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Triple Ex

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Everything posted by Triple Ex

  1. I've wanted to say this for a very long time. WHAT IS WITH ALL THE ELLIPSES!? Anyway, let me address your concerns. EMPs will paralyze a (quite large) group of zombies for about 10 seconds. There are many ways to get around Green Run aside from the bus. (it's not even that slow) there is running on foot, which,once you get Stamin-Up, Jugg and Galvaknuckles, (stuff you'd likely be buying anyway), The Fog is nothing to traverse. Also, the fire's a trap. Haven't you heard? Also, how is it annoying exactly? No one ever dies 'cause of lava... And being kicked from Grief is not the game's fault. Since you expect to be kicked, this is likely a personal issue and is in no way the fault of the game.
  2. I personally think they are gonna add a new Tranzit map (a whole new one). The programming to add a new stop in between town and the diner or something like that would mean you have to move all the other places around, which could take ages. Nope, just add a new section.
  3. That means the host leaving was on your team, I believe.
  4. Recoil? Neva heahd of it! Seriously though even the SNIPERS barely kick. It's practically nonexistent on other guns.
  5. "Don't worry yourself with what it is or what it does" Also the EE isn;t done. More will be added in future expansions to Green Run, alongside ones in separate Survival maps. All of which will come in future DLC. And you people say I'm pessimistic. 8-)
  6. Downs are a bad thing that you don't want though... :? Of course the person with less is "leading". Also, I believe rank is supposed to replace lobby leaderboards as a far quicker (and cooler looking) way to see the other person's skill.(whatever the determining factors are) I mean, you could have been easily carried to round 40 going down after every round and have it go on a leaderboard. Other factors would have to go into it to decide how good you are.(again, unsure of what these factors are). Although I do agree more specialized search would be cool. Headset/no headset, similar rank, etc.
  7. Triple Ex

    The Wires!

    I did. Although What does that have to do with this? When did I mention Treyarch at all here?
  8. Triple Ex

    The Wires!

    Yep! Buying the AK-47 off the wall was awesome!
  9. All I get are sniper rifles. Sniper Rifles are not fun! They give next to no points, it's hard to hit a running zombie if they aren't running after you (I have OK aim, this is mechanics at work...) You run really slow,shoot really slow, and reload slow. All in exchange for range (pointless) and damage (not even that much). Hell, they don't even have much ammo! I hate snipers...
  10. No one questioned you. Everyone knows we are supposed to, but info would still be nice. That's there point. Well, from this quote it seems Jimmy thinks we have everything we need to figure it out.
  11. I TOLD you people we were supposed to figure out rank by ourselves!
  12. Badass business suits and sunglasses. We're here to get things done, and look damn good doing it.
  13. Triple Ex

    The Wires!

    The wires likely disappear in theater mode because: A: You're not close enough to them B: They are not actual objects if I recall, simply textures applied there. C: In a mode like COD's theatre,it is not likely to even show things of such insignificance. Tiny little applied textures. We must also consider this, in an EE where most steps are clearly dictated to us, (we are at least told about each one), Richtofen or Maxis would have told us about another step,instead of saying things that seem profoundly like the conclusion. Also, in the current state the EE is in,what would shooting wires (again, for the most part they are simply placed textures) start or accomplish? There's just too much going against this (I'll mention the lack of voice files again) to chase after this. I get going after something like the church, but, wires?
  14. Triple Ex

    The Wires!

    I think he's the most realistic person on this forum! I like you.
  15. Yes they are very much worth it. I personally reccomend Ascension, Shangri-La,and Moon.
  16. The dude is way off...ranking is not simply KD. Oh hey it's slippery Jim. First Sportzhawk now this gai. Anyway, what's your theory then?
  17. Triple Ex

    The Wires!

    Then it is most likely nothing.
  18. Triple Ex

    The Wires!

    They are most likely there leading from the Power Plant to other stops, sending power. Sparkling wires near/on turbine doors may simply be there for aesthetic effect, especially since the sparks we see we would often associate with power/electricity. although following a few may be interesting.Try it out and report back.
  19. It was another "I saw an orb here but I can't give you proof and you can't replicate it" Thread. Why always orbs? Oh yeah, they're easy to mistake. Triple Ex, your pessimistic views arent needed here I'm just satin' man, in my time here there's been a ton of "orb sightings" on almost every map,and none of them have ever been replicated or shown any video proof. So forgive my disbelief when I see another one. EDIT: See? That's the way! Actually attempting to give proof! Unlike all those other ones.... *Thumbs up smiley*
  20. i agree, kinda. kinda because the game has now been out almost a month, and literally no headway has been made on "discovering" how this abstract ranking system works. And who's fault is that? People who have just given and are now so dedicated to this surrender that they have made/are signing petition for Treyarch to do our job for us.
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