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Everything posted by electricpenguin7

  1. Links: LOGxxtgcG5s Starts at 2:55 eXQKt21BXnA 8yUMV17GYyg This video showcases a clip of the first wave of the new survival mode in MW3. Some thing to note: - Co-op (obviously) - Wave number on the right, times how long spent on a wave - Starts of with a pistol, just like zombies (don't know what pistol exactly) - Has 2 lethal and 2 tactical grenades - Symbol on the bottom, yellow with black stripes, seems to say Armor to the left of it, and 100 to the right of it - Players have names above them (duh) - Pistol has 90 ammo plus current clip - Mini map from multiplayer in top left corner - Two bars on left of screen, the one on the top is labeled "Kill Streak", and has $500 to the right of the bar. The other bar is labeled "Headshots" and also has the $500 to the right of the bar - Another symbol to the left of the first one, looks like a long stick? - AI is pretty stupid, barely hitting the players, obviously going to be an increase in AI as game goes on - You see a +100 in green as the player kills an enemy, like multiplayer - When the player got a kill, you could see +$100 in green displayed in the bottom left corner - Both bars progress at seemingly equal rates as the player gets kills - The 2nd video jumps a little, and the Killstreak bar was empty, but the headshot one remained where it was - Got a kill afterwards, and killstreak bar rose a little bit - Underneath the mini map, displays "Enemies Left: " and decreases as the players get kills (obviously) - Enemies fall to ground and struggle to get up, maybe only in the early game? - Able to pick up weapons from dead enemies, like campaign, spec ops, and multiplayer, in this case a Model 1887 shotgun - All enemies seem to have Model 1887s - Enemies use the gun to melee player, enemies don't knife? (maybe later on) - Players seems to have large amounts of health, maybe to balance the fact that enemies can attack from distances? - Hitmarkers, from multiplayer - Game announces when a wave is over, "Wave 1 Cleared" on screen - Displays a "Combat Performance" box on the left after the wave is over - Box has three columns, one labeled "You" in yellow, one that's not labeled, and one labeled "Teammate" also in yellow - On the left, the categories are: Time, Wave, Kills, Headshots, Accuracy, Damage Taken, with number values for both players, and money values in the middle column - Their time was 61.3 and got +$58 for it - Their wave was 1 and got +$25 for it - Their kills were "You" had 6 and "Teammate" had 4 and got +$180 for it - Their headshots were "You" had 1 and "Teammate" had 2 and got +$40 for it - Their accuracy was "You" had 21% and "Teammate" had 17% for it, but no money was added - Their damage taken was "You" had 180 and "Teammate" had 90, and got +$40 for it - Below the box was "Wave Bonus: $343", which is what you get if you add up all of the money from the combat performance box - After the box disappeared, the players were running around, and on the right of the screen it sayed "Press A to ready up: " and was counting down from 14 or so - Player got random money like +$20 on bottom left corner, maybe for assists? ____________________________________________________________________ Ok, that was the gameplay, time for what I noticed about the map: - Starts of in what seems to be the bottom of a broken down house - Players exit through a hole, and emerge onto a desert landscape with buildings in the background and many cars and fences around - The AI was ducking and hiding behind the cars - Map was MUCH more open than a zombie map, it's been said you play survival mode on multiplayer maps - At the end, you could see the other player run towards a big wall/fence thing, maybe a door you could open with the money? ____________________________________________________________________ Ok, now my thoughts about all of this. One of the big reasons people say this will fail in comparison to zombies, is because the enemies have weapons, and can attack you from a distance. But there were a few things that made me question this. One: that dude was getting shot all over the place, and blood was barely starting to show up on the screen Two: the armor symbol on the bottom. It had a 100 next to it, which means it may take some of the damage for us, and once it hits 0, it disappears. Maybe we can buy armor upgrades and be as tough as Juggernaughts? Three: the "Damage Taken" category in the combat performance box. Maybe the devs thought about the fact that the enemies having weapons would be super hard, and made it so you could see that your character is capable of taking a hit Now, onto arguably the most important thing about zombies, and most likely the survival mode, MONEY. Money seems to be rewarded at a similar pace as zombies. You get 100 money for killing the AI, but 50 from killing zombies, plus all of the +10s you get from the zombies. The match bonus was only 343, similar to getting a Nuke or Carpenter. The bars on the right looked as if once you fill it up, you get the $500 bonus, and the bar was filling up quickly. It's hard to tell with these videos, but it seems like your money is displayed on the very lower left hand corner. So does this mean we can't see our allies money? Maybe not, hopefully we'll be able to just press Select. In the third video, the guy talks about buying "bonuses, upgrades, different weapons" kinda vague, but sounds very much like zombies. Bonuses = perks, Upgrades = Pack-a-Punch, Weapons = Weapons (duh). Maybe we can upgrade armor, health, damage dealt, etc. In the third video, there were a bunch of sentry guns, you could see air support coming in, the weapon had a red dot, stuff like that. I remember reading somewhere that you can give you money to another player. This could lead to more teamwork maybe? In the third video, I saw a yellow outline of a pistol, and an arrow pointing to the right on the edge of the screen. It was moving like the Revive symbol in zombies does. Hmm.. I also saw a bunch of symbols just like that on the edge of the screen, maybe showing you where to buy weapons? The player took down an enemy copter. I don't think this will be easy. There seemed to be A LOT of action on wave 8, so getting to round 20 might not be as easy as it is in zombies. That's it, what do you guys think? At first, I thought it was a cheap rip off of zombies, but after watching these videos in depth, I'm looking forward to it. I think it will take a lot more to kill you in this mode than in campaign or multiplayer, so the enemies having guns won't be so bad. So, what do you think of this?
  2. Theres a good video on youtube of a dude getting the space race trophy, you can do it in solo easy. As for the CotD scavenger trophy, run a rape train in front of the lighthouse. Throw a well cooked grenade in the group so that most of them are crawlers. Get up on the ship by the power switch, and just shoot 'em. Easy on solo.
  3. Yeah, and apparently Black Ops was supposed to have Five and Ascension on disc, but Ascension got removed and put into a map pack.
  4. I was playing CotD, and around round 10ish, I was near the spawn, and George just stood there. I went up to him and touched him, he didn't even acknowledge me. He wouldn't move at all. I went 2 or 3 rounds like this, and he didn't move until I shot him. Any ideas? Glitch?
  5. But in Five, its two doors, and in Call of the Dead it's 3. Just saying ;D I agree, that it's worthless, and I almost never buy it.
  6. I just have to say, they never said smaller map. They said TIGHTER map. I think we'll have the same perks, maybe 1 more. Yeah, I think they said more narrow, and not as wide open as cotd. Also, I don't think it's Jugger, because the circle/oval is not directly in the middle of the body of the machine, or at least, that's how it looks from this screenshot
  7. Yeah, at least EST does. I'm downloading it now :D
  8. I think it would be a bit overpowered. Part of the challenge of zombies is to manage ammo usage, so I don't think it should be included, at least not the same way it is in multiplayer. Maybe if they changed it to you get a clip after every round or something, but every few zombies would be too easy.
  9. I don't mean to sound mean, but this idea has already been posted (the exp idea). If you could read the thread next time, it'd be great (again, not trying to sound mean, no hard feelings ) ALSO @AlphaSnake: Nice thread, you're ideas are pretty awesome lol. Those locations would be awesome ideas for future maps.
  10. Hello, I just bought World at War (finally, haha) and have yet to buy any map packs, so for now I can only play NDU. On Black Ops, I play with randoms, and for the most part, they suck, but you do run into a few players who aren't half bad. How about waw? Are the randoms worse, better? How many use mics? I know most people avoid playing with randoms, but when you do, what is your opinion?
  11. While I do agree that turning on the power isn't the main objective, it is an important one for the overall survival of the team. In zombies, the main objective is to, oh I don't know, KILL ZOMBIES. Obviously Treyarch won't change that. But I do think that this new map will feature some significant changes.
  12. The map pack was officially confirmed April 11, 2011. A "fun fact", April 12, 2011 is the 50th anniversary of the first human going into space. Yuri Gagarin completed an orbit around Earth April 12, 1961, a huge event in the Cold War. I know it's not the same day, but what do you guys think?
  13. I remember reading somewhere that they were going to put it in. People have modded and used it, but it was terribly glitchy, so I'm guessing Treyarch gave up on it.
  14. I have all of the other specs, but I was unsure about the video card, so that's why I'm asking.
  15. Hi, I'm curious to know if my pc video card can run cod:waw. It is an Intel 82951G/GV/910GL Express chipset family. I know that Intel video cards aren't the best, but if anyone has any info on this, it would be greatly appreciated. PS: Sorry if this is the wrong forum, please move it if it is :D
  16. I thought I remember reading that BO was upgraded WaW and the modern warfare games were seperate but I could be totally wrong.
  17. If this is to happen, Activision must provide a completely upgraded engine that is much more powerful than the BO server. There are a couple things that prove that the BO server is not strong enough. (Note: I have not read the entire thread yet so don't kick my ass if I restate something that's already been posted) First of all, there is a reason why it is incredibly hard for zombies to support more than four players on their current engine. Zombies takes a LOT more power to run than MP. MP includes many features that cannot be run in zombies because of the engines capacity being pushed. For example, you cannot pull yourself up onto a ledge such as in MP. The connection is also harder to keep for four people in zombies than it is for 18 people in ground war. On last thing that shows the engine's problem is the fact that zombies has a quality of many Bethesda games (Elder Scrolls, Fallout). Not sure if any of you have ever noticed, but there are NO ladders. Anywhere. They are very hard to support in a mode that already pushes the engine to it's limits. Bethesda has also avoided this issue because of their engine's capacity. Overall, an upgraded engine is required in order to support a zombies only game. Especially if they want to improve it drastically. But I love the idea. And if they can provide nine maps, players will be busy for months. I love the idea of having to complete challenges and stuff to unlock the new maps and other stuff. Finally, I think Treyarch has plenty of time to develop this kind of game, especially since Sledgehammer has joined to Call of duty squad for Activision. If Sledgehammer jumps into the sequence with 3arc and IW, Treyarch will have three years to develop this game. I do agree with most of this, however I never intended more than 4 players. I think any more than 4 is too much, and 8 is too many players to coordinate. It is true that zombies stresses the engine more, and an upgrade however minor would be needed. This isn't a problem because the Black Ops engine (I'm not positive about this, correct me if I'm wrong) is split into 3 parts. Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies. With Campaign and Multiplayer out of the way, Treyarch would have more room to upgrade the zombies portion. Also, regarding the Infinity Ward debate, if I'm not mistaken, Modern Warfare 3 will not carry the Call of Duty title. Also, last I heard, Sledgehammer put their game on pause to help IW with Modern Warfare 3. So I believe Call of Duty rests in Treyarch's hands, at least for now. But yes, Treyarch will have ample amounts of time to develop this game.
  18. Ok, then in that case you'd probably have to spawn more zombies right off the bat, as you would have access to higher power weapons than the M1911. So, here's a newer list of what a zombies game should entail: - All maps from WaW and BO - A set of brand new maps - No campaign, but cutscenes for certain rounds on maps (I was thinking you could turn this off once you saw it the first time) - Maps sorted into 3 eras: WWII, Cold War, Modern - Able to customize loadout for player, options limited - Leveling up system similar to multiplayer (Exp added at end of game depending on kills, headshots etc.) - Able to customize era of weapons on the wall via challenges - Able to customize era of weapons in the mystery box via challenges - Maps unlocked once certain rounds are reached on other maps - DLC for extra maps - Classic mode played as zombies were on WaW and BO. Wow, what a list. I don't think prestiging would be necessary because once you level up, you would only have access to like 9 weapons to customize with, out of the 70+ available from wall and mystery box. I'm liking this so far. The ideas are awesome and if this game comes out, all I'd have to say is: awesome. Should difficulty be a factor? I don't think so, especially with these new ideas, but I could be wrong. What do you guys think? Should there be different difficulties?
  19. I feel ya, bro. However, I don't think I explained myself clearly enough. I'm not talking about a fully unlockable class with every weapon in the game eventually being available. I'm talking about some very basic starting weapons and that's all. As for the story, it can still be hidden to where you don't know what's going on fully, but have some type of reveal at the end of the map that answers a few questions and sets up the next map that is being unlocked. Also, like I said, there would still be the option of having a "Classic" game mode where everything remains the same from previous Call of Duty Zombies installments. However, if you're talking about a full game of nothing but Zombies, you gotta mix it up and add more features. If not, Treyarch would be better off just continuing to add Zombies as a game mode to their standard Call of Duty games. Ok, I see what you're saying now. I had to re-read your first post haha. The more I think about it, the more I realize that it is a good idea. So like have 3 or so weapons from WWII, 3 from Cold War and 3 from Modern, and play through the maps listed under each era, unlocking later ones. Classic zombies would be good, and now that you clarified your cutscene idea, I think that would be cool. So, have cutscenes at certain rounds just to almost confuse people, then have them search the map for answers? That'd be awesome, and it would make the storyline even more involving.
  20. @jediloomis: Ehhh... I don't know about all that. Those ideas seem to kinda stray from what the core of zombies is. I mean, I like how the story is almost "hidden", and you have to go search for clues on what's happening. As for the classes, again that's multiplayer, and zombies stands out from multiplayer. The point of zombies is to start with next to nothing and build up point, weapons, perks while keeping zombies off you. Starting with all of that would almost distort the image of what Treyarch wants in zombies. As for the difficulty, I don't know about that either. Zombies was meant to start easy and incline in dificulty untill it becomes just plain brutal. I don't know about all these sudden changes.
  21. Ok, I have a theory that the next map could take place in Dallas, the place where JFK got assassinated. There isn't much evidence except that clip at the end of the campaign, but just hear me out. Some may know that there are alot of coincidences between the assassinations of Lincoln and JFK. One of them is that Lincoln got shot in a theater and the assassin (John Wilkes Booth) ran into a warehouse. JFK's assassin (Lee Harvey Oswald) shot him from a warehouse and ran into a theater. Have we had a theater zombies map? Why, yes, Kino der Toten. So do you think the next map could take place ina warehouse in Dallas and feature the characters from five?
  22. @DeckchairsFTW: I believe you're thinking of space on the cd. Yes, zombies maps do take up more space than multiplayer maps, but as you said no campaign does help with room on the disc @TheOutlawAmbulance: That would be cool for pc players, but Xbox and ps3 players would miss out, unless they had a way for xbox and ps3 players to somehow download those maps. Maybe release a editing program for pc that you could upload to a server for all platforms to play? If this could happen, it would be the best thing to happen to Call of Duty. Ever.
  23. I'm sure that this has been posted before, but I think that Treyarch should totally make a stand alone zombies game. It's gotten extremely popular, and I think that the game would be a huge success. I've been thinking about how I would design the game, and I want to know what everyone thinks, or how you would design a zombies only game. First off, I would not have a campaign. I think Treyarch should continue their way of telling the story through the easter eggs and whatnot in the maps. I think a campaign wouldn't be good, but some people may disagree. Now, obviously they should include Nacht der Untoten, Veruckt, Shi No Numa, Der Riese, Kino der Toten, Five, and Ascension, as well as all of the zombie maps that are going to be DLC on Black Ops, the way they are. Don't ass aynthing to them. Oh, and Dead Ops Arcade should just be an easter egg, like it is now. If you add up all of the current maps excluding Dead Ops, that's 7. I'm guessing anywhere from 2 to 4 new maps on Black Ops brings us up to 9 to 11 maps. Then, they should double it for the zombies game. For example, say 2 new zombie maps comes to Black Ops, bringing the map count up to 9. They should put those 9 on, then create 9 new ones, so the game has 18. Now, I know that is a large amount of maps, but remember that the multiplayer portion of Call of Duty usually has 12 to 14 maps plus 2 or 3 map packs. Then they should release a new map every month or two for like $3. There would be a lot of maps. The engine that runs Black Ops would be perfect for a zombies game. I personally haven't found anything terrible about it, so using the Black Ops engine would be good. And of course keep all of the options available such as solo, Xbox live, PSN, all that jazz, as well as 4-player splitscreen, not just 2. Now, 18 or so maps is alot to handle. So what Treyarch should do is have Nacht der Untoten available, then in order to unlock Veruckt, you have to get to round 5 on Nacht der Untoten, and just keep adding them up like that and have to unlock all of the maps. It would give players something to strive for, and have players get better at all of the maps and develop strategies for them. Ok, this may be the biggest topic of them all: the weapons. The way I organize weapons (Call of Duty weapons at least) is by the era they were used. I've come up with 3. WWII, Cold War, and modern. So as you play the maps, you should be able to pick what era weapons you use. However, you should have to unlock the era. For example, say you did a challenge on Der Riese, you could be allowed to put modern weapons in the mystery box, of Cold War weapons on the wall. Here's a little chart I've thrown together to kind of visualize what I mean. These show the maps in their original games. Map Wall Weapons Mystery Box Weapons Nacht der Untoten | WWII | WWII Veruckt | WWII | WWII Shi No Numa | WWII | WWII Der Riese | WWII | WWII Kino der Toten | Cold War | Cold War Five | Cold War | Cold War Ascension | Cold War | Cold War However, the hardened and prestige editions of Black Ops changed the first 4 maps to Map Wall Weapons Mystery Box Weapons Nacht der Untoten | WWII | Cold War Veruckt | WWII | Cold War Shi No Numa | WWII | Cold War Der Riese | WWII | Cold War So in the zombies game, you should be able to change the columns to WWII, Cold War, or modern, by doing certain things on the maps (Eg, get 50 headshots in one game on Veruckt to be able to use modern weapons on the wall). So by doing the challenges, you have a wider spectrum of weapons available to use. When you go to pick the map, you can go to the wall weapons category and pick the option you want, or default, and you can go to the mystery box and chooose the option you want, or default. Or if you didn't unlock those weapons yet, you could hit a button for it to tell you what you had to do to unlock those weapons. Ok, here's a summary of what my design of a zombies game would be: - Keep all zombie maps from WaW and BO just the way they are - Double the amount by adding new maps - DLC a new map every month or 2 for $3 - Unlock maps by getting to certain rounds on already unlocked maps - Be able to customize what set of weapons to use by doing challenges That's it. I know that's a lot to read, but what do you think? Agree? Disagree? How would you design a zombies game?
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