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Hells Warrrior

Tech Admin
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Status Replies posted by Hells Warrrior

  1. Wedding anniversary today, nice wee card and flowers for the wife. Happy days.

  2. Totally forgot I created a campaign storyline way back in like, four months ago, finishing THAT over the course of the next 4 weeks...

  3. Screw it, I'll have some medals before I dissappear like I did after Encore

  4. Got the day off tomorrow. Planning on doing some Origins co op in the morning. Hmu if you want to join.

  5. Anyone down to play?

  6. It just so happens to be out UoTM's birthday today (at least that's what my Skype feed told me). Happy birthday Nai, hope you have a cracking day.

  7. It just so happens to be out UoTM's birthday today (at least that's what my Skype feed told me). Happy birthday Nai, hope you have a cracking day.

  8. Frontpage has been updated with new tidbits. ;)

  9. Frontpage has been updated with new tidbits. ;)

  10. So, like, that guide I put together for Solo Origins... it must not have been very good.

  11. Sharp Shooter Challenge not even once. or twice. or 18 times.

  12. How do you increase your community stats?

  13. How do you increase your community stats?

  14. It seems I am now the UOTM. This is amazing. Thank you all so, so much for accepting me into this community those 12 months ago when I first started posting. It also seems I am now the youngest UOTM ever. By 7 days.

  15. Anyone playing tonight? Fancy a good game.

  16. Anyone playing tonight? Fancy a good game.

  17. Why do I see so many people write "der Reise" whent it should be written "der Riese"?

  18. what's all this "soon" "prepare yourselves" shtuff on twitter right now? we getting a CoD 2014 announcement today or something?

  19. Waffe-Craft is up for download! It's easy to use, fun, and it allows a whole new REALM of possibilities for custom zombies maps!

  20. Waffe-Craft is up for download! It's easy to use, fun, and it allows a whole new REALM of possibilities for custom zombies maps!

  21. My boys xbox has just red ringed - I cannae be arsed redoing the heat sink and GPU. Looks like I'll be buying something I wasn't wanting to buy.

  22. Apparently I am now the person who holds the Featured Topic spot on this site. I am speechless.

  23. Well, it finnaly happend I got Shotguns in Blops 2 after an awesome Die Rise game. Well deserved i think(:

  24. Unfortunate lag out, still had a ton of fun on Origins with the "old" crew.

  25. Well, it finnaly happend I got Shotguns in Blops 2 after an awesome Die Rise game. Well deserved i think(:

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