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Everything posted by MyLittleHellhound

  1. Chapter 3 Lim fired in all directions, the sharp crack of his submachine gun felling zombies around him. The gun clicked empty and he threw it away, sliding the sniper rifle from his back. *BOOM* The undead was punched backwards with a huge hole in his chest as the sniper round forced its way through his torso and into another zombie's face. Dozens of other zombies were still stumbling towards him though. Lim quickly looked around, firing his rifle again and again with heavy thumps. Zombies fell, but five more took their place. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit." he whispered to himself, looking wildly. His next shot came almost as a blessing though. The bullet punctured a zombie and hit a pipe, causing the gas to ignite inside of it. The fire spread in a wave, flattening Lim and everything around him. The heat of the flames washed over him and he coughed, sitting up and scrambling to get out. The charred zombies struggled on the floor despite their melted flesh and multiple burns. They just didn't die. Lim staggered to the other end of the room, pushing open a door into yet another hallway. He didn't pause to read the sign which barely flickered above him coated in blood. "Infirmary." Elsewhere on the Kamilya, the team was still split up. Hammer stalked the hallways, trying to find a safehouse in which he could rest. After hours of searching and eating ration bars, a flurry of shots echoed through the hallways as well as screams and moans. Hammer tracked it, and he finally found the rec room. Pushing the door open with a slight squeak, he swung in and took in the scene before him. A quartet of soldiers were behind tables, firing away at zombies stumbling through the doors of the various rooms. One of them, in a gas mask, yelled something intelligible as he was dragged over the table and into the hoard. His mask was immediately ripped off and discarded, the gun snapping under the weight of the rotten flesh, and his body ripped into many, many parts by the feasting things. The other soldiers panicked, vaulting over the tables to try to get away. Hammer stood in the doorway, calmly picking off the undead that turned their attention towards him. Bodies were punched backwards by the force, smashing into all sorts of debris. The remaining Russians were taken down brutally, dying horrible deaths as the zombies ate them alive. They could only look down in horror as the beasts consumed their minds, legs, then their midriffs, and finally, their hearts. "Mother of God . . . " Hammer whispered. This mission had turned to pure madness. Pure. Fucking. Madness. He turned tail and ran for it, going down random hallways and passing rooms he didn't know. He found himself in a chamber of barrels. He was lost. The door slammed open, clanging against the wall with a shriek. Dozens of zombies stumbled in, looking for their prey. It was nowhere to be seen in the gloomy room. Besides the usual bloodstained and dusty junk, there was a black bag on the floor. Nothing payed attention to it though. Suddenly there was a beep. And then another one. And another, increasing as the pack of explosives was sent the signal . . . that turned the room into a firestorm from hell. The inferno consumed the undead, deep frying them and tossing the charred remains around the room like it was a blender. Skin and flesh cooked, bone and meat fused as it swept through and was gone with a roar and the acrid smell of bomb residue. A couple seconds after the smoke cleared, Smith rappelled down from a rope and landed with a clack of his boots. The soldier calmly crunched down on a moaning head before continuing on his way out the door. Just a second after Nail had escaped near death, he came under fire again. The Russians were bunkered down in a corner of the oil rig, presumably waiting for evac from their chopper. As Nail crossed between the boxes, shots rang out and peppered the wood around him, sending small splinters everywhere. Diving behind cover, he raised his rifle over the box and fired a burst. His aim was true, hearing a scream of pain as the bullets lodged neatly in the Russian's chest. They stopped firing, for the time being. Nail thought he'd be safe, but then he heard some jabbering, and a small clink and thump. He looked over to the next box, there was a grenade on it. "Son of a . . . " Audio Transmission 8174 Officer Sergei 08/2/2013 They're . . . it's out there. I don't know where the hell they came from, but . . . the guards are almost -BRRRRRATTTTTT- Oh shit! They're . . . they're here! I'm gonna take this thing with me, I might get out of the -CRASH tinkle tinkle tinkle- They're coming through the windows, I have to go. I'm sorry, oh god oh god. -the sound of running- I think . . . I think I lost them. -BRRRRRATTTTTTTT BRRATTTTTT- What we hit down there . . . I don't even know . . . I . . . I have to go.
  2. Well, I think the melee weapons should corresponding with the map being played. For example, CoTD. If it had an ice pick . . . . oh my. So Moon would maybe have . . . I have no idea. But considering we don't know the maps yet in BO II, not sure. Also, the katana on the woman might (I stress MIGHT) be just for show, like in CoTD . . .
  3. Nice to meet you too. If you have any questions, just ask Happy Slayin' sir.
  4. An xboxer? Awesome, send me a request. MyLiLHellhound. Welcome to the site man, happ slyaing. ;)
  5. Add MyLiLHellhound! Welcome to the site, have a good time. Happy Slayin' ;)
  6. Welcome to the site! We'll get you all geared up for the -Humvee explodes- Oh shit! Take cover! -throws you behind a concrete barricade and slides in next to you- -raises above the barrier and fires off a burst then ducks below- We gotta get you outta here! To the forums quick! -motions over to a rather large and grand portal, an internet portal- -hauls you across the street, and his grip suddenly slacks as the machine gun nest across the street shoots gouts of flame and blows his torso apart. -there are masked men running towards you, firing rifles and small arms- -Just when you think you will die and they will get in range another trio of Humvees and a tank pull up, guns blazing- -RPGs strike the Humvees seconds later, tearing them apart in a fiery ball of twisted metal- -The tank pulls back- -a Black Hawk descends over the battlefield and dispatches reinforcements, who run for cover from the advancing enemy. The chopper clips its tail rotor on a metal girder, and spins out of control into a nearby street. The explosion shakes the ground- -you reach the portal and descend . . . into CoDZ- . . . I don't know why I just wrote that.
  7. Thanks Corporal, also, I don't know if I will be taking requests as I am working on about two-three fics at a time right now, having some writers block and all that. I might give it a shot though :)
  8. Damn this is some serious writing ability man, you have outdone yourself. I see nearly no errors or if any, spelling and grammar. Wow, just wow. :D
  9. Welcome to the site man! Guy! Girl! Thing! I don't know . . . . :)
  10. Hey, glad to see someone's making an introduction :)
  11. Hey, glad to see a user introduce himself! Medal for you Although I don't reward those . . . anyways, have a good time on the site as always!
  12. Welcome to the site! If you have any questions just ask!
  13. This is weird . . . also, the "epidemic" could be something older, like Spanish Flu or the Black Plague.
  14. This is weird . . . also, the "epidemic" could be something older, like Spanish Flu or the Black Plague.
  15. Woah really? That's really, really good to hear. Keep on writing!
  16. Good story thus far, waiting for the next chapter now. :)
  17. Welcome to the site! If you have any questions just ask ;)
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