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Status Replies posted by Slade

  1. So if Alex Mason lives in BO2, why didn't he visit or tell his family? Or Woods? What an ass haha.

    1. Slade


      He was busy having an affair with Reznov back in Russia.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  2. It's that time of the month again. :3

  3. Guyz Boom is hacking he had 40k points on Round 1 with 2 kills how is this possible? Let's all report him for cheating. Not to mention he has Shotgun rank and dash boarded every time he saw a zombie...

  4. #DutchUsergroup2014

  5. I think we shd switch "brains" with "teeth". Just saying.

  6. Welp, I think after beating Mass Effect like 9 times, going through Skyrim again and playing WWE with my bro, I've started missing a little bit of the CoD world. If anyone wants to play MP or Zombs, let me know.

  7. Welp, I think after beating Mass Effect like 9 times, going through Skyrim again and playing WWE with my bro, I've started missing a little bit of the CoD world. If anyone wants to play MP or Zombs, let me know.

  8. M$ simply buys Tomb Raider. Thanks a lot... bunch of jerks. <.>

    1. Slade


      Tomb Raider: Judgement confirmed. Story by Telltale @Delta

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Congrats to @Ehjookayted on three year anniversary here on CoDz

  10. Arkham knight looks SOOOOOOO cooooooool…. REALLY hope-ing the the joker returns…

    1. Slade


      Arkham Knight is not about Joker. If you want to play another Batman vs Joker game, go play any of the previous three. Having no Joker in this game will set it apart from the rest, finally a new experience with a much needed original story where they focus on other bad guys like Scarecrow & Two-Face. I'm beginning to think you might be the Joker in disguise! Run every1

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. Arkham knight looks SOOOOOOO cooooooool…. REALLY hope-ing the the joker returns…

    1. Slade


      Well they never said that the Joker wasn't going to be in Origins. This time around, they specifically said: he's not coming back. Besides, he's so overused, I'm glad they're giving Scarecrow and a brand-new villain the spotlight.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Arkham knight looks SOOOOOOO cooooooool…. REALLY hope-ing the the joker returns…

    1. Slade


      He won't. They even said so in an interview: "It would be really cheap to bring him back after the events of Arkham City. That's not what we want." Arkham Knight & Scarecrow are the main baddies.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. Keep your 'lectric eye on me babe. Put your ray gun to my head.

  14. Football season is back

  15. So who is going to 1v1 me on the shpment remake? Gamertag is xXOpTic LennuhXx CoD Ghosts 10/10

  16. just watched the DLC4 trailer for ghosts. remake of shipment called showtime. will never lose a lobby vote

  17. just watched the DLC4 trailer for ghosts. remake of shipment called showtime. will never lose a lobby vote

    1. Slade


      Cod4 PC > shipment domination with 64+ players. Good times.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  18. I think at the End of the Year All users of the month should fight to the Death in order to be crowned User of the Year

  19. So… Doctor richtofen's first name (presumably) is Edward… That starts with an E.. You know what else starts with an E? ….. That's right…. Eel….

  20. Just got done playing some solo ascension, and I had a "WTF" moment, because I completely forgot that for some dumb effing reason the older zombies have moves, shake n bake, rolling n dodging wow what whoaaa. And the newer ones don't do jack shit

  21. *starts UWHNWB contest* (Users Who Have Never Won Before)

  22. *starts UWHNWB contest* (Users Who Have Never Won Before)

  23. Just got Mass Effect 2. Let's see if it's as good,. I only got ME2 as it was the cheapest. lol

  24. Ultimate _________ theory? What do next?

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