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Everything posted by (V)

  1. Nice to see them playing on PC. That clairvoyance by Josh Olin was a classic moment . All and all was really enjoyable to watch.
  2. You know how overly-sensitive the rating board's can be...... They love to pull the "video games are interactive" excuse whenever they can.
  3. But don't the enemies have masks or helmets over their faces? They're talking about the human emtional expressions of those sorts of things happening. With the motion capture tech they're using they can get the faces very realistic, that's the point treyarch is making.
  4. If they went too far with the violence then most of the people on this forum wouldn't be able to buy it .
  5. The 4v4v4v4 TDM gametype is in Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Although it's titled "Squad Deathmatch". It's a really fun gametype to play. Adds a different spin to the regular deathmatch gametype.
  6. Lol Your avatar suits what you just said. Too bad PC players can already do these sorts of things with their servers :P
  7. Ok first off guys, stop flaming. You're completely off topic. Although I pretty much feel the same way about MW2 being a PC only gamer I feel screwed over more than any of you console players. Second. Treyarch DID NOT create the first three Call of Duty's. Infinity Ward created the first COD after having broke off from the Medal of Honour: Allied Assault team. The very first Treyarch made COD game was a rubbish XBOX1, PS2, Gamecube COD2 spin-off game, COD2: Big Red One. Their first semi-successful full COD game was COD3 (I could go on to bag them for only bringing that to console and not PC but I shan't :evil: ). Up until MW2 IW, IMHO, have made a superior game (we had zombie mods for COD2 and COD4 way before Treyarch came with their W@W zombie mode, although Treyarch is just a more polished off version, so don't go thinking I don't love it ). With IW's internal troubles during MW2 (nearly half the sodding team leaving :shock: !) it's no wonder MW2 turned out to be such a mess. That's just me speculating of course. Have a look through this and the other parts following on talking all about Call of Duty's history. So please, anybody saying anything that is completely untrue, stop talking and because it's frustrating to read so many comments that are false. Well after my little off-topic rant (hypocrite much? ) to comment on the subject on hand. Hard to say whether it is by coincidence or it was intentional. But there's isn't a whole lot in MW2's campaign that have really any cookies to suggest hints at BO's or any up coming Treyarch title (at the time). But very highly doubt an IW title would have anything to do with a Treyarch title.
  8. I'm sorry but neither of the guys shown look anything like Zakhaev whatsoever.
  9. By "They" you mean Infinity Ward? And you should know it was Arnie in Terminator 2: Judgement Day that was doing the spinning of the 1887 first. Where do you think they got the idea for the animation to do it . On topic, waiting for the trailer to load up.
  10. IW completely bollixed it up on PC. Without community moderation the hackers are able to run free and ruin the experience for everybody.
  11. Holy wall of text Batman! :shock:
  12. I think Black Ops should have an original orchestrated soundtrack. Although good luck topping MW2's, that had fantastic music.
  13. Was playing Der Riese Solo and was on wave 29. Had a crawler about and got cocky. Messed around with him a bit running around in circles and what not. Although I had juggernog, it seemed to take me down in one hit :| .
  14. There's been plenty of rumours of ghosts being sighted on Nightfire. Refer to this. http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Nightfire
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