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Everything posted by DeckchairsFTW

  1. Saw this earlier on that Syndicate project video you were on about earlier. Freaky face, i have to admit, probably accidental, but then again, you know treyarch...
  2. I have to admit, i love having nukes at the ends of rounds 1-5 or so, it's an easy 400 points, which at that stage in the game does help alot. I like all the others, although Carpenter is only really useful at the very end of a round to slow the zombies coming in at the beginning of the next one.
  3. I have to admit, i hate the prestige lobbies. I'm a hardcore-only player, and the core rules in those lobbies suck. Just my opinion ;)
  4. This has been posted several times before, in several threads. But still good to see that people are going around with their eyes open http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=8403
  5. We should get a few people online with capture cards in seperate games and capture N00Bs trying to do it and dying... :D
  6. Same thing happened to me, i'm not a Glitcher, i just wanted to try it out, then i died :(
  7. THAT WAS YOU!?! :evil: I laughed so hard at this It was so funny that i made that to express myself :P
  8. This idea has been thrown around quite a bit, but Nova 6 doesn't make zombies, it just kills people - as far as we know. Its Element 115 that makes zombies.
  9. That just reminded me! Someone needs to try the 3 gun glitch on ascension, see if that got patched along with the lander silent patch. I shall try tonight and post my results!
  10. it seems to do that sometimes, the rounds will end, but they just seem to take aaaaaages to do so. I was wondering if the number of zombies that spawns is more random on ascension or something?
  11. That coupled with the Ammo-matic would have been jizzable. :D
  12. here's a thread about it and the other posters in Kino: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=7911
  13. That is the mystery! Just kidding, i wrapped it in image tags when i wasn't supposed to Fixed it with a link.
  14. Cuba doesn't seem to be the centre of much attention, as there is obviously hardly any evidence for it. This is a tiny scrap of evidence for a map on cuba: http://www.che-lives.com/home/modules.p ... fullsize=1 The book that the Cuban Revolutionary (and riend of Fidel Castro) Che Guevara is reading is by Goethe, the author of Faust, which is a poster you may remember from Kino. As i say, it is just a tiny little association in the game. As Che probably read hundreds of books. I just so happened to pick up on this particular photo. Probably just another huge coincidence like my 'MANHATTAN DOWN!' Spin off theory.
  15. Here you go I think i just crapped my pants...
  16. Maybe it has something to do with the voice you hear at the beginning? If the guy that is speaking is trapped in the centrifuge then maybe it's him that people have reported seeing after doing the node fliying across the sky... Just me speculating :)
  17. There are several books all over different maps that have 'Curran' Written on the spine...
  18. dis iz da same ting wat appened to me ya. rite, me woz just fkin chilin on zombbeez liek, thn tha tenge mutnt nija trtles jummed of da rockit, thin wen ricktoffenn shoted at tem, tey merjed into sam. then she ad goast sex wit takeeoh. onest, i swer it iz true dat liek. diskuz. (The opinions expressed above are entirely voiced by actors, Deckchairs does not condone or support the opinions expressed in this interview.)
  19. Well even in practicing military manouevres, they still need an enemy, sometimes the 'enemy' will go so far as to dress in native gear. They did it a huge amount during World War Two, some Brits playing the enemy would dress as the SS, and the regular army to add an element of reality. Even today, the army trains with people dressed as the enemy. I should know, i've done it a couple of times before. It still goes back to the old 3arch equation. Fun > Reality It would be pretty obvious if there were tropas coming home with the americans. The "enemy" they fight are the numerous targets all over the map. That doesn't help troops with proper field tactics and fieldcraft, that just helps them aim.
  20. Probably easier to name the ones i don't like! But i cant be arsed right now... :D
  21. No idea if you'll find these relevant, but these articles might help: These are mostly just about UFO's, but they do show about how the Americans had access to UFO's (supposedly), and how they could reverse engineer them to construct them an fly them to the moon to visit the good 'ol Nazis on their black sun base.
  22. Well why would the Russians be in America in Nuketown? Amen.
  23. Can anyone else smell something? Oh yeah, it's a huge, steaming pile of bullsh*t
  24. Well even in practicing military manouevres, they still need an enemy, sometimes the 'enemy' will go so far as to dress in native gear. They did it a huge amount during World War Two, some Brits playing the enemy would dress as the SS, and the regular army to add an element of reality. Even today, the army trains with people dressed as the enemy. I should know, i've done it a couple of times before. It still goes back to the old 3arch equation. Fun > Reality
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