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Everything posted by MysteryMachineX

  1. No problem. I'm glad Samantha's back, but I really hope it IS the Samantha we know, just because she's my favorite character.
  2. You're so lucky... Wait, did the campaign team make Mob of the Dead, then? I guess that should've been my original question, because that could've just been a bullshit rumor. No. Some people believe that rumor. And some people on the site will take the fence stance and go "well, it's possible". But no. I'll say otherwise. It's just a rumor. Mob of the Dead was a really popular map. So, many spoiled players will instead of saying "Thank you Zombie devs for making this" they will instead say "This map is really good, so OBVIOUSLY someone ELSE made it, Zombie debs!" I find it rude and disrespectful. Did the campaign team help out the zombie team? Yes, but they ALWAYS do, on every map.
  3. Zombies occasionally glitch out and follow something other than the player. One time we had one zombie left, and it hated me. I tried following it around, right behind it. It should've turned around and started attacking me. However, we just ended up taking a stroll through some buildings. Also, a pretty popular way to die is to throw a Monkey Bomb and a few zombies take like 5 seconds to realize it is there.
  4. What more do you want me to say? The Zombies development team made the Zombies map. How far in depth can I go with that statement?
  5. That kinda thing makes a story seem horrible, and so far the only thing making it a sequel is Samantha, so really it hasn't been blatant. We'll still have to see how it pans out. Having a season finale be a prequel has never been a good marketing tactic. This is going to be a sequel in some shape or form and it is hardly a bad idea. It just depends on how they do it, how they pull it off. If they go back in time and prevent it from happening, it all comes down to whether the alternate timeline was meaningless. It's like, the Time Bomb isn't meaningless, because even though in your current timeline you never got into the trouble that you would've needed a Time Bomb for, the only reason you exist in this timeline is because you had had the Time Bomb in the alternate timeline to make this timeline exist in the first place.
  6. Obviously this is going to be both a sequel and a prequel. Has it not been blatant enough?
  7. I suppose that makes sense. There's different ways of arguing for or against it. Each has its pros and cons. And we have done cryogenic sleep. We just don't know how to wake 'em up. :lol:
  8. Panzer Soldat is German for armored soldier. I know that, thanks. But WHAT is the armored soldier, the space suit alien guy, which is clearly armored, or the armored 1000 ft. robot? One is going to grab us. I didn't think about that. I would think it would be the first, but it could be either.
  9. I'm not saying cryogenics couldn't work. But it has no reason to prevail over time travel. They are two alternative explanations for a singular happenstance. It could be either. However, I do think time travel more likely, since it is something we've seen time and time again, as well as it isn't limited to only going forward, as well as cryogenics take longer to set up, whereas time travel works with the click of a button.
  10. Staffs?! Come on! I try to evade you Skyrim, but you keep trying to follow me! jk jk It sounds cool. Anxious.
  11. He was alive a few months prior to Der Riese. So technically, he'd be liked 80 or 90 in Verruckt.
  12. Or they keep making silly mistakes. Like they also miss spelled Der Riese in Rezurrection poster. If saying HAARP was around 50 years before it was was the result of a "simple" mistake (overlooking 50 years?) then I'm sure having the futuristic Ray Gun was a mistake too. Give Treyarch a break. Don't focus on the things they get wrong but rather right.
  13. That only works going forward. So it's a bit more limited than time travel.
  14. I would be impressed, but the fact that World War I has zombies and robots makes it obvious that this is an alternate reality from our World War I. You assume that this means that this map is an alternate reality from other maps. I interpret it as saying that the entire storyline is an alternate reality from our world with what really happened. In fact, if you plot out all the different dimensions that video games give each other, with some characters going into different dimensions, you can clearly see that the zombies universe, as well as the Mario universe, Halo universe, and pretty much ANY video game, is a separate entity from the "Real World". http://img7.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads ... 726d97.png Just an illustration of what I said
  15. Apparently the battle began earlier than we thought, just like HAARP being around in 1940.
  16. Why would Richtofen choose to lose all his power? I understand that he may not be happy with his circumstance like he thought he would, but it seems out of character for him to give up. Also, it assumes that you chose Richtofen's ending over Maxis's.
  17. Lol. Well good to have fun I suppose. I myself don't particularly care for pre-map theories. People get too clingy and personal with them. However, your method of tackling this perplexing issue I find interesting. I mean, there's just so many holes this trailer has given us. I can't tell you how many times today I had to answer "I don't know!" to why there are yellow eyes to those around me.
  18. Your perception is skewed. You might want to look into that. You seem to be reversing the truth of the matter when it comes to behavior. DEEEEEEAAR DIARY! :twisted: One idea was that future Richtofen enters the body of his younger self in order to change the past somehow let's work off of that assumption for a sec. Since essentially he injects himself into one of his past memories he briefly takes in exactly WHEN he is (when he looks left / right) but suddenly remembers that the robot is about to crush them, and looks up. While that is a possibility, another I would entertain is that he is just now going mad.
  19. He looks straight, then left, then right, so I think he natural next look would be upwards to analyze the situation. Although he does seem to come out of a different state, so to speak, as if he goes in and out of modes. It is completely unnatural for people to look up. It's not in our nature to need to look up. Mankind grew up on a plane. The most verticality they had was looking down. Just think of the hundreds of people who played Nuketown dozens of times and never once thought to look up to see the mushroom cloud! I bet you can't find a single video on youtube of someone just looking at the cloud. I couldn't. People don't look up unless they have to. Richtofen didn't have to. Anyways, it's a stupid debate. I was just pointing out an additional add-on to an existing perplexing conundrum. It was not a subject up for debate. I told you the truth. I'm not arguing this anymore. EDIT: Made it less harsh
  20. No, I think it is heavily linked with the puzzled look on his face. You can't ignore that. I'm just saying it carries further than simply saying "He looks puzzled".
  21. You might want to keep the mind open for the possibility that some letters are signed by our characters, whilst others are not, for a reason.
  22. He was kinda looking towards all of the openings in the building. Guess he was checking for zombies, too. He probably knew about the hole in the ceiling, and looked up. Or at least that's how I took it. But consider his position and line-of-sight to that hole. He would have to be looking STRAIGHT up to see that robot, not just up at the hole but 90 degrees. I'm just saying, it seems to be like he was checking the sky for something. Mystery Box? jk jk
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