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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. But that makes no sense... Why put the effort and the code into an update that causes the icons to flash blue or red and then trash it the second before origins is released? It's either got SOMETHING to do with origins, or it's a tray-fail...
  2. Wow... Is red all our favorite colors? Weird... Anyways, I chose blue because I prefer to wield blue weapons... Don't ask me why, Just the random desire...
  4. Let me know in poll which staff you think looks the most epic! Purple: Blue: Red: White:
  5. I want to kill things..... (grabs stg and doesn't question it)
  6. And now some colors from grandpa: Yellow, BLUE, Chartreuse! Excellent choices grandpa...
  7. It appears that they go: Purple: (Poison? 115?) Likely will drain zombie's health, like the paralyzer Red: Fire will likely work like the flamethrower Blue: Water/ice may work like the winters howl or the "undertow" vigor in bioshock infinite. white: Wind I'm hoping it will work like the "bucking bronco" vigor in bioshock infinite... Now... What do these things look like UPGRADED?
  8. Calm down everyone before the thread get's locked... Look, the zombies in the cinematic trenches were CLEARLY yellow, and the zombies in the tomb were CLEARLY purple, it appears that the zombies directly outside the tomb MAY be orange. To be honest NONE of this makes any sense anyways... Samantha wasn't meant to be alive at this time... Maxis CERTAINLY was not the demonic announcer here... And GOD KNOWS what purple means....
  9. Leave and block them.... Or play a less-annoying map like die rise or nuketown... MOTD is IMPOSSIBLE to do without some FREELOADING ask-hat steeling YOUR hard work for grabbing the skulls, plane pieces, or reviving you while you're in afterlife... And youtube didn't re-name the time-bomb the troll-bomb for nothing.... It's all just little kids who THINK they can become a youtube sensation by fallowing what trollers do on the internet.... But in reality, they try to do this using ONLY the theater system, don't know how to link their accounts, and are generally just annoying... Occasionally (never) you'll find a real troller who you either should just enjoy the game, or troll with him... But in reality everyone hates the EMP bombs because they literally are ONLY there for the purpose of ticking people off... Making a zombie "sleep" in almost useless and at the expense of turning off perks or a box hit? NOPE!
  10. I think it's the lighting that darkens their eyes that makes people see yellow... The poster and the cinematic defiantly have yellow eyes in the trenches... but the outside of the temple ones look orange...
  11. Good thing we have MMX's sig as a guide!
  12. ...No, that's orange right there. For once I'm with Vhyl, defiantly yellow...
  13. God knows how we will explain getting the mark-2 in there....
  14. Looks to me to be him in both a state of surrender and a state of "What have I done?" If you notice, he also seems to notice everything before it happens too... As if he's been there before... He looks up to the robot before the light flashes. He seems unshaken to have three of the DEADLIEST killers on the planet pointing pistols and a shotgun at him....
  15. EVEN COOLER! Now i can be Gandalf, Bowser Jr., AND Richtofen at the same time! MAMA PEACH SHALL NOT PASS UN BUTCHER!
  16. That blimp has been a centerpiece for a lot of the things we've seen so far.. I wonder how it will effect our game....
  17. They defiantly sound like an upgradeable weapon through the achievement: Master wizard But to me earth, wind, fire and water is missing something... Which makes me think that each ability is inspired by the themes of the maps: Fire (Tranzit) Poison (nuketown) Wind/hight (die rise) electricity or water (Mob of the dead) earth (Buried) And 115 (Origins) Each working in their own special way.... Hopefully each are equally effective... I also think that there will be two stages of building this weapon: Building the weapon's station and then adding the elemental parts... so the player with the staff can run around and grab the element he needs and add it to the station, each time he does the element re-spawns so he can effectively change the staff into whatever he needs it to be... Also: COOL! Now I can be Gandalf AND richtofen at the same time: YOU SHALL NOT PASS UN BUTCHER!
  18. Nah, I'm expecting that the day after the leader-board update.... I was excited when I saw "An update is required" then let down due to no leaderboard update. :| But we got achievement updates which is even better! :D
  19. Nah, I'm expecting that the day after the leader-board update....
  20. The illuminati wer't connected with 935, that's why they ha richtofen sent in as a spy... I personally believe the robot has an iron-cross on him from german-desent... It seems like the kind of thing a "der riese" project would build....
  21. Thankyou ducky! Little Lost girl: Seems like it would be impossible for sam to be here in this time which leads me to believe: There are either multiple Samanthas or the time we're in effects things that happen later in time... Dug up weapons eh? Perhaps it will work a bit like the chalk? Maybe here you can only get certain weapons that were buried... Ahhh so we have a NAME for the mini-robots... So we have MULTIPLE power switches that turn off? Weird, but cool! So there are multiple elemental staffs? Cool different effects to the same (supposed) wonder weapon... Tank on a tank COOL! Ok so ways we know of reviving: Time-bombing, ballistics-kniving, normal reviving, but how else? Oh well there's one way: zombie blood... Perhaps those viles of blood from the trailer will come in handy... Apparently this can be used on the generators as well... I LOVE challenges! I wonder what they are.... Hmm... Maybe there's a difference between staff and ULTIMATE staff... PAP anyone?
  22. Doubt the O4 died on moon, if they were to die it would be at the hand of something as awesome as them, and we would have a confirmed death... Did you see the trailer? They're resourceful and amazing as Swiss army knives...
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