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Everything posted by Tac

  1. I know this may be hard, but do you understand the concept of camera angles and depth perception? This may be hard for you to grasp, but I'll try my best. Although in my image, it may look like the bridge is to the right of Jug, it has a further depth .... Now this "depth" surpasses the fact the bridge may LOOK like it is to the right of Jug, but upon further examination, it's still in the same spot. Here's an example: You just got served. Really? That's unnecessary, you don't need to insult the intellectual capabilities because you think they are wrong. As for your post. It's all about your POV. In Pic 4, that's not jug, because if it is, it would be inside the building with running space, there isn't any. That pic clearly shows you getting off the bridge and then being able to turn left and but the perk, but it doesn't look to be in a building with running space behind it. Summary: The pic near the bridge is not Jug, I think it's Speed Cola.
  2. I can agree with OP to an extent. After reviewing the pictures, I have somthing to say: I can see where you got the notion that it changes, because that looks like the front of the machine. To everyone who says it's the back of the Jug machine, if Pic 4 is the back of a different machine, then why is it not colored like Jug is? Personally, I think that it is just the back of the machine, and it's just the first time we've really seen the back of it. I am beginning to think the pic 4 might be a door, but IDK. And everyone doesn't need to be so immature, open your minds and be open for discussion, and if you truly believe he is wrong, say it kindly, not with anger.
  3. I once believed it wasn't Jug, but given the angle, I think that it makes it look bigger. BUT! FooToo I think it was made a great video about what looks like Jug changing location, because we see it in 2 different locations on his video.
  4. I've got the logins about 5 posts above to anyone who didn't see
  5. Really? Do any of you know what Double Tap looks like? It has no top circle on it, so it obviously ISN'T Double Tap.
  6. To my knowledge, dolls arent returning. As for the clothing, it can be an argument when it changes. We know for certain that this is an oddity, and MAYBE the quote is a 4th wall quote. I loved the Monkey Bomb idea. Also, if they went to CoTD via teleporter, it would make sense that they went via the Kino teleporter. But that can't reall be used because they left CoTD via teleporter but I'm assuming that's not how they arrive into Shangri-La.
  7. It could be it, but I don't think Jug is that wide.
  8. steiner would fit the age.. That's what I was thinking, kinda looks like him too.
  9. xD That sucks dude, guess we should get cracking eh? For ERichtofen, I tried: Illuminati That's it so far ahah
  10. Everything on these uniforms are the same as Kino.
  11. FYI Maxis' isn't lmaxis, it's drmaxis Here's all the login's: drmaxis edward erichtofen nbelinksi pete samantha sophia tdempsey tmasaki
  12. No it's not Jug I do not believe
  13. But again, what did Yuri have to do with the Pentagon? I would think that they would choose someone involved. It looks like a Steiner to me. A crazy deranged Steiner.
  14. All they prove is that he's a zombie.. which was pretty obvious already. Pretty obvious? Even though you laboriously argued he wasn't the Thief, because he died? He didn't say he wasn't a Zombie. He said that because Clarke died after FIVE and he most likely didn't time travel, he isn't the thief. Don't take words out of context and spin them around. It's obvious he's a zombie and it doesn't prove it's Clarke. I am not trying to argue, I am just trying to sort out what's actually happening between these rant fits we are all a part of.
  15. I might be able to get someone to help you out, I can't guarantee it though. Message me on YouTube, oh wait...... :cry: Talk to me on Twitter. Earliest I can help you is Tuesday, will that work?
  16. I think it would be cool, but I don't think it'd happen.
  17. Tac


    Stamin-Up and Deadshot lol just a heads up. But I think I remember seeing Speed Cola, I'll check though.
  18. Lol this actually makes sense....
  19. Lol fix your sig man, the (insert url here) is where the URL goes! Other than that you have it right. But that election was 1960 in which Kennedy barely won, and ended up actually rigging the election in his favor. (Well his dad did it)
  20. The Cuban Missile Crisis takes place in October of 1962, but due to McNamara's statement, "This missile crisis was the last straw! We almost blew ourselves up!" So I think it is in the following weeks of the Crisis, to October 28-December 31st. Sound right? I looked and I can't find a single date in history when JFK met Castro, so obviously we can't but a date on that.
  21. Well, what we know: - The red phones between FIVE and Ascension. - The Magazine dated 1961 and has a picture of Ascension on it about who will get to the Moon first, although that is a bit irrelevant because Ascension is at least the time of FIVE. Nothing else pops into my head immediately, I am going to check some intel on Black Ops, I want to hear other time period relevance's we have, have any?
  22. No I said that right. I had relatively reliable proof somewhere, but I forgot where, searching now. But regardless of anything, Kino is in 1968-1969. That's absolute fact. Shall we discuss Ascension?
  23. I just have to say, how do you know it's a cut? It could just be zombie blood. It could be, but regardless of that, to football, the spot/cut on his cheek is there in no other map. But I can't tell it's significance because teleporting doesn't effect what you look like because Ascension is before Kino.
  24. Tac

    TWO Richtofen's?

    Oh ya I remember that. Darn, I was so hoping I might've had something.
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