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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. So this just occurred to me as a little idea: Quick revive 2.0 What it does is make it so when being revived the revive bar goes up, however unlike old QR, the bar doesn't instantly reset after backing away, instead the bar will begin to decrease, but still allow for one to return to the player and revive again, this time taking up less time then the first. Furthermore if a player dies with tombstone, and another player with QR can actually revive the drop too, giving the player their guns, and body back, but no perks. Just a little tidbit I came up with, please discuss.
  2. Buildables would become so hard in this mode, it may be better just to have them pre-built like in borough grief
  3. Congratulations you've just summed up the philosophy of Black ops 2!
  4. I'd like to see NML on any survival map honestly. Allow players to hit the box, use PAP, get perks, but no rest breaks, just constant slaughter.
  5. See, WAW may be nice, but… It really does limit the creators. Take multiplayer for instance: It used to be WAW warfare was super fun, then EVERYBODY did it. Thus IFW moved to modern warfare, then Black ops 2, and finally advanced warfare leading the pack as the most advanced technology to be used in games to date. The future however was so successful because designers could do virtually whatever they wanted and use whatever technology they see fit. A quad-rotor won't be as atmospheric in a WAW area. If we do see a world-at-war era game, it's likely it will be wolfenstein like where one is dependent on nazi tech to overcome the 3rd reich. This could allow for things like quad rotors and EMPs. Otherwise it's (duh-nu, dun duh dun DUNNNNNNNNNNNN DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN) Back to the future for COD 2015
  6. At this point I think you only make these threads for the sex puns.
  7. I too had an idea for the main menu: Where one is actually placed inside of nact der untoten. From there the help room would be the Xbox live section, a table with a comic book would let one select the map they wanted, the cabinet upstairs would allow one to change the cloths of their grief, survival, and turned players, the mystery box allowed one to change their own weapons in the box (balanced of corse) as well as which starting pistol they'd use, and the permaperks they'd have (more OP perms earn less XP). Furthermore one can access any song they've unlocked at the radio, exchange money in their bank for custom cloths for their custom characters, and even play a few rounds in nact while searching for another player. Of course there would still be custom matches and private matches, as well as lobby leader boards and the ability for the host to kick annoying players out of the lobby.
  8. THE LINK IS NOT AT THE END! WE HAVE BEEN CHEATED AND LIED TO! Lol, jk I'm sure when you add it, it will be fine… or maybe I'm blind right now….
  9. Wow, that is certainly well developed and I see you've put a lot of effort into it. Looks great! Purhaps however you could change the music to something a bit more upbeat, like "aether" from origins.
  10. Many people, even today, have come to argue with the idea that the 2nd DLC of Black ops 2's zombie map, MOB of the DEAD, is not actually set in hell. Some say that the prison has no satanic influence and that the happenings are all part of whomever controlled the aether before samantha got there. Some say that this is all just a comic of Al's. Some say this zombie infestation is just a time-loop in which the cycle breaks when arlington escapes the clutches of the other 3… I'm here to at least state that the creators at least WANT us to think MOTD is in hell. If one looks back to a VERY famous italian writer: Dante Alighieri, one can find that one or two of his works have been implemented into this game, and what are these ideas about? Hell. To be precise, Dante's hell was divided into 9 rings. Each one with a different purpose: The first circle is actually purgatory, where those whom haven't truly sinned but are questionable go. It is described as a green field, where the only structure is a large castle with 7 gates, obviously not MOTD. But it is described as being misty and hazy, much like the opening cutscene to MOTD. The second level is centered around lust: Again, not much can be said about this. The third level, gluttony, is where it get's interesting: It can be said that FINN, has surrendered to gluttony, thus, it makes sense that he's also being guarded by the guard of this sector: Cerebrus: A 3 headed dog, NOT unlike the 3 dog heads we see around the prison. To make things more interesting, in the story Virgil manages to by-pass the dog by filling it's 3 mouths, much like we do to get the tomahawks. Other attributes to gluttony is being surrounded by slush and icy-rain… Which isn't really a factor in this map…. Level four is greed, not very important Level five is anger, and despite the actions and quotes, I believe there are other levels better suited for Billy… Sal however may fit in here a bit better. Further more this level would drown a sinner in the river styx. The river styx would soposely forge everything seen in it to black, and allow non to breath. Take a look at afterlife mode, everything gets an inverted-to-blue color and when one is revived it's almost like they are gasping for breath after swimming or holding one's breath. Perhaps entering afterlife mode is the equivalent to entering the river styx. I should also mention entering the river and coming back would mean making that person stronger, like when we activate equipment, and then moreso, a part of the body must be left outside the river if one wants to return, like our own entire bodes are OUR return point. Level six is also unimportant with heresy Circle 7: Violence: This is billy's isle without a doubt: River of boiling blood and fire? Beneath the first dog. Hanging bodies? Bingo, literally EVERYWHERE, and probably my favorite part: A desert storm of burning sand upon thine head: Sounds an awful lot like the acid shower trap to me. Furthermore the flaming sand was meant to take out those whom the sinners blame before them, much like the grief teams using it on the other's team. Circle 8: Non- important, other then the part about individual fires surrounding false profits. I think this is kind of a jab at, no matter what, the box, the perks, nor the buildables will help the mobsters in the end…. Circle 9: This is the resting place of the devil himself. Here, he is trapped in ice as the other treasurers are, meanwhile in his mouth, he chews on some of the biggest traitors in history, one of which is brutus: Julius Caesar's best friend who betrayed and stabbed him. What I find interesting is that one must defile the gates of hell (bridge) with the tomahawk, throw it into the burning river, then enter the river styx to upgrade it. Now that we are through with the dante basics lets look at some other things: -Resnov's revenge: We know resnov is dead, and chances are, he's not exactly sky high about it… It's likely resnov is in hell as well… -The eyes: In origins we see all types of zombie eyes, but red. Now, it's commonly thought that different color eyes means different controller. Red has always been a satanic color, so I wouldn't be shooting TOO far out of the box when I say that a grand evil is controlling the zombies. -The atmosphere: Everywhere around the prison there are candles and satanic symbols. If one notices, the second al enter's a lower layer of hell (for murder of stanly ferguison) the scenery changes. This leads me to believe that AL was finally deemed unworthy and therefor lowered into hell, to share multiple levels with his three best friends. -The name of the tomahawk: The hell's retriever. It does fit the theme of the map doesn't it…. Then after moving through different layers of hell it becomes the hell's redeemer. As in it's being redeemed for serving out it's sins. The perks: Now, this is odd, perks in out of place maps like Mulekick/stamin-up in origins, still look and behave like normal perks. HOWEVER, in MOTD, every single perk machine is stripped of it's jingle and instead it's phasing through colors as if it doesn't belong here. The only perk that doesn't do this is Electric Cherry. Oddly enough the electric cherry perk machine is never seen again in BO2 and likely never will in any map that's not in hell. Brutus's quote; I'm trapped here just like you: Brutus is held in the lowest level of hell, with the 3 mobsters for committing treachery against Al. To me this seems like plenty of evidence to spark some theories of MOTD any point anyone would like to make?
  11. You my friend have just summarized the entire future section of this forum!
  12. Perhaps, after ascending into heaven after MOTD, weasel was granted the job, by sam/richtofen to create comic book replicas of the zombie maps, which we see as the comic book page loading screens.
  13. The wonder fizz would make tranzit 40X as enjoyable, No more retreating to town every time one got down! And come next game, I 100% want to see a survival/greif map where the only perk available is the wonder fizz. That would be epic. But it could also work on smaller maps, like die rise: Put it in the box spawn room, the hallway behind the ak-74u, and spawn it's self. No one ever goes to these areas once set up, as they are BAD for training and things can get out of hand quickly. Buried: One in prospecting: under the catwalk, one hidden in the maze of tunnels above the town, and one in the mansion. Nuketown: Would spawn randomly… So… Yeah can't say anything about that one. MOTD: Is big enough to put 4 in general locations: Roof, area in front of the tomahawk spawn, against the tower trap at the docks, and in the generator room.
  14. Uggg… REALLY want to make custom zombie maps… DAMN YOU INFERIOR AND MORE EXPENSIVE COMPUTER!

  15. Ain't that the truth, however, from my experience as well, those kids tend to be spoiled brats (or at least my lobbies) that go on to talk about their latest titian fall episode…. I myself am somewhat poor, and my main source of income is my parents as well, and in a family with two siblings constantly crying over either a pony doll or makeup kit they wanted, life kind of sucks for me… But at the end of the day, I can still get the Xbone come christmas.
  16. Stop Mocking Me0


    there are multiple ways of knowing most of which are pictures including the round you're on and your gamer tag. Same goes for, oh say: Grenade kills: Go to the BO2 leader boards and take a pic of the one with the grenades.
  17. I mean there are quite a few things that point to EC NOT being an ordinary perk: -It's the only perk in MOTD that isn't flashing -It's never been seen outside of MOTD -It has no perk jingle, the ONLY perk to not have one. -It can be inferred from the satanic scenery, the boss being brutus, the 3 headed dog, the recording stating the 4 mobsters had died, the entrance scene suddenly changing from a peaceful to hellish landscape, the fact the 4 can't die, the ability to use an electric chair to teleport, the name of the Tomahawk, and… You know what that's enough evidence there. MOTD is close enough to hell. And one can also infer that MOTD is the home of Electric cherry. Therefore, cleanliness is close to garliness. Or something...
  18. I Completely understand the viewpoint and reasoning behind where you're coming from. I just think that more people owning a device is irrelevant. Take Super mario 3d World, big game of the mario series, released ONLY for Wii-U. Could TOTALLY work for the Wii, but doesn't. It's used as a ploy to drag mario fans to the next console. What it boils down to is: Will COD 2015 be used as a GIANT push to the next gen systems. OR will it be an average COD? This chance to pull this is NOT going to happen again, it's just not, no game will sell as much over the next 3 years. The money treyrach will make from the game is set, it's not changing. It WILL sell hundreds of hundreds of copys worldwide as well as DLC, be it for the XBONE only or 360. No tactical plot to sell to the majorities is needed. THE MAJORITIES WILL FALLOW IT, AND if they don't then over the 3 years PRECEDING launch, players whom STAYED on the XBONE WILL STILL be buying the zombies. What ISN'T going to work is if the zombies is a ineptly, limited game which limits it to not be any better then BO2. So many people are forgetting that it's the QUALITY of the woman that sells it, not the availability of it... Sorry I meant game And speedo, people have bigger things to worry about then the next game if they can't afford a 500$ device and 60$ game… That may sound mean, but if they honestly can't get by after 3 years with no way to afford it, they don't NEED to be waisting money one a game…. Bit cruel but that's the way of capitalism: Get what you need, so you can then get what you want.
  19. It added a whole extra 4 perks to Origins If I do recall…. This is the only means of acquiring special perks IMO, like electric cherry: It's a perk forged in hell, the only way to get it, is to either be in hell or get it from the wonder fizz.
  20. yes please the OP is unreadable. I understand highlighting a word or sentence to show importance, but no reason to type in wacky colors just for the hell of it My main requests are bring back the BO1 style easter eggs, More secretive, and less important to the technical game play of the map. and better EE rewards. Give me some motivation to do the EE like we had in moon, and not one that i hated every minute of doing like Tranzit i also like the idea the had with double tap II ... so maybe bring back some perks that weren't necessarily that popular and buff them. makes the decision on what post jugg perks to fill the 3 spots. even perhaps make some powerful enough that jugg isnt just the automatic no brainer pick each map? Quit complaining, to legally purchase a COD game one must be 17 years old. You are old enough to read something in blue. And there is order: Blue is important, red is VITAL. Also I think deadshot will not change, simply because I see it as being the "war machine" of the wonder fizz. No one wants it so they let it slip back. If they do change it, I don't see how they would…..
  21. The ability to connect to the internet is not an issue with either device. I'm a bit lost to why you would even bring that up. Also forcing new consoles is NOT a bad marketing choice, especially with something as big as a COD game: The most played FPS in the world. And even more-so a COD game with ZOMBIES one of the most enjoyed things by COD players. Anyone who's anyone will buy this game, and after 3 years, if microsoft (In league with activision, we know this, this is why xbox gets DLC early) doesn't provide some kind go push to get the next gen. console moving, nothing will. This is the BIGGEST push ANY game release can muster up. Period. No if-ands-or-buts about it. If anyone choses to let this slide, make an inferior game WHICH COSTS MORE TO PRODUCE, provide just about the clearest middle finger to the zombies lovers ever, and miss out on a perfect opportunity to provoke XBONE an PS4 sales, I will lose all faith in modern industry.
  22. Description: Welcome to the tomb of the dead, the entrance to hell, and a plethora of secrets. Discover new twists and turns in this crypt where up is down and not everything is what it seems…. This map is set in a MASSIVE lost pyramid, located in the great victorian desert, Australia This massive structure is home to a mass grave of mummies, pharaohs, and alien nano-corpses. Mummies are quite simple to deal with, as they are ordinary zombies. Pharaohs are a bit tougher and can spawn randomly, what makes them more difficult is their casing of solid gold. This makes them SUPER resistant to bullets, however explosions or melting the metal can dispel their tougher outer shell, making them normal. Alien corpses are the actual bosses, these things are never actually seen because upon being observed they turn into black smoke (even in theater mode). Occasionally this smoke materializes into hands which can attack a player from behind, but vanishes upon being observed. It attacks FAST however, so check that "zombie" behind you. They are only killable by select means, and when they are killed they drop a perk. The map consists of a regular box, and the fallowing perks: (Wonder fizz only perks are marked with "WF" the rest are on map AND in the Wonderfizz) Juggernog Quickrevive Electric cherry "WF" Stamin-up "WF" Vulture's aid Mule kick Speed cola "WF" Double tap Snake Oil: Weight Loss: The perk of this map, shrinks the player occupation box by 50% Allowing one to easily slip by, as well as enter a few nooks and crannies one used to be too fat to enter. PAP is available. The wonder weapon: -Talisman runes: A tactical, toss it on the ground, when a zombie steps on it the 115 is cleansed from it's body. Can effect a total of 5 zombies. You get 5 of these. -VV0lV D3R: A piece of alien technology: Fires beams at zombies, which when fired releases a slow-moving orb of energy that sucks the energy out of anything that moves through it: Zombies, aliens (doesn't kill but makes vernable), and time. Time will actually move around the orb so firing it at slow-moving mechanisms can speed it up (Including PAP). Spawn: The players (playing as RichtoSam, Tank, Takeo, and Nikolai in present day time) spawn outside the pyramid. There isn't much here but surrounding desert, if one attempts to go into the desert they will be stopped by either walls, or a massive chasm with bright light inside of it. The sky above is blue, the son looks vibrant, and one forgets that the entire earth was set ablaze by these four… There's only one way and that's in, to get in you will need to scale the side of the pyramid to it's top. The individual layers can be scaled by a series of ladders and catwalks. There are only a few rooms of the pyramid it's self, the rest is a complex CHANGING labyrinth of tunnels that can switch where you come out with world-portals, there IS no easy answer, you just gotta hope and prey it sends you to the right path. Rooms: -King's chamber: This is where the nano-swarm spawns, likewise it hold's juggernog. -Queen's chamber: This is where mule kick will be, as well as the compass build: It will keep the maze from dropping you off somewhere you haven't been. -Armory: Box spawn and location of multiple weapons. -Entrance: Where one ends up when they drop in from the top, quick revive is here. -Reflection pool: a seemingly a normal pool, however when one walks into it via the stairs. the player will actually walk into another version of the room. THIS room will be technologically advanced and SHOW it. Sleek chrome-black and white technology lines the walls. Snake oil can be bought in the ancient version of the room. If one leaves the room after entering the futuristic side of the pyramid, the enter a whole new landscape. This time, the 4 are working their way OUT of the pyramid while fending off test subjects. Carefull, while this side of the map does not have a changing labyrinth, it does have multiple traps that will SCREW YOU OVER. Shooting the wrong spot on a wall can cause massive explosions, liquid nitrogen leaks, or "emergency shutdown" blocking the path ahead, or behind. The majority of this section is strait forward, one can eventually find Vulture's aid, and Double tap, as well as a new build called: X-ray specs: A type of goggle that when equipped will show where "trap" cracks and weak spots in the wall are. Use these to your advantage. Eventually one will find the control room at the BOTTOM of the pyramid? Or the top… Depending on the view… Either way, it's basically the entrance room of the ancient's pyramid but in the future section. PAP can be found here. The easter egg will compose of activating and powering multiple sections throughout the ship. Once completed one can exit the ship to view the outside world of the future pyramid. One steps outside to find the world they THOUGHT was the real world, was actually argartha, and the land they see now, boiling, burning, and unstable, is the real world. They have been freed. Sorry, this is NOT my best map idea concept… Thingy.. I've ever done, but I figured I'd bring it out because I can…
  23. Sounds like a good survival map, or custom map. But a whole map waisted on one room? Sorry, not worth the DLC.
  24. uggg….. Ironic paradoxes: No good games for the next gen---> Nobody wants to upgrade----> Nobody buys next gen---> Next gen market is smaller then old gen---> No good games are made without old gen limits-----> No good games for the next gen. The paradox ends as soon as games that ARE good come out for the XBONE and PS4 only, like for example: Arkham Knight, Sunset overdrive, Quantom Break, and with hope: COD 2015. Nobody wants a console because there are no games, no game-makers want to make games because there are no people with upgraded consoles. But at the end of the day: +90% of CODZ players do NOT want something as bad as BO2. +90% of CODZ players do NOT want to wait and EXTRA 2-3 years for a fully functional game with no limitations. 100% chance of increase in XBONE profits should a COD game be made EXCLUSIVELY for the XBONE. I am NOT waiting an EXTRA 3 years after 2015 for a game that runs smooth. We're already waiting an extra year! HELL! I'll be out of college by the time a good zombies game comes out. By then I hope they end the series! That's ridiculous and unfair to the AT LEAST 70% of CODZ players whom adore zombies.
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