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Everything posted by PuLsExEdGeZ

  1. On my Xbox 360....i have heard about the problem of the game freezing up alot and other things are you running your game disk on a PC?
  2. got to round 10 before my quest to kill the Cosmic Silverback was too strong and eventually caused my demise....
  3. Game runs fine with me bro.....no LAG or nothing...SP is great, MP is great, Zombies is great....also change the title cause your current title is misleading. Thank you- PuLsE
  4. I know how you feel....every time i play "Five" he always steals my guns i sometime's get lucky and before i have to fight him i can get an insta kill and kill him in one-shot...but still the Pentagon Thief takes LOTS OF BULLETS!!!
  5. I just want to know something has anyone actually (on a high round like 20-27) had an a little weird thing happen were the Revive just happens to vanish...it has happened to me today as i was running around on Kino Der Toten....i had no revive but i had Juggernog anyways i went back to the main room for revive and well to my surprise its not there....so has anyone had the perk machine vanish yet? if not then oh well...
  6. My highest is round 10....crazy thief doctor zombie steals my load out so i only had a ak47u with low ammo and then i died....
  7. I don't know but its all fun...gets the brain jittery.....i also like it when zombies seemingly "Jump" with me when i enter those little balls of teleporting lights and they teleport me to different sections of the map....i thought the zombies would die but....they don't....still i like killing the pig down in the lab.....enough of my random babble..
  8. Too activate the power you must first get down to the laboratories....once you get there look around for a room that is open unlike all the rest..the power switch should be right there....
  9. I don't know if this has already been found but well here it goes... I've been Playing Kino Der Utoten and when you teleport to the projector room and then teleport to a random. I noticed that when i teleported into a another similar like projector room i started tapping X on all of my surrondings untill i finally was teleported back into the starting point of the Main lobby....and i then i looked down on my Ammo count and i see a little movie clip symbol...i'm like .what is that....so i wait for the Teleporter to cool down before then i decide to teleport back into the Projector room...once i was there i pressed x on the Projector and the little Movie clip symbol vanished and then five seconds later a movie was starting to play on the main screen.....i think there is more video clips but i just wanted to tell you guys this....having fun with black ops everyone!
  10. the last telephone can be found by first activating ALL defcons and then go to the PaP room (once all defcons been activated) and look around the room and you should find the last telephone...which only plays Eminems song "Won't back down" (am i right Idk)..and the Pentagon thief scared me two time...creepy little zombie/thing?
  11. In the speed Cola room (if i remember correctly) on the stairs there should be four pictures three of them resemble Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai, and the other is blank if you press x on the picture your character will say something...
  12. I'm bringing me laptop while i wait for the game....gonna be Sahweet1!!!!
  13. wooot no more lies from fake people lets party!
  14. BALANCED COD GAME FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Recommendation to go to a friends house and "Borrow" their xbox.......just saying...
  16. 1 day 3 hours left......omg....must...kill time somehow
  17. Woot 24 hours left can you feel the intensity! wooot skipping school for the week to go to the midnight premier also i'm trying to make time go fast by trying to beat my highscore in Der Riese..
  18. Nope don't have it.....yet......but i will soon and so i skip school on monday so i can go to the midnight release and while i'm there i will steal some food since there giving food away at that....and then i get my game go home and skip school for the week.........woot 24 bloody hours left...lets go time hurry it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I am sorry for your tragic loss but hey you can always look at the game case and stare at it!
  20. The Occasional install game into my hard drive then knock out campaign...and since i have no internet i will play some zombies till the 11th and then i'll play my first XBL MP which will be SnD.
  21. Carbon for President! ( i had to be the guy who said that XD)
  23. What video are you guys talking about?? I haven't seen much to know whats going on so I'm ok. Don't watch the new leaked videos of things that will make you poke your eyes out and question your will to be surprised when said game comes out.......
  24. I have watched a little of both new and old footage...still wish i didn't...
  25. Mcdonalds will still be standing...it always will..always...
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