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Everything posted by NaBrZHunter

  1. 3 and 4 are great tips! Added. Cool deal!
  2. Just realized you were new! Welcome! And hey, I really shot you down fast on your first post, so I'm sorry! And hope I didn't discourage you! But we've had good talks since, and look forward to more!
  3. 1. Survive with Juggernog only for as long as you confidently can. It gives you a good reliable bank and reduces the chance of losing an earlier investment in perks. IE, you buy Juggs, Double Tap (I personally love DT), and Quick revive on round 10, and make a silly mistake, and lose all. That's 6000 points lost, when you could have just survived on a more meager and challenging diet for longer. 2. In the same vein, and expounding on the 'wall weapon' support argument-get a good point maker (ak74u, MP40, Thompson, STG-you get the point. Get it? Get the point???) Um...anyway. Survive with that point maker for as long as you comfortably can. A WW on an early round can be a damned nuisance for yourself and your teamates. 3. Pay attention to character dialogue. Often when you pass close to, shoot, knife, or in any way experience something that pertains to the EE, your character will make comment. 4. Be familiar with previous EEs. Treyarch loves and respects their previous works, as do we. You will see some patterns, for instance, four-player synchronous actions (X), (F) or (SQUARE), or killing a certain number of zombies near a certain object or area. 5. And in addition to, or clarification of the 'patience' points already made in this post, be prepared to experience repeated failures, downs, and losses. If you can't take it, rage quit, or get sick of zombies altogether after a handful or twenty tries, don't commit to an EE team. Easter Eggs are designed for the 4D's -diligent, determined, discerning, and deliberate.
  4. True, the ripple effect can be huge, but to entirely remove Griffin Station? That would be a bit extreme, and change Richtofen's motivation to eliminate Samantha and Maxis at that time. At this point in the story, Griffin Station is already at the peak of its success. Actually, Griffin seems to be where everything fell apart. Groph didn't apprehend Sam, Maxis was sent to the Aether with control over machines by being killed and sucked into the MPD like the zombie souls, and it's where the missiles that struck earth were stored that caused the paradox or "The Rift" to be formed. The MPD room had oxygen, judging by the radio of Richtofen accidentally teleporting to it prior, presumably without space gear due to the clarity of his voice in the recordings. EDIT: correction, it was Groph, not Schuster. But realistically it was both of them who failed to apprehend her. Griffin Station is where it all came to a head, one might say, but the catalyst fallout was at Der Riese. It is the last place the big three were physically together. Otherwise, Der Riese existed peacefully for 5, almost 6 years following the initial discovery of the MPD. (Note the correction, based on the discovery of the MPD, January 1940, while the fallout at Der Riese occurred in September 1945
  5. @Korima That would be such an enormous ripple...so enormous to completely eliminate the Nazi Regime. People may make fun of preference for 'historical accuracy,' perhaps because that is the wrong word. Maybe more of a 'historical embellishment.' This is a factor that has always made the Zombies story so 'believable' as it were. And despite my statement pointing out that 935 was not a Nazi organization, it gave excellent explanation for their immoral and extreme research and activity that no other can. It's based on similar organizations, activities and secret projects conducted by scientists who were paid, coerced, or otherwise acquired by the Third Reich. Without the Nazi plan to create an 'Undead Army,' Group 935's mission statement "To Improve the Human Condition" would never call for the creation of zombies. So inevitably, they are still associated with the Nazis. Otherwise, we're looking at Advanced Warfare's ATLAS retold. No historic basis, no concrete motive for evil Additionally, unlike in the past, the Zombies game mode is at the peak of its success, with the whole international community waiting with baited breath for the Giant release trailer. To release the first trailer to what may be the most anticipated Zombies map of all time with only the crowd that does not require censorship wouldn't make sense. And replacing the Swastikas on the teleporters with the 935 logo may have simply been done to yes, minimize the required censorship. We shall see. It was clearly not an 'Easter Egg,' as it was in plain sight, though virtually impossible to 'censor' in any other way (than the Iron Cross, which really wouldn't make more sense than the 935 logo) for an international trailer. As far as Griffin Station's creation is concerned, construction on it began well over two years before the events of the trailer. And as far as ripple effect is concerned, the only way to interrupt that event is for Richtofen to have failed in the creation of the teleporter initially. He was inspired to create Griffin Station upon his discovery of the MPD, which occurred before he even began to lose his sanity. So again, in order for that to have been interrupted, the ripple effect would have inhibited the successful creation of the MTD in the first place. NOTE ON EDIT: Dempsey actually states "I thought we were done with this," which may only imply that he thought Origins was the end, or that something else we've yet to learn. I will say, however, that I do think it it plausible to Origins Richtofen is up to something that the others don't know yet. He's always been that way, and hopefully will stay that way. And I'd like to say, your thoughts and research are duly appreciated! Keep working, let's knock this thing out!
  6. True, the ripple effect can be huge, but to entirely remove Griffin Station? That would be a bit extreme, and change Richtofen's motivation to eliminate Samantha and Maxis at that time. At this point in the story, Griffin Station is already at the peak of its success.
  7. If my theory doesn't matter, Bob doesn't matter. So Bob is nobody right now. xD You state that as if it were fact; it is still, however, just a theory...one that is, in my humble opinion inherently flawed following the release of The Giant trailer. Also, Dempsey has a son, as he observes in Moon when he buys the M16. Just some food for thought. Oh, it is? My friend, who is trying to help me out with the storyline told me that this is what had happened. Listening to the radios throughout different maps also made me believe this is what was going on too. I apologize for the misunderstanding. That still stands as a strong theory, then. Again, a great interpretation of what may be going on, OP. Yeah, 'fraid so. I'm not sure where that theory first originated, but it popped up out here not too long ago. I figger we will find out. TBH, I don't really feel like it holds water, and would hate to see it go that way, just cause I'm still a bigger fan of the originals. We shall see! I also love the originals, classic Richtofen was one of the most hilarious characters in gaming, ever. I'm not sure if you remember the radio quotes, where he records his diary. "DEARRRR Diary!" They got me every time. Bahahaha! Yes! Or the opening of Kino-"entry 7410 TWO ONE!"
  8. Here's an interesting thought, though...is that originally, Richtofen and Maxis disappeared from Der Riese prior to the outbreak, as indicated in SNN. For some reason, presumably, the arrival of the NO4, however, in this trailer, Richtofen was unable to escape before the outbreak began. So, for instance: -Samantha takes MPD -Richtofen flees -Maxis shot -Verrückt is overrun -Richtofen 'tricks' and kills Peter McKay -SNN is overrun -Der Riese is overrun
  9. You state that as if it were fact; it is still, however, just a theory...one that is, in my humble opinion inherently flawed following the release of The Giant trailer. Also, Dempsey has a son, as he observes in Moon when he buys the M16. Just some food for thought. Oh, it is? My friend, who is trying to help me out with the storyline told me that this is what had happened. Listening to the radios throughout different maps also made me believe this is what was going on too. I apologize for the misunderstanding. That still stands as a strong theory, then. Again, a great interpretation of what may be going on, OP. Yeah, 'fraid so. I'm not sure where that theory first originated, but it popped up out here not too long ago. I figger we will find out. TBH, I don't really feel like it holds water, and would hate to see it go that way, just cause I'm still a bigger fan of the originals. We shall see!
  10. Bahaha! I don't exactly share this viewpoint, but I want to acknowledge two things (in my humble opinion) that are excellent about this post: the concise and precise format, and the concluding observation. Hahahaha! I agree with you entirely...to the extent that I would be happy if BO2 never happened. Brains.
  11. They...removed...crawlers? D-: Holy crow...it wouldn't be the same...!
  12. Yet somehow, Samantha was in control even earlier than that...but that's a subject for another discussion. Just as one might ask when Richtofen was shot. Was he shot at 1:15:00? When did Samantha take control? The zombies didn't begin to storm Der Riese, per the time in the trailer for about 30 seconds, just a short time longer than the length of time between when she arrived at Griffin Station and when she entered the MPD, and just about the exact length of time between when Griffin Station detects an intruder and when the radio ends. So did she take control at 1:15:30 or 1:15:00? It's a paradox.
  13. No worries, it's all very convoluted, not to mention the flurry of crazy theories out there. Yes, time may be 'stopped,' however it has been that way ever since the Original Der Riese, where the clock kept looping the same three seconds. However, since Samantha was teleported to the moon, she was still able to make it into the MPD. Just as the others are still capable of moving and taking action, so is she. So I believe it is safe to assume she is back in control.
  14. You state that as if it were fact; it is still, however, just a theory...one that is, in my humble opinion inherently flawed following the release of The Giant trailer. Also, Dempsey has a son, as he observes in Moon when he buys the M16. Just some food for thought.
  15. Hitler specifically brought the Iron Cross back into military ranks during world war 2. It represents the timeframe as well as the swastika would. Haha! Well, this 'stickler for accuracy' stands corrected. Oops! But all that to say that I support Treyarch in what they decided to do, no doubt.
  16. Yeah, I'm a little disappointed that it's what they had to do, as I'm a stickler for accuracy as well; but I am glad we can keep the iron cross-it represents the fact that it's in Germany well, though not as well in terms of timeframe. But here's some food for thought: I wish (and dare to hope) that they do dare to put some clear historical symbolism in there in a couple small places, but the thing is, Group 935 was not even a Nazi organization. It was a top secret international scientific research community that was, one might gather, 'annexed' with smiles and loaded guns by the 3rd Riech And like the terminal points out, it's not like it was even in Berlin or anything. It's in Lower Silesia, near Breslau, so literally outside of modern Germany. There are some gaps I'd like to see filled, and one more Nazi Germany map would be awesome and could very well serve the purpose of filling gaps. But as we've seen before, the USSR had its place as well, following the fall of Der Riese and the return of its 935 members. Point being, it would be very doable to finalize that period in time without too much compromise. And though I'm a stickler, I understand why Treyarch has to do what they've done. Business is the most important thing. And heck...I understand the lasting bitterness. I'm a southerner for the last 200 years and the thought of savage bastards like Benjamin Butler and William Sherman raping and pillaging their way through our heartland will always get to me. But...I do wish people would let the past be the past. If it happened, illustrate it. "Those who forget the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them."
  17. Yeah, it would be fun! I would probably use a couple of the SNN radios, the 'last' Der Riese radio, the intro to Kino, and some of Gersche's quotes from Ascension. Probably more of a pre-Richtofen's Grand Scheme for those four, though. It'll be on my channel if and when.
  18. I thought about it, but these cinematic trailers are as new as MotD, so though I would have wanted to, I'm not sure. I may make one for SNN, De Riese, Ascension and Kino as a sort of 'outbreak' feature, similar to a 'map pack' style trailer, but it wouldn't be as poignant as this one. We'll see what happens in the future, though.
  19. Yep, stayed up 'till 4 in the morning at my brother-in-law's, woke up at 8, drove into town, sat outside GameStop for about ten minutes, went home, and went back at 9:30. Why so early? I guess I overestimated the hype here where I am. I live in a midsize to smaller town, and I was the only one at the door. Doors opened, I put down $35, and walked out as three more guys walked in. My wife was amazing about it. Not even a zombies fan, and it's even robbed her of me some times! But she kept saying if she had a job, she would have snuck out and bought it for me. She's awesome. Be jealous. Haha! This is evil. I mean...wow. This is evil.
  20. Based on my impression of Richtofen's demeanor...I decided to buckle down and try a remix, presented from the perspective of what may have been Richtofen's final thoughts, suppored by Avenged Sevenfold's 'Nightmare,' featured in 'Moon,' a song I have always felt is appropro for Richtofen. The Giant "Whispers" Teaser Trailer
  21. LMAO! WTH??? @Stop mocking me0 @Nightmare Voyager
  22. Don't forget that Verruckt and most likely Nacht happened before Samantha was in the MPD, according to the CotD radios. MMX thinks yellow eyes is a default state for them, so it could apply to this. Unless of course Samantha immediately gets into the MPD after teleporting.Also, maybe it could still be Origins Sam in control. I'm actually really curious whether we'll have American Sam or German Sam now. I don't think you can tell from her cry in the video what her accent is. It is completely possible for Samantha to already be in the teleporter, as when Richtofen activated it, she went to Griffin Station. And it should still be the German Samantha, as it was in the radio. Actually, if you believe that origins is before WW2, then Agartha, being in multiple dimensions at once, allows samantha (origins version) to be in control of the zombies before the events of Richtofen's betrayal to Maxis. Regardless, due to his betraying them at Der Riese she has invariably re-entered the MPD again, unless they took other precautions before coming back here.
  23. Don't forget that Verruckt and most likely Nacht happened before Samantha was in the MPD, according to the CotD radios. MMX thinks yellow eyes is a default state for them, so it could apply to this. Unless of course Samantha immediately gets into the MPD after teleporting. Also, maybe it could still be Origins Sam in control. I'm actually really curious whether we'll have American Sam or German Sam now. I don't think you can tell from her cry in the video what her accent is. It is completely possible for Samantha to already be in the teleporter, as when Richtofen activated it, she went to Griffin Station. And it should still be the German Samantha, as it was in the radio.
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