

6. Hit the box and leave the gun there.

7. Kill the crawler.

8. Run back to the box and take the gun if you want it.

9. Don't pick up firesales.

10. If a noob somehow gets the wunderweapon, don't revive them when you go down.

11. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

Success here lies in never letting the randoms hit the box, making their chance of getting the thundergun 0%.

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Maps with Flopper I always keep Mustang and Sally till round 50. Sometimes even in maps without Flopper it helps a lot to clear out hordes and oh-shit situations. We don't have to be lucky to get it from the box. I noticed a major improvement in my game as soon as I stopped relying on box weapons. Box guns speeds up our game.


Mustang an Sally-2

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I always try my damndest to make sure randoms don't get the Thundergun. Such a powerful tool wasted in the wrong hands, and if they don't get revived while they have it then, as mentioned, they think, "Oh no, I lost my Thundergun! *Rage quit*".

Same thing with the Wave Gun.

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T-Gun ftw!

I do not share your thoughts, I'm sorry ;) Rage quitting has imho nothing or almost nothing to do with the Thunder. Those guys would probably also rage quit if they had whatever guns.

Of course it sometimes happens, that a Wonder holder is let bled out on purpose, just to make the gun available. That might increase the chance of a rage quit. But I think that's not happening sooo often.

I have not experienced many probs with that topic.

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When we get into a game with randoms we play randoms with similar credentials. In my case high twenties and low thirties. These are people far removed from noob days and are expected to contribute even without the thunder gun.

I rarely see people rage quit in Five, except for a few noobs who find themselves out of league. We all make effort to carry ourselves as classy gamers. But when you were once on top with the thunder gun to now working with pistols, you find yourself raging more than normal.

When Frodo got his chance with ring, he finds himself tough to give up the "precious". I understand the frustration losing the valuable weapon, but life goes on. Making a come back in higher rounds somewhat mirror the NML challenge, and the best learn to prevail.

"Winner never quit, quitters never win."

P.S. Had another game with three randoms this morning. Thunder gun quit AS SOON AS HE WENT DOWN.

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I actually hope I don't get the thunder gun or ANY wonder weapon for that matter because the ray gun is boring because it makes the game to easy. I'd much rather have 750 rounds with an HK that 15 with the thunder gun. My point is play the game with some of your friends and not randoms get a good camping spot with a closed door behind you maximum of two window behind and a way for zombies to get in the front, and 2 Lmg's and a high ammo capacity assault rifle and if you can a good wall weapon to grab if you run out of ammo..... HAVE FUN:)

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