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Everything posted by MixMasterNut

  1. I just want to take a moment to give special recognition to certain codz member, whose value here I feel is often over-looked. Or if not overlooked,the gratitude is not expressed as much as maybe it should be. I feel that CoDz is a great hub for all things zombies. This is where many among the best talents in the Z community congregate to. We share our knowledge and ideas, and through everyone's individual strengths we are made stronger. We have some of the best story-theorist, easter egg hunters, and game strategist, etc in the entire zombie community here. No matter what it is about zombies that interest you, you will find it at CoDz. That's why we are so strong. So with all that said, I want to say Bless you xFaTaLx RaMpAgE for not only pretty much single handedly holding down the DOA front on CoDz, but holding it down like a BOSS!!! I'm sure your corner of the Z community gets awefully lonely at times. But just know that CoDz as a whole not only appreciates you. We NEED you! So I think I speak on behalf of all of CoDz when I say, thank you for being the Dead Ops Arcade LEGEND that you are! -Mix
  2. You are right that I do need to start explaining things more though. I just quickly threw that one up while I was researching into other topics. Nyklon-B has nothing to do with the Shangri-la map in zombies. But I guess my point is, if you have an eye for illuminati symbols, it makes studying history a whole lot more fun! And for those of you who don't know what Zyklon-B is, if you're interested you can start feeding your brain on it here, and here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zyklon_B https://www.google.com/search?btnG=1&pws=0&q=zyklon-b
  3. oh man, that UFO cow abduction video cracks me up every time I watch it. :lol:
  4. For Tac: Here's a real-life reference of this Illuminati symbol in use. And it definitely fits within Nazi history. (and no, I'm not even going to touch on the idea that zyklon-b was actually used on the vril-ya population, lol)
  5. K hrmmm.... Oh and BTW, this Gas is not a very nice Gift
  6. I'm considering putting many of my theory/thread projects on hold at the moment to explore the depths of this GK / IG Farben connection. I've quickly found a shocking number of similarities between IG Farben's history, and things referenced ingame relating to GKNova6. Would you care to dive down the depths of this rabbit hole with me? I'm working on like 12 threads right now, so I'm going to need some additional help if I'm to release the uncovering of all these finding any time soon. I MUST warn you though, it'll entail uncovering some of the dirtiest secrets in world history.
  7. Yes GK = GKM And GKM is the ingame version of IG Farben http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=409 IG Farben helped fund Hitler and the Nazi party into power. So therefore I conclude, that GKM funded both Group 935 and the Ascension Group.
  8. Thanks Shoreyo. I agree with you that Treyarch likes to take ideas from pop culture and pop conspiracy theories. But some of this stuff is based on real history too. For example, Die Glocke ("the Bell") was a reverse engineer of the ancient Indian Vimana. aOl_bU7L044 I've been studying Nazi history, and mythology a lot lately. It's so facinating! It's become the source of all my theories lately. History truely is written by the victor. Props to Treyarch for giving us the cookie crumbs to uncover all this alternative history I gaurantee you won't find in your school text books.
  9. Slight story adaptation. I mean, that's the only thing that doesn't add up correctly to the legends of the two German U-boats that went to Antartica, and Admiral Byrds journey to discover hollow earth. This sub is U-boat 209. Remember that the Ascension group is basically picking up where Group 935 left off. Same goals, different banner. So it sort of makes sense that in 2012 when CotD happens, the logo on the sub has been updated to the latest GK sponsored government.
  10. I feel like these belong here as well.... http://unurthed.com/category/emblems/ Ancient Egyptian UFO Glyphs Ancient Egyptian Glyph depicting modern aerial weaponry Ancient Indian Vimana (Wheel, within a wheel: Chariots of the Gods) Indian art of Ancient Vimana Technology http://www.zimbio.com/UFOs/articles/7H3u-xnyKrq/Alternative+Theory+UFO
  11. The UFO and the Submarine are working together. MZzJGM661D0 German UFO's http://greyfalcon.us/German%20UFOs.htm
  12. Wish I could help, but stupid gamestop employees messed up my preorder, and gave me the regular game instead of the Hardened Edition :evil:
  13. Anyone have any pictures? I must have missed the old discussions. This one is new to me.
  14. I used to have a really cool theory about how this happens after our Moon adventures, and the loading screens depict the story lead-in for the next zombie storyline. (i am richtofen knows about this one) But after finding these pictures, that in a way say, the pyramid is already there. I've now changed my tune, and am leaning on your theory being the more likely of the two. I had an idea recently that you could be completely right in your story theory. And thought maybe Area 51 was something added into the game after Treyarch had already illustrated the two loading screens. Like Treyarch already had it mapped out that the crew would teleport from Shangri la to the Moon, and then late in development decided it would be cool to throw Area 51 in the mix as well. So that would explain how the pyramid lands on the Moon, yet we start in Area 51.
  15. Ya know, the whole Shangri la pyramid temple teleporting to the Moon thing. That event. ref. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=15764
  16. The plates show up in any random order, so maybe they can be rearranged into saying something. If nothing else, it's definitely one of the coolest Illuminati references in the game. Excellent work here Rissole! [brains]
  17. I'm not so sure if it alters the story any. Rather, it fits right into the story. I've been theorizing about the story on the Shangri la and Moon loading screens. One of my first questions is, "When does this event happen?". Does it happen before or after our crew's adventures on the Moon? I'm starting to lean on the idea of event have already happened, rather than something we are waiting for in the near future. These "real" photos are my reason for that. Because according to real-world conspiracy theories, the pyramids are already there, and the Illuminati has been covering up their existance from us the whole time.
  18. :facepalm: It doesn't matter if it's fake or not. What matters is that there are actual conspiracy theories about pyramids on the Moon. The pictures I posted in my OP are of the one I found that I think best matches the one on the Moon's loading screen. But there is a ton of different photos out there of pyramid structures on the Moon. I don't think you are giving Treyarch enough credit here. Popular Illuminati and Alien conspiracy theories are totally legit resources for them to draw inspiration from.
  19. Back on Topic...... 7aGv5hDp8Wg 8TpJJK2qNO8
  20. I'd like to see this game mode return. A lot of W@W vets would agree. Makes no sense that they took it out and added less popular game modes in it's place.
  21. Are these stones, or chunks of metal ores, that these Men are offering to the cause? And is the second one floating in his palms? This part particularly interest me right now The Scientist I don't think he's the same scientist from the Five/Ascension loading screens. Just sayin... "Take my Baby!" Little Johnny wants to grow up to be a Cosmonaut And here's an in-game portrait of Lenin to compare too....
  22. I believe in this game, the Illuminati is behind everything. The Illuminati's goal is to get to the Moon because that's where the pyramid is. Communism and the Russian space program are just tools they are using to achieve this.
  23. Another amazing piece of work put together by our friend Tom852! [brains] See guys, this is why I say Codz, and the zombie community is not dying. No, not by any means. Some of the best works are just now coming to surface after the game cycle has ended. Brains for you
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