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Everything posted by redflame115

  1. I don't like that most people ignore the fact that Richtofen and Samantha aren't in their proper bodies. Sam did say she would get her body back but why do people think the change will be immediate and continue on to Black Ops II? I guess some people can't accept the fact that Richtofen is a tranny now/joking. Anyway I agree with a previous poster (im to lazy to quote sorry!) that said that the crew would most likely not work with Richtofen if Ascension is after Moon. I also hope Treyarch some how makes a reference to Call of the Dead (my favorite map) seeing as it is in the future. :?:
  2. I tried to borrow some ideas that other people posted on here and try to put them together. I really hope they take time to really think about this if they try to implement it. The idea sounds really cool though! :)
  3. You guys are thinking about it too hard . If someone joined a session in progress lets say the rounds survived would count not the all the rounds together from the start. Make sense? And I also think the player joining should start out with 1500 points when they join but just if they join a session that's round 11+. Don't be silly I wouldn't think Treyarch would let anyone join whoevers match.You should be able to invite players mid game but with the entires groups consent. And when randoms search for matches they only enter mid games if there are absolutely no other people searching for matches. I think my view is fair. Opinions?
  4. Can someone link me to a vid or page where treyarch "confirmed or said" that paris even existed and that zombies is over?
  5. do you hear the voices around sams pyramid?
  6. people ride to many fucking bandwagons, i bet someone on you tube said theres too much screaming (when theres only two fricking lines of screaming!!!!!!) and everyone just agreed , i bet if they said they liked the drumming everybody be all over that .... some people do really dislike it but most are just agreeing with every1 else & if soon they dont deserve [brains]
  7. Just seems unrealistic to have a movie about cod zombies would it be like a full on movie or a short film? im thinking just a in game cutscene for either moon or the next cod zombies franchise or even a trailer but a movie i doubt.
  8. What gets me is that they are completely diffrent to me look wise and the effects but i do belive in that theory as well
  9. nuuuuuuuu lol :cry: IF this were to happen i wouldnt want to be difficult or confusing to get with the rest of the group... I play mostly with randoms and in shangri la iv only turned the pap on 3 times So how am i going get from earth to the moon with randoms lol (not saying thats confusing but its hard to get randoms to co-op) ): .. I like the idea but its just the randoms :S
  10. You and others took and misinterpreted this wrong lol.
  11. Just throwing a complete guess out here but maybe the QED has something to do with fusing the 2 guns into one gun. I believe quantum is to destroy all the atoms in an object or something like that, but for some reason I seem to be stuck on the word entanglement here. Hmm, or maybe the QED is a gun, I really have no clue. But the cod wiki thing shows it as a tactical grenade... i really hope we can get this/these guns from the box it would suck if we had to do a EE or something to get it ):
  12. One compound word: Spacesuit. So... your're arguing against me there that my OP is right? You've lost me. I guess what I'm saying, is that he hasn't bought the spacesuit yet, and that is why he doesn't have gloves. And, maybe it's just because I haven't eaten dinner yet and I'm really tired/slow tonight, but your posts seem a bit contradictory to me... Why is everyone assuming that were going to have to buy spacesuits nothings been confirmed yet...
  13. someone mentioned this earlier about it being daytime btw nice find [brains] for you... I agree that it is a possibility of this & if so i would be kinda pissed lol.... tbh i hate small objectives that require more than two peoples effort I cant even pack a punch in shangri la ): I dont have friends that are serious enough to listen to stuff to easter eggs as complex as the one in shangri la so how the hell will i be able to get on the moon with a random lol
  14. Omg thank you I thought my eyes were tricking me *EDIT* Not this pic though by the pack a punch on the same pick were theres a red light i see a person(doesnt look like a zombie) where you get a drop for teleporting & btw maybe the clip @ the end could be a potential cutscene for the next game(my thoughts) or a film which i HIGHLY doubt... but who knows. And I knew zombies wouldnt be over he said the season finale & in the interview before this Jimmy said he would like to add certain elements from moon in "future games".
  15. Nice Find [brains] For You & thats what im talking about ! look at the Der Riese photo where u usally get a power drop i see a person
  16. Nice Find didnt notice the daytime.. Maybe it is Area 51 Maybe you teleport to it? For your find [brains]
  17. Yeah i found that too someone on the original rezurrection video forum said maybe its the Pap version?
  18. sorry for the double post & at 1:42 theres a teleporter looking thing behind the player
  19. @ 1:39 it looks like the players vision is blurred i really like the gravity effects in moon they did a real good job...
  20. Or maybe they just used his normal outfit as a test model for the map?
  21. At :36 I THINK i see someone in a astronaut suit in Der Riese where you usually see a power up drop ... ? i think my eyes are tricking me but i just see a person
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