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Everything posted by cray_z_eyez

  1. Vahn just posted on twitter "All data gets wiped before we turn on for the final time." in response to... "Hi David u splendid chap! I'm very much looking forward to black ops, will you be resetting ps3 leaderboards?"
  2. anybody else seen this? i just found it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjVXGP-z ... r_embedded
  3. this is like from the day after the MP reveal old. What with the flood of old video post??
  4. quickscoping is just fine. those who hate just can't do it. i use to hate it til i learned how and then when ppl started QSing i did it back. you just gotta learn to do it faster than others. and if you can't stick to your AR and quit b--ching
  5. lol. possible. yea i just started getting decent at it. but i don't quickscope quickscope. more of a scope quick and drag shot guy.
  6. I've seen like 2 or 3 vids were ppl are quick scoping and no scoping. looks like it zooms at pretty good speed especially SVD (almost instant).
  7. o nice. still was running pretty fast
  8. did you see in the new bonus round were a guy is running with a grenade?! he is booking it!! http://www.gametrailers.com/episode/bon ... ?ch=3&sd=0 30:42
  9. yea it's been announced 50 for quite some time and yea the emblem is a grim reaper looking icon. it's been in the forum for days as well.
  10. BADASS!!! I always hated the flinching. especially when sniping. probly be using this for my sniper class. especially since no fmj, which i think really shouldve stayed in CoD.
  11. wow! someone posted this again!! yayyyyy!!!
  12. getn pretty tired of hearing this same crap in every interview.
  13. lol. yup. that's about all it was. already knew we was killing castro from the achievements leak. lol.
  14. nothing really new just some new gameplay (SP and MP). says vids are up online but havn't seen em yet. should be soon
  15. one hour and 10 mins!! ahhhh!!!! get ready
  16. not all. some times, like in alaska and hawaii are late thurs the 14th. look at the link it tells all the exact times for your area. sheez.
  17. Full list of times - http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/f ... 179&sort=1 GMT 5:10am EDT 1:10am CDT 12:10am MDT 11:10pm PDT & MST 10:10pm AKDT 9:10pm HADT 8:10pm HST 7:10pm 241 on DirecTV SPIKE Gametrailer TV
  18. so like can you watch it say, a good lot of hours after its actually finished or is it live only? theyr usually online to watch later. don't know the exact time but the MoH one was up soon after
  19. You aren't a sniper if you're quickscoping :evil: . All a sniper needs is a good sight and powerful gun. You shoot from a large distance away at a target the size of a dime preferably a high spot. The map is meant to be vertical, all the things necessary are there. well if theyr all there I might snipe. I only quickscope because everyone does and if your sniping in previous games and aren't quickscoping your not gonna have a good game. hope we don't have to hear people bitching about "camping". also sucks is killcams keep you from being able to snipe/camp because theyll come find you. Idk. we'll see how it goes when the game comes out
  20. I think kowloon looked freakin amazing! they really stepped up the graphics
  21. Let me see if I get this straight. Us 360 owners will enjoy the DLC before PS3 owners? I honestly thought is was a rumour yea you guys get em a month earlier. but you pay for it. i'm kewl to wait another month and save, now, $60 a year and buy a game with that money. plus who needs Gaylo. CoD FTW
  22. hopefully a lot of the MP maps are like this. Pretty good size with some advantage for snipers since we can't quickscope like we could before. i'll probly go back to the good ol' SMG or AR.
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