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Everything posted by zombieman9

  1. but i can't afford another one :cry: my parents wouldn't even get me black ops 2. and now, my xbox is broken.
  3. Me and my dad killed as a team and discovered this strategy that we go by to this day. (idk if anyone else has found this but sorry if anyone did) We were on a high round and my dad started getting down due to ammunition. he decided to buy the smg's on the wall and get more ammo later. Then it hit us. We can start a round in the spawn room and kill until we start to become overwhelmed. Then we move to the upstairs room. He stands in the doorway thats next to mule kick and I stand at the bottom of the stairs and kill any zombies coming from behind. We run to the dressing room, after being overrun or if he is reloading.I stand next to the trap switch closest to the mystery box spawn while he is right behind me shooting the zombies coming in from speed cola room. After he reloads, we both run to the stairs leading to the alley. He stands at the bottom killing the zombies coming in from the stage and i'm at the top killing any of the zombies coming in from the room up there. After a little while, we move to the other stairs. He stands at the top shooting them from the stage staircase and i'm at the bottom killing the zombies in the alley. After a short time, we run straight to the lobby and start again. While we run to the spawn room, he buys ammmo for his ak74u and we keep going from there. If he runs out of ammo sooner, he carries an mp40 as his secondary and buys ammo for that when he needs it. This strategy is very helpful if you keep getting down in high rounds.
  4. I can... Because I still DON'T HAVE MY F***ING BLACK OPS 2 GAME AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :evil:
  5. don't mean to sound rude or destroy your find but I think it's because china's tea is very good and he got a weapon that was so good, that he wouldn't trade the gun for all of the good tea in china. He only says "even if there is a china anymore" because the apocalypse has started and he doesnt know if china has been destroyed or not.
  6. I have a number of ideas too that include a school, 2 Kino like maps, a boat (kinda like call of the dead but smaller), a zoo, and many more.
  7. ooohh, what map could it be? Can you post a link to the video?
  8. I had the same idea... exact same. as someone that lives in vegas, I thought that'd be cool.
  9. Oh. Well then good day, sir.
  10. What is a zombie map you would prefer? I would choose: A map where all maps with a teleporter are connected and you can teleport between maps like five, kino, Der Riese, and put in hidden teleporters into the other maps as well. What's your best idea for a zombie map?
  11. zombieman9

    uhh... wtf?

    No i didn't. Another wtf moment I had was in CotD. Look in the story/theories section, I don't feel like explaining.
  12. Yeah but, so what if they suck? They want to live in zombies, we all do too. They live by glitches, we live by surviving like experts. They don't bug me unless theyre box wh*res or point horders. If they are new, I troll them for a little. I can't resist .
  13. Not to be rude but, Do you guys honestly care about people doing glitches? "They can use it for ranking up and cheating." So? "They get on my nerves." Why? seriously guys, ask yourselves these questions. I apoligize if this sounded like I was submitting offense to you all as I wasn't and didn't mean to.
  14. I was doing the AK74u door glitch and made george mad. He ran up to the door and, after about ten seconds of trying to hit me through the door, he disappeared and I heard Samantha laugh... Why is that? :?
  15. Thats why Abracadavre is my favorite zombie song. If we do end up getting back in germany, I'd like a german song. I dont know hoe to spell it, I think its du haust or something. Good song, although its sung entirely in german and I, personally, Cant understand it. Its the instruments that gets me pumped.
  16. zombieman9

    uhh... wtf?

    I thing this has happened to everyone, including me. Don't know how to make him do it, but when he does, don't touch or attack it.
  17. I dont think treyarch ment we were right on track with the billboard theory. I think they meant the other things like laundromat and orbs, beams of light, ect.
  18. I've heard the dubstep song on tranzit though. Thats the only one i've ever heard of, actually. I don't even know what "carrion" is.
  19. You guys probably made him rage. I would've too. I almost did rage quit the site once. but someone was nice enough to calm everyone down and explain little by little.
  20. If you can put a song on a zombie map, old or in the future, What would you want the song to be? I would choose Bring me to life by Evenessence. Kick-ass song to a kick-ass game and game mode.
  21. Well what do you know? this guy was right. It may be in a certain order to get a certain song. Someone try this a few times to see if his theory was correct.
  22. ^forth time i've seen this exact post. The link, doesnt the website count as advertising? this is all the user has ever posted. Also, welcome to CoDz, Philly.
  23. I think there are only two different songs.
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