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Everything posted by Blamco177

  1. Pics or its b.s. :-P. On a serious note though, we need more people contributing to this, I really want to see what people can come up with.
  2. So far from what I can tell from the trailer, we can see that it is set on a coast of some sort. It looks like the map is also very open as well. Making it seem like we have more room to work with and hopefully more zombies to kill
  3. The Enfield. What? Its a goto for reliability.
  4. No!!!! I already had a bad experince with a creepy- Undead chick in some crazy messed up universe. I will not suffer the same fate again! never!! cause then when you try to forget 'BOOM'! your in some freakier dimesion were said person is 9 months pregnant and you have to either save or kill said pregnant chick child? and if that won't scare someone try having a guy who you put bullet in his head! come back from the dead to either help or kill you! Nope-no- I will not have it, you can't make me relive that.....horror. Has someone been playing to much fear lately?
  5. More people also = confusion, and more of a chance that its every man for himself guidelines. Not to mention that there is a good chance of an argument starting. And that's if you find the max amount of players.
  6. Once again I agree, even dead space used that style for its multiplayer. Don't fix something that ain't broke, if you want it better experiment with something original
  7. Agreed. Now where did I leave that wunderwaffe?
  8. I'm glad you see it from my point of view, when I posted I thought that I should have explained more of what I meant. I would also like to see a detailing of what this new "cast" is doing together,and why they are in the location the map takes place in.
  9. I like the idea of a bigger map. Maybe the size of Shi no numa. But more people, no. 4 is just a number that "clicks". The fact that you need trustworthy people to play with.
  10. OK, since everybody is anticipating the release of Black ops second map pack. I am interested in the things that we may find. I am certain we will see a story unravel what Samantha is exactly. We have also heard that there will be new characters instead of Tank and Co. along with an experience that we have never seen before. The Characters they are talking about may be some that we have known of, and they acted directly or subtlety toward what we know is the Zombie outbreak. If this is not the case, we may see a completely different side of the story, possibly the view of the outbreak spreading toward the Nevada base Hinted in der reise. As for the experience itself, we may find that there is a HUGE change of designing in the map. We could get a huge map with a wide variety of situations to find ourselves in. Another way they could change the experience is having a new way of starting the game, Instead of starting off in a slow pace They could throw us in a heavy horde situation. I'm talking 50 zombags coming after you while you start with 1500 points and but the best gun off the wall. I would also like to see the advancement in the story, showing why the mystery man must be freed, who is Rictofen, and what happened to the world in general. What do you think Treyarch may throw at us, feel free to post below.
  11. Yuri was talking about scientists working here bringing their toys, but this brings up a good point. Was Samantha there? Did she leave them there, and if so was there a particular reason for it? What would Sam be doing there? She would have no reason to be there. Granted they have element 115. She is also older than what she used to be. This may seem like just a little Easter egg but it really brings up a lot when you have these dolls appear on the radio recordings. Yuri said that he didn't know why children's toys were there. He didn't mean that scientists brought them there. Someone Samantha got there and made a mess of things. I want to know what drives her to attack, is it just a game for her or is there more to it. Well I bring up sam, because she has some connection with yuri, as for what we have no idea. The dolls could have been sams or another child's, we may find out in the next zombie map.
  12. Yuri was talking about scientists working here bringing their toys, but this brings up a good point. Was samantha there? Did she leave them there, and if so was there a particular reason for it?
  13. Hit X or square, and they say a line of there respective characters in an odd voice.
  14. I'm pretty sure its just one of treyarcs writers trying to sneek in a pop culture reference. If it does turn out to be of significance though, nice find.
  15. We didn't think that a giant space monkey would appear in a birds-eye view arcade game. We didn't think that giant hounds from hell would appear. Hell we didn't think that Tank, Nikolai, and Takeo were experiments. In speculation, at this point, anythings fair game. Even an appearance from The Doctor from Doctor Who would be ok with me at this point.
  16. The only thing I can think of is that A. The soviets were experimenting with element 115 around the time they were working on there space program. B. The monkeys were "infected" with elements 115 when in orbit, possibly from the remains left on the moon.
  17. go to the user control panel, profile, and edit signature. Hope this helps out a little.
  18. Welcome,to the forum. Don't feed the Trolls.
  19. 21, it's the hard kinda map that hooks me in. F'n Pentagon Theif...
  20. Did i say you were a retard? No. Did i say you picked them up? No. And a 2x + Insta kill would be way more than a kaboom insta kill, which is what i was getting at. Even at round 30 any smart player wouldnt pick up a nuke unless they were getting overran. It's a complete waste of points. I only commented on the fact that you said "Why can't these things happen on round thirty" or however you worded it. I have to agree, nukes on higher lvls are a waste unless nessescarry. Insta-kills and double points on the other hand...
  21. Well, in kino we are teleported... On another note, several people have no-clipped and looked through the programming and have not found a 4 lunar lander.
  22. That just about covers it for now, To be continued with weapons in the next map pack(s).
  23. I've gotten negative points also, very cool, in a way.
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