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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Purhaps when he gets the ray gun in origins he's referring to maxis hiding the mark 1's development.
  2. Course, there would still be issues: If a blast hit behind a zombie it'd send it spiraling forward towards the player. This is all stuff that advanced warfare should take into account, even TF2 has accomplished this…
  3. I can see hypermole now: "Ah, spider here's something I noticed: No zombie counter" "Well it's trayarch what did you expect?" ---Later---- Spider: "Huh.. I'm gona get this new perk:Aware aid… OH! Hyper! Hyper! There's a zombie counter! It gives you a zombie counter man!" H: "BEST MAP EVER! -Just saying…"
  4. I still love my idea of the projector. The killcode projector, watching it once it's been placed causes the viewer to exhibit the same effects of the reel placed in it. -Killcode reel: Kills anything that looks at it close up, zombies or players, watch the floor to survive. Eventually breaks. -Capture reel: Causes anything that looks at it to lose all motor function, a player is stopped as is a zombie, the player can look left or right to escape, but a zombie must keep looking forward. Eventually breaks. -Warp reel: Jumping into the projector teleports the player to the pack-a-punch room and then to a random safe area on the map. Works once-per-player. Does not effect zombies. Takes extra time to start up. The main components of the projector only have to be built once, but to take a projector, one needs to build in a tape onto the bench, resulting in a specific type of projector.
  5. Hmm… I normally open doors at my own leisure. Only rule in mocking's book: -Do not count on other people, if you want something done right, do it yourself. Taking initiative is what makes one a leader, not owning a mic and shouting.
  6. There may be 5 DLCs… as it's already released DLC 3 and their season lasts until the end of august to mid september…. Normally I'd vouch for the "4dlcs only" but they have been given AMPLE time left over. Meaning either a BIG AX MAP, or two dlc… Hell maybe even both…
  7. Took my cousin who struggles to walk (in-game, IRL he's like 15) to round 25 in buried. 48 downs, but still round 25. -No paralyzer -No holding zombies (from him)
  8. Weapons would be worth while! Imagine what the Ray gun would do! What'd be cooler is if enemy players in grief also suffered the effects. RPGs would become one of the most useful weapons in the game!
  10. Much like most of BO1 and 2, the more complex a map, the more communication is needed… Solutions: -dont let randoms get the time bombs. -If randoms do get the time bombs, confront them if they place it on an early round. -If they refuse to answer or are OBVIOUSLY trying to troll, play along. 9/10 times trolls are just little squeakers trying to be the next youtube sensation, despite the fact trolling stopped being popular back in the MW3 days… If you're trying to be serious though, back out and find some more co-operative people.
  11. through the floor after being grabbed. onto your teammates from the robot's feet. through the tank's floor. of your staff weapon through oblivion. of the storyline.
  12. "ooooooohhhh… You got the wunderwaffe DG2! HA! JUST KIDDING!" Why? Why is it so bad to have a DLC weapon in BO2 but not BO3? It just supplies motivation for purchase, a good tactic by trayarch. In no way does one ever need the ray gun M2, but many prefer it. In WAW there was no PHD flopper, in black ops there was no M2… We would work perfectly fine without PHD and the M2...
  13. Better yet just really throw on the pain: No amo: Lose all the amo in your current weapon. -Red Amo Negative points: Self explanatory. -Red $Z Double price: Everything cost double! -Red X2 Radiation: Player takes a bit of damage every 15 seconds for a total of 1 minute. -Red Nuke I like the virus idea, that could come from tainted meat's red drop.
  14. I like how this is a topic about the future of the M2 but 70% of what's been said is about it's lack of history… Also, I do not want the ray gun M2 in the box for free, I feel that needs to be either purchased or earned. Otherwise it's just not as special as the ray gun M1 and by default lowers the lovability of the M1 as well. DLC or something IS the answer IME.
  15. I like that idea, where barriers are destroyed leaving the map altered? A fantastic concept…
  16. To be honest they didn't even need to do that… Just to release some micro dlc game mode maps like grief die rise, grief origins, and grief nuketown… It could and would work, ESPECIALLY grief origins: Excavation area open, you fight as american solders or german scientist vs zombies. Die rise would have spawns separated between the two building's upper areas. Nuketown would be fully open and only have perks spawn in that ARNT the originals.
  17. I always assumed demonic richtofen built it in the aether…Then split it around his reign of maps, where it was pulled into other dimensions like hell and origins…
  18. SO how do you all think the Mark two will end up come COD 2015? Personally, I see it as an ample opportunity to persuade players to get the hardened editions and other bonus additions, as the M2 would be a great addition to the game that we know players are ok with. Of course there will be other ways of getting the M2 later on… But on the other hand it COULD be left to only be used in BO2…. Never to be seen again….
  19. Jesus... you kidding? Losable staffs, broken tank, glitchy pansers.. Come on trayarch even moon didn't have THIS many issues…
  20. The der reise site was not where 115 was first discovered, the earliest known location of 115 was the meteor impact in… Russia was it?… ID remember clearly… Origins must take place in an alternate reality, no other way around it. It has no impact on the story of der reise, moon, or even buried. These are the laws upheld by the origins paradox disaster….
  21. It wouldn't be that bad if the two lores mixed.. 99% of the connections to zombies are discovered through info files one can just look up on the internet.
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