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Everything posted by trevbo

  1. trevbo

    Money on "Easy"

    Thanks a lot, I've never played on easy, and wanted to know if anyone had confirmed it before I wasted time and money! Again, thanks a million!
  2. trevbo

    Money on "Easy"

    I'm just curious as to finding this out (without losing 100 per transaction), does anyone know if you can deposit money from "Easy" mode and pull it out in Original? No real EE or Discussion about TranZit, but just curious if anyone has done so.
  3. trevbo

    MOON Relevance

    Thanks PINNAZ for the help, had a brain fart about Samantha.. Too many "S" names! Haha.. And as for reading and listening to quotes, I've always just found them in-game and done it on my own, so I have no relevance to what order some of them go in. But I do remember the one where Maxis is trying to coax Samantha* out of the pyramid.. and to me, far as I recall, he begged her, told her why everything happened, and then she "opened" it. Sounded like then he asked for the favor of killing them all.. Like I said previously, I do NOT rule out any theories, I simply like to explore all the options.. And it would make nearly 100% sense that Maxis was killed.. And I have read that thread, last night actually, and a lot of the things did make sense.. but again, these are all theories on here.. including that one, however extremely well thought out, researched, and well put together it may be, it remains a theory.. Also, on Moon Reel 6, is the one I am referencing, and it is what is giving me the thought that it wasn't Maxis shot.. But thank you again for the help, and insight, it is greatly appreciated, and I humbly accept all criticism and guidance I can get, because I'm here to learn, and maybe provide alternate ways of thinking along the same lines.. I'm no guru, but I have followed, played, and sought out EEs since WaW. I rarely look to the internet for my ways to complete, but more so for guidance.. Again, I deeply appreciate the help, and corrections made to my erroneous posts.. I shall continue to research, and do all I can to become more of a viable source of information on the storyline. I am also sorry for the above stated posts, and shall do all I can to rectify my ignorance.
  4. trevbo

    MOON Relevance

    Noted. I read up plast night on other theories, and realized that the vast majority of the community believes Maxis was the one shot at NPD on Griffin Station. Also reading about the vril-ya pyramid, and that the souls enter the aether, (where the pun came from), it is very feasible that Maxis is communicating to us from there. BUUUUT, if you have heard, (or read) all the quotes from Richtofen in the game, his INITIAL quote can usually be heard after you hit your first Power-Up, he says, "*Cough* Excuse me, ahem, just getting used to ze aether," suggesting that he is the one who had been shot. Since NO ONE has seen hair nor hide of the O4 since Griffin Station, who is anyone to say that Richtofen wasn't the one shot on the Moon base? Also, to back up my point of the large amounts of electricity interfering with radio signal, do some research on the electromagnetic interference effect on AM radio transmitters. AM radio is a SHORTWAVE radio, that can be used with VERY minimal amounts of power. I can very easily see your point on your side of the case, and found myself thinking deeply about it last night. But, where you say I'm wrong, maybe we are all in fact misinterpreting the radio transmission from moon where Maxis asked Samantha to do a favor, and kill them all, we hear a gunshot, and no scream from Samantha.. I'm sure most people would be shocked at the sight of their father being murdered. So please, I have researched both sides of the story, and made my point a little more clear, do not simply put off another person's theory and say it to be debunked before you do any looking as to the other side of the case.. I'm not a pessimist, but i like to research and explore ALL avenues pertaining to a subject matter. As always, these are just thoughts, wanting more information.. on all sides.
  5. Maybe this portion of whatever city Town belongs to, was Little Cuba, or Little Havana. BUT, more than likely, you're just diving too deep into the rabbit hole Neo, you need to take the Blue pill to come back to our false reality for a moment.. But only for a moment, then focus yourself on a new task.. Also perhaps, it has everything to do with the storyline, and maybe there was a reason this particular place was so close to the destruction... maybe why it has a significance, with the Church being a rocket and all, (see thread in TranZit discussion), maybe someone was idolizing Fidel Castro, building a rocket, and Edward simply couldn't have competition... Just a thought, a shot in the dark..
  6. Nobody has ever heard this line in-game. The point is that the easter egg does not continue after the steps that have been done, because those steps are out of order. It is a common misconception that the Maxis side has reached completion because the achievement can be unlocked, and I think that threads like this in the Tranzit board do more damage to morale than anything else. I have received Maxis' quote about the spire being online, and we weill be back.." etc etc. It actually occurred right after I completed the EE one time. The only quote of Maxis' I've never heard is the supposed INITIAL quote before you even turn power on. Yet I HAVE heard Richtofen cough and clear his throat saying "Excuse me, I had to get used to ze aether," BEFORE power was on...
  7. Rag, I think you're diving a little to deep, I think they're just there to keep you on your toes, inform you the Aerth is molten now. And the bridge, again as a scare tactic, to give us the "What the F**K?!" factor.. But who knows, it's just a thought..
  8. I think they may do a new DLC drop once someone provides video proof of the full EE.. Either that, or we're all wrong, and you do indeed have to finish the full EE to progress to the next map.. It WAS rumored before BO2 dropped, that Zombies had become more of a "campaign" mode.. We'll see about our thoughts..
  9. I must say, I'll have to redo the Richtofen side, because I never noticed the white eyes.. Which may also explain Maxis' hidden agenda to control the zombies.. Which may be why we are powering the towers.. Lets not forget the snapshot from the computer terminal in BO1, with "stufzwei, and strength through order, and the NZR, which may mean Nazi zombie Radio. Aside from all that business, I'll again have to try the Richtofen, and when I do, I'll keep this thread posted, or post another one. Also you made a comment about the noise when you meleè the denizens. I think the noise you're hearing is a more clear sound of them exploding, because I get a sound regarded the combinations of meleè weapons I use. I think that may have been Treyarch slightly overlooking a minimal detail. May be something, may be nothing.. But I still believe we have some correlation between the perma perks, and the other various orange orbs, to include the Morse code they spell out. We need an all hands effort in finding this.. I'll be on a nonstop investigation this weekend.. More thoughts, more debacles..
  10. To give the effect that the Earth was hit by missiles and well you know it's suffering through allot right now. The Earth shakes at random points of the game, it also shakes when you're selecting a game mode/"map". I doubt it has anything to do with the Easter Egg. I completely agree with your thoughts about the shaking, its just to say the Aerth (pun) is unstable. and you do not have to wait until round 3 to get out without waking the "sleeping" zombies. It can easily be done in round 1. then have the rest of the people down themselves remembering the rules about not waking the zombies, give one person enough money to open the bank door, and take out saved cash. Simple plan, i just need Xbox partners solely dedicated to EE and theory testing. Just some thoughts..
  11. Didn't Maxxis Create the Nukes on the Moon though...If not correct me If I'm wrong, But I Was under the Impression that he Did that to Prevent Richtofen from becoming Powerful in the Aether, Killing off the Population I do agree however that Maxxis could be Creating Rockets here to Stop whats going on there. Alternate Dimensions & such... Check out His tower, Its starting to look like a Rocket... http://steamcommunity.com/id/Paccer2909 ... pid=212910 I have delved deep into these total theories, and am certain that it was indeed Group 935 that was behind the rockets on the moon,. But, if we pay attention to detail, those are not American Space suits, they are in fact Cosmonaut Space suits.. Yet, I do not think these are linked, at we can dive even further into the past, possible saying that Edward was still Maxis' subordinate whilst they were implementing the rockets on the moon.. No where to my knowledge has it been established that Maxis did it to STOP Richtofen, but is betrayed by him trapping Samantha in the pyramid, and sending him away also.. So if Edward did trap Samantha in the pyramid, the moon base was established previous to his mutiny on Maxis.. Also, pertaining to your link, I completely agree that it is beginning to look like a rocket.. There is also a zombie without blue eyes, that seems to either be EMP'd or maybe once you complete the WHOLE Maxis EE, Edward loses his control over the zombies in that area. Also maybe explaining Maxis' quotes about "leaving this place, but WE will return.." etc etc.. To play off your link again, the orange "Orbs" we see throughout the photos, are also seen when you recieve the "permanent perks" or upgraded window barriers.. maybe those also have something to do with the EE.. who knows.. Side note: I have been diving head first into these findings throughout the entire duration of 3arc Zombies.. I have forseen a lot of the things that they have done, and can say confidently that I DO NOT believe they just hide little things in the maps for no reason.. Simple example, posters in the Depot lobby say "Ride the Bus" and "Power 3.0" indicating you need to ride the bus to the third stop to get the power on. Just more thoughts, needing more feedback..
  12. I have started the Maxis EE from a fresh start, and built the Table during gameplay, with power turned on and back off, and no Quote from Maxis about the nav card is heard.. but it was solo, so who knows. I think I was Sam that run..
  13. I hate when People open the damn bus doors with a Horde following right behind, Chances are I'm Running M&S & Ray Gun, & that NEVER ends well w/out Flopper... Another one pertaining to bus mishaps, someone was messing around with the driver, and I got Force Pushed out of the bus by the driver, RIGHT into a swath of Zombies! I had just pulled out 20K, and we lost that round.. Jerks! Haha!
  14. I would like to get ahold of someone who has no_clipped the map and see what they say about the Church.. Some have done a simple no_clip, and not been able to get inside, but I am willing to bet SOMEONE has gotten inside.. Also, this Rocket theory would possibly explain the seemingly inexplicable blue light being emitted from the Church spire.. Just another thought until someone complete no_clips the map.. I do Know for a fact when you get inside the Church, The whole Building is Empty But theirs a wooden floor where the Zombies spawn in, on the right side & that larger Chimney looking thing in the Center is SOLID for some odd reason you cannot see thru it.. PERFECT!! Now, this may go to show, that Maxis was either involved in Green Run, perhaps making a rocket to Destroy the moon, See "Moon Relevance" thread for more info on that.. I have a more complete theory now, since IF Maxis was in Green Run, that would explain why he only had one rocket, since the moon is considerably smaller than the Aerth, (pun). Maybe he was trying to Nuke the Moon before Edward could do so to the Aerth.. Just another thought..
  15. trevbo

    MOON Relevance

    That's just Treyarch being lazy and not removing the texture.. Area 51 is on Earth.. Jeeze YES, agreement to the good sir above, Treyarch is indeed a little lazy, as proof, the file name for Moon is "paris_map." Let's just keep it real, none of us will know the real truth, unless we are on the 3arc dev team. On the contrary, 3arc does put A LOT of subliminal messages in their games.. it would make sense that the O4 are still on the moon, seeing as for the ToB EE Richtofen side, Power has to be on. because Richtofen needs a higher powered signal for the Aerth (pun) to recieve his transmissions. Whereas Maxis is undoubtedly still on the Aerth, using some form of Short band radio to transmit to the new Team.. just a thought to add to the mix..
  16. I would like to get ahold of someone who has no_clipped the map and see what they say about the Church.. Some have done a simple no_clip, and not been able to get inside, but I am willing to bet SOMEONE has gotten inside.. Also, this Rocket theory would possibly explain the seemingly inexplicable blue light being emitted from the Church spire.. Just another thought until someone complete no_clips the map..
  17. Very singular indeed.. I may have to dig into this one...
  18. Riding on top of the bus circa round 20, had Ray, and HAMR upgraded, along with the JetGun and Galvaknuckles. Decided I didn't want to wait for the bus to stop at the Depot, and would sprint to the Tunnel to hold out. Prematurely leapt from the top of the bus.. RIGHT into the lava pit outside the Depot.. AND the bus drove over top of me.. No one was able to revive me, and I swear the Bus Driver was laughing...
  19. The way i'm reading this you want us to try this out at Round 1? How can we get EMP nades at round one without getting any points/ getting to the bank/power on? Lol i get over 2000 points on round 1 without finishing it, activate the teleporter at the bus depot with a turbine, try to teleport into the town and simply open the bank and take out the money. Also, along with this, many of us are aware that we can deposit money in the bank. This should be no new concept. Concerning that, it would be almost excruciatingly easy for ONE person to knife all the zombies in the windows, open the doors, ride the bus toward The Farm, take the shortcut to Town, and open The Bank. and there you have it, all players can withdraw all necessary monies from The Bank.
  20. I also noticed another glowing light above the laundry mat, which can be clearly seen through the blown out hole in the building. I am seriously considering buying this for my Mac and no_clipping the heck out of it!
  21. Thanks Liam, I've never seen yours until now. Now that the point has been brought up, I do seem to recall that he always shows up at the least convenient point possible, just as the new wave of zombies gets in your face! Thanks All for the help, and look forward to helping figure out more EE as they come along! Now off to find the rest of these silly Nav cards that are so elusive...
  22. I have had him spawn at Town also, and other friends have had him spawn at all other stops along the route. Also, we will try to give the crawler theory a go round. I'll keep people posted! Thanks!
  23. Does ANYONE know how to get the Avogadro to spawn? My Friends and I were doing quite well with the Galvaknuckles and a few large weapons Pack-A-Punched waiting under the Radio Tower in the cornfield. BUT, Avogadro never showed up. The lightning storm crackled over head, and the characters would say things like, "I don't like that storm," "There's an unnatural presence looming in the distance." But to no avail. Avogadro never spawned, and we tried our best to hold out as long as possible, but it gets tough after the teens. If ANYONE knows how to make this man appear, or provoke him into spawning, your help would be greatly appreciated.
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