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Stop Mocking Me0

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Status Replies posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Was a trailer supposed to drop today?

  2. does anyone know how to lose the persistent tombstone upgrade? it is really screwing me out of getting the "Shafted" achievement

  3. does anyone know how to lose the persistent tombstone upgrade? it is really screwing me out of getting the "Shafted" achievement

  4. I have salvaged my work on Alpha map concept and finally figured out what I am going to do for the final map. However that is a long way from now

  5. Lockdown [2012] will feature a new form of Power Mechanic. Manage your power or be left in darkness

  6. Lockdown [2012] will feature a new form of Power Mechanic. Manage your power or be left in darkness

  7. Guess who gets to meet Norman Reedus (Daryl) tomorrow. THIS GUY

  8. Exo Zombies can be so frustrating. The only good weapons to upgrade seem to be from the printer.

  9. Exo Zombies can be so frustrating. The only good weapons to upgrade seem to be from the printer.

  10. Why was my "81" thread moved to game lounge's area?

  11. Just one week to go until the only sport I follow religiously starts back up again. yay ^.^

  12. Step 1: Completed. Car will be here Friday.

  13. 120 posts to go until I become Sameri Takeo!

  14. Maxis, nooooooooo ;-;

  15. Heists are only a week away for GTA5. My crew the Vespucci Vipers is looking for new guys to roll with on XB1, check out the GTA thread in the gaming section for more info. live fast, ride fast


  17. Happy Monday my fellow Americans, happy whatever the hell day it is for the rest of you :P New week, new news?

  18. Great... Now Sync mod works and ALL THE BLOODY GUNS ARE GONE!

  19. My bird has a taste for human flesh now... I fear for my life

  20. Welp, the power's out. I just hope the hot water isn't.

  21. Welp, the power's out. I just hope the hot water isn't.

  22. Not gonna post anything until the first of march

  23. Aw man, RIP Spock/Master Xehanort.

  24. So a video showing leaked Black ops 3 stuff was just posted. Well....time to get to work....#Destroychannel

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