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Everything posted by AlphaSnake

  1. Thats just gamers for you. No matter what they do some will complain about it. It's like the camping thing people seem to hate so much. If Treyarch didn't want campers they would make you die if you stood still for more than 3 seconds. People would still complain that 3 seconds is still to long and is camping. Such is the world of online gaming. Personally I don't mind campers. Its a valid ambush tactic and people should really stop bitching about it. If your stupid enough to keep returning via the same door way you died in 5 times before then more fool you. Drop shots to me sound realistic, think about it. What would you do if a guy ran around a corner shooting at you? I would hit the deck. You could do the same for jumpers too. Only time will tell if Black Ops is any better than Modern warfare 2. Regards snake.
  2. AlphaSnake

    BOT mode

    Yes, I do like this idea. Would be nice to learn the maps without embarrassing myself online first. Maybe you could set the bots play style for example:- Run & Gunner, Camper & Sniper and so on. You could take it to the next level and make them fully customizable:- Weapon load outs, Skins & Perks You could set up your nemesis class and learn to counter it effectively. Regards Snake.
  3. I would like to see the following:- Akimbo:- Double your death dealing capacity with akimbo upgrades for all Hgs, Smgs, Lmgs. Stopping power:- To match the increased strength & health of the horde. Fireworks:- So your grenades don't become useless. Amm-O-matic:- Mistakes will still lead to death given infinite ammo or not. I would like to see some crazy weapons again aswell:- Freeze ray:- Stops any zombies on the spot, you can smash them with a melee attack, the weapon freezes up if you use it to much like the flame thrower over heats. Nail gun:- Pin some freak bags to the wall with this industrial strength nail spitter, becareful though as the hanging undead can still make a grab for you and your buddies. Katana:- Slice hordes of the undead into pieces with this razor sharp blade of death. Side effect is it creates lots of crawler. Chainsaw:- MUHAHahahaha Run freak bags, BUZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. The Cross Bow:- Explosive fun, much like the C-3000 b1at-ch35. Hammer:- Like the Molotov, a booby prize. Chain gun:- Like good ol' Jesse in Predator. Remote C3 0r C4:- Make your own bottle neck blast traps. Laser gun:- Cut the enemy down with this high powered death laser. Bonus on penertrating power. I could go on. Regards Alpha.
  4. Sally linked to Mk Ultra Here I started this but people missed it. Hope it helps. Regards Alpha.
  5. I have them all... 100% Platinum here :twisted: Still, I'd like more. :evil: Currently destroying Assassins Creed II. Regards Snake.
  6. Schwarze Sonne Link Check it out lots of info on the place you speak of... Regards Snake. P.s. Have a nice trip.
  7. Beware the rabbit hole... Red pill/Blue pill? 8-)
  8. Have you tried the pigeon cipher on this? Regards Snake.
  9. I believe there is a thread here about IG Farbens symbol looking like GKnovas and they both fit nicely within the Schwarze sonne (Black sun) symbol, as does the Nazi Swastika... Nice find and good work, however this has been covered. The other thread about the new drop could use your attention though... Regards Snake. ;)
  10. We need to crack the coded message with the Black sun on the great seal... Also the German text needs translating, heres what I typed up so far from the top left hand document here:- Top left:- vergleich mit der theorie. in einem zentrifugalfeld ist das mischungsverhaltnis der beiden komponenten eines gasgemisches mit den molekulargewichten m und m in einem abstand von der achse gegeben zu worin, das mischungsverhaltnis der komponenten in der achse, die umfangsgeschwindigkeit des rotors, r die gaskonstante und T die absolute temperatur bedeuten. im falle des xenons ist dieses mischungsverhaltnis bezw. der trennfaktor deshalb nur rechnerisch kompliziert zu ermitteln, weil das xenon aus neun isotopen mit folgenden atomgewichten und prozentualen anteilen besteht: Das mittlere atomgewicht betragt nach hahn, flugge und mattauch 9) 131,31. Naherungsweise lasst sich das xenon unter vernachlassigung der seltenen isotope und berucksichtigung der anteile der haufigen isotope als ein gemisch von 3 isotopen mit folgender z usammensetzung betrachten: 32% 129,5 21% 131,0 47 % 133,6 , Von denen also 32 % um 1,9 atomgewichtseinheiten leichter, 47% um 2,2 atomgewichtseinheiten schwerer als normales xenon sind, ahrend der unterschied der mittleren 21% gegen normales xenon von 0,4 atomgewichtseinheiten zu vernachlassigen ist; das mittlere atomgewicht dieser isotopenmischung ist 131,34. Die An- bezw. Abreicherungen der leichten und der schweren komponenten ergeben sich mit den werten r = 5,8 cm, w = 50000/60 Bottom right:- -11- T = 300 k fur eine mittlere abweichung von 2 atomgewichts einheiten zu. 2 . (3,02 . 10 4)2 a 2 . 8,3 . 10 7 . 300 2,3 = 10 0,0159 = 1,036 . berechnet man die zusammensetzung der leichten bezw. schweren komponente um 3,6 %, so ergeben sich folgende prozentuale anteile: 33,2% 129,5 21,5% 131,0 45,3% 133,6 und daraus ein mittleres atomgewicht von 131,28. die verschiebung gegen die ursprungliche mischung betragt 0,06 atomgewichtseinheiten, d.h. 0,46 0/00. bei einer standigen abzapfung des leichten isotopengemisches in der achse des rotors bis zu einem rest von 10 % der ausgangsmenze wird sich am rande des rotors eine verstarkung der trennwirkung bemerkbar machen, fur die sich aus der rayleigh-gleichung 10) ergibt: (nL)0 . (nS) q = (V0) q-1 _____ ____ ____ nL ((nS)0) ( V) , Worin (nL)0 bezw. (nS)0 in diesem falle die konzentrationen der leichten bezw. schweren komponente, nL bezw. nS am ende des abzapfens, V0 das anfangs- und V das endvolumen, q den oben angegebenen trennfaktor bedeuten. setzt man die werte fur q = 1,036 und V0 = 10 ein, so ergibt sich naherungsweise __ V = 100,036 = 1,085, d.h. eine vergrosserung der ms/ml/(ms)0/(mn)0 Trennwirkung auf 8,5%. die zusammensetzung des restgemisches am rande des rotors berechnet sich zu: 29,3% 129,5 19,7% 131,0 51% 133,6 , sein mittleres atomgewicht daraus zu 131,49, d.h. die ver-schiebung des atomgewichts zu 0,15 atomgewichtseinheiten gegen normales xenon. -12- From the bottom of the page:- 6.3 - Projekt Riese Blome erhalt zugang zum nuklearprogramm heir findet er den schlussel Already been translated I believe, note the magic words are in red... Translation Notes:- I missed out the equations and some symbols. The German needs refining abit by adding the Ü & Ä properly. I'll do the other side later when I get time. I'll refine this if it hasn't been done when I get back. For now have fun. Regards Snake.
  11. Pictures of operation paper clip in there too, we have theorised about that link before. The Black sun is the big seller for me. It's on the boards in Der Riese:- viewtopic.php?f=8&t=754 It's also in GKNOVA 6 transmissions. "On the Lower Rhine Westphalia" viewtopic.php?f=8&t=698 These are the missing pieces to the puzzle the final steps. Illuminati, GK, IG FarbeN, Op paperclip, Nazi occultism & the Black sun = ZOMBIES... We all knew they would return and now we know for sure. Still those codes need cracking. Regards Snake.
  12. Yummy, fresh meat. Nice link with the Black sun there. Regards Snake.
  13. Does anyone read the forums before they post? [brains] Sorry dude this has been posted many times, just use the search function and type in Area 51 see how many threads turn up. See here:- viewtopic.php?f=8&t=698 I think this thread belongs in W@W zombie section. :? Regards Snake. ;)
  14. Perhaps this could be to do with those boards that a Finnish magazine happened to see on a tour of the Treyarch studios??? Regards Snake.
  15. 1.Quote "Pack Addict", with a picture of the Pap Machine. 2.Quote "Hey let go of my wunderwaffle" with a picture of Dempsey. 3.Quote "Fetch me their souls" Hellhound images. 4.Group 935 & logo. 5.Quote "Slice em & dice em, baby" with images of the Bowie knife. 6.Quote "Perk-a-holic" with soda's randomly placed on the shirt. 7.Quote "Frequent flyer" with a teleporter wormhole image. Hope none are repeats. Regards Snake. ;)
  16. Agreed, Josh's reactions have betrayed him here. Regards Snake. :)
  17. Yeah I know a couple of Finnish games from way back. Still if they are a profesional outfit they would have done their homework. Only time will tell on this one. Although by now Treyarch must have realised that it would be an epic fail on their part not to include zombies in Blackops. Plus I saw another interview with Josh. It was quite a casual one were he was grilled about the inclusion of zombies. The interviewer even mentioned that it couldn't be Nazi zombies as that would be stupid in itself and Josh agreed. He did however admit that it was a possiability that zombies would feature in Blackops. By saying this he has practically admit they will be involved, because why the hell would he mislead us & get our hopes up just to have them dashed by the absence of zombies? Simple really, he wouldn't... Regards Alpha. P.s. Hopes still in the box Rob. :)
  18. I helped too. Not in the chat though.... [brains]
  19. After looking at the article all night I have come to the conclusion this can't be a mistake. If it was a mistake then the magazine that printed it can say goodbye to any credit they had within the community. It would be very unprofessional for them to have printed it without doing the proper research to back up their claims. If they did play the game then they should have known simply by the fact that the zombies would have been the Japanese design type that is a special feature of Shi No Numa only. That said maybe we should contact the magazine for clarification just so we can put this one to bed. Regards Snake. ;)
  20. Surely they would have known if it was Shi No Numa. Dunna maybe Treyarch did it on purpose?
  21. Ok, so I've been searching for a meaning to Sally & the Tally and here is what I have so far:- The Strange Story of Sally MKULTRA: The Strange Story of Sally Hartman:- My friend Richard on FB alerted me to this story on the Truthout blog; H.P. Albarelli Jr.’s The Strange Story of Sally Hartman. It’s an intriguing (and sad) read, taken in part from the book A TERRIBLE MISTAKE: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments. Involving MKULTRA, this piece details the experiences of Sally Hartman, who was a victim of MKUlTRA and ARTICHOKE, the CIA’s mind control programs. Sally’s experiences began in the 1950s. Skeptical of many stories of those who say they were victims of mind control, Albarelli has come across one story he does believe: But one story that came my way was clearly different from all the others. This story involved a woman who, in the mid-1950s, had been married to a CIA employee. In fact, the man had worked in the agency’s Technical Services Section, Chemical Branch and had answered directly to Gottlieb and Robert Lashbrook. I was able to verify his employment with the CIA. The woman had also worked for the federal government, holding a classified position with another intelligence organization. There were no doubts about any of this. Numerous sources, including former CIA, Justice Department and White House officials and others, verified these facts. I don’t use this woman’s real name here, or that of her husband, for reason’s concerning her privacy and protection. One of the many things I found interesting in this article was a possible parallel to techniques used in the MKULTRA and PROJECT ARTICHOKE mind control experiments on human victims, and the stories of UFO-alien abductees. The article isn’t about UFOs, but does contain an interesting incident. Sally Hartman, during her long ordeal, against her will, (black outs, missing time, hospitalizations, shock treatments, forcefully drugged) had an odd encounter with a UFO witness: On the same trip to the West Coast, Sally met a middle-aged woman in a restaurant who told her that she had had an encounter with a UFO the previous month while hiking near Sausalito. The woman remarked that, after this encounter, she had experienced strange blackouts and incidents of missing time. Sally recounted that she thought she met with this woman again at a private home in San Francisco, but she can’t recall for sure. “I remember sitting in an expansive living room overlooking the bay with her and she was telling me more about her experience, but it seems very dreamlike now. She was very nice, but there was something sinister about her that made me uncomfortable.” I still consider that there was possible human participation in my own missing time and UFO experiences. I have no conscious memory of either humans or aliens, but keep coming back to a nagging idea that humans were involved as well as . . . something other. Our government had at least three decades worth of experimentation involving drugs, hypnosis, missing time, memory manipulation, etc. — not a leap, despite what some researchers might say, to seriously consider the government’s involvement in staged, or partially staged, UFO-alien events. The story of Sally Hartman is a frightening one, whether or not her experiences had anything to do with UFOs. She was greatly messed with, by our own, and that is at least as horrifying as aliens from space. Fits in with GKNOVA and the Vril material from Der Riese. Hope this helps in some small way. Regards Alpha. P.s:- Theory, The man is out to seek revenge on those that took Sally for Ukultra, 8 dead, how many more need to die?
  22. Added screen shots to my last post. Treyarch can show us a sneaky peek now. :twisted: Regards Snake.
  23. Heres the translation from the video itself, added a few words to make it flow better it makes more sense now, I didn't change anything vital. "Zombies are back! World at Wars greatest game mode and actually the only original thing in the game was Der Nacht Der Toten, well zombie mode. After you finish the campaign you get the game mode where four players defended a building against never ending zombie waves. Zombie mode was fun and full of strategy and tactics. The game mode will return for Blackops, but Treyarch won't say anything more, but they didn't cover the studios walls which revealed concept art about a "Night Swamp" area, also nasty looking zombies and zombie Dogs" Interesting so a night swamp area & new Zombie & dogs designs. Has anyone seen these boards they say were exposed? Regards Alpha.
  24. AlphaSnake


    viewtopic.php?f=16&t=942&p=9951#p9951 Last post new info for your consideration. Regards Alpha.
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