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Everything posted by MysteryMachineX

  1. Likewise, I've got a list of their details. Wife 5 was the reason Stalin banished him, because she was having an affair with a politician and he killed her for it. Stalin fthen feared him and sent him to the front lines. But where did you get that from?
  2. It sounds to me almost exactly like Praying Mantis Cave Johnson from Portal 2. I think they just used the same old voice synthesizer due to time constraints.
  3. No, five was in Stalin's time based on Nikolai's bio. Besides, this is when he's in like his mid 20s. Nikolai just gets around with alot of women. Oh yeah that's right. So he was banised from Russia... twice I'm pretty versed on Nikolai's wife history, but I'm drawing a blank here. Could you refresh my memory on where this info of this particular wife came from? Btw guys, I downloaded a 1080p version of the official trailer by Treyarch (pure trailer, no intro, outro, talking, or any of THAT stuff) on my computer before they took it off. Hey, maybe I can sell it for money just like how people sell Pokemon cards that are valuable because they have errors that the developers made :P
  4. I highly doubt it. They didn't after Moon, so I see no reason why they would now. Because the story is still ongoing at the moment? ^ The story is always ongoing. Even after Moon, where the world was blown up, it SEEMED like it was the end, yet still more came. I bet that'll be what they'll do again. It's the end of a season, so to speak. A Season Finale.
  5. Current data dictates that Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, Richtofen, Samantha, and Maxis resided around the '40's. This map takes place 20-30 years before then. So either Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Richtofen were children, Maxis was a young man, and Samantha was unborn in this map; or Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Richtofen are 50+ years old in every other map, Maxis would be going on 100, and Samantha would be an adult in the '40's. As you can see, BOTH options are impossible. That is the problem. There must be a hidden option C somewhere.
  6. Yes. Lol, not sure what else to say. Soooooo many inconsistencies. Let's hope they all get explained. But here's one you missed. If the characters are 20~ in this map, that makes them FIFTY~ in the other maps.
  7. While in the aether you are restricted by time. Sam treated her power like a game. However after the O4 time traveled from the 40s to the 60s in Der Riese / Kino, she couldn't play with them for 20+ years. That's why she imprisoned Dr. Gersch; she was lonely in the aether for 20 years. Correct. They are restricted by time and space, but not as much as we. They can play with it, but they ultimately must follow it. Otherwise, Samantha, Lucifer, Richtofen, and Maxis would all control zombies at the same time (from our perspective).
  8. ahem hem... TEMPLAAAAAAARRRRRRRR AHOY. Are you disagreeing with him? Or not? Why do you post that image? You seem to imply that the meaning is inherent, but I don't understand your post.
  9. I disagree. I say they are obviously yellow, not orange. There's quite a difference.
  10. The American, Russian, Japanese, and German shouldn't be alive. Yet they are. Wouldn't be surprising if the Mexican was too, since he was part of the group. However he may have been a late "add-on" and subsequently not appear in this DLC.
  11. There's a plethora of possibilities. We won't know for sure until the map comes out.
  12. Samantha didn't age while being in cryogenic hibernation. However, since she has been released, she could age like the others. But that doesn't really help us with anything.
  13. Shouldn't they have released a Replacer trailer already? They might not shell out the money for one since it is the last DLC.
  14. While Nazis never built teleporters, they WERE actually working on such technology. They just never became successful. That's why retrofuturism with the Nazis worked so well. However, it is less believable that the Weimar nor Medieval periods could even understand such a thing, much less build it. I'm not saying in-game it is impossible, just reeeeeeeeeeeeally unlikely. But from a real-world, historical standpoint, impossible. While I am holding off my professional opinion on its origin until the map comes out, if forced to bet I'd say it was alien in nature. Or Vril-Ya. Same thing, really.
  15. Thanks Grill. I highly doubt it. They didn't after Moon, so I see no reason why they would now.
  16. Lol thank you. We know this map will be something of a finale AND a prequel, kinda like Moon. That much is obvious. How this will come about, however, will be a mystery until the map is solved.
  17. The meteors that contained 115 have always glowed orange-red. However, there are many things that contain 115 which glow different colors. *ahem* Perks. These blue rocks I would hesitate to say are 115, but they might just be.
  18. That's a possibility but it doesn't explain everyone else. I mean, Richtofen Jr.? Tank Jr.?
  19. Thank you for that. It's quite interesting. Hopefully we find out more soon.
  20. Eh, he looks what I imagined. Although I got his hair upside-down.
  21. How are Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, Richtofen, Maxis, OR Samantha even alive back then?!!! Time travel. It's got to be the answer. I see no alternative. The only one I see is that they never were from WWII but actually WWI and fooled everyone. Or they're just really old. There's no way Sam was actually around back then, however. Time travel is the easy way out. You didn't listen to what I said at all. Let's use Samantha as an example. We know she was roughly 10 in 1945. We know she was "apparently" alive in 1918. So, a solution could be that she was alive in 1918, time-travelled a.k.a "fast-forwarded" to 1945 with the rest of the group, therefore she would still be roughly 10 in 1945. And I'm pretty sure Maxis didn't give his speech to 935 at Der Riese in a wheelchair with Alzheimer's.
  22. How are Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, Richtofen, Maxis, OR Samantha even alive back then?!!! Time travel. It's got to be the answer. I see no alternative. The only one I see is that they never were from WWII but actually WWI and fooled everyone.
  23. Just from looking at the font, it seems they made a spelling error. How unfortunate. Seems they slapped the text on at the last minute. I hope they fix it on the game's actual release. But it isn't the first time that happened. In Kino they misspelled Richtofen as Richtofan.
  24. Literally whenever they finish rendering and uploading it.
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