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Everything posted by AlphaSnake

  1. Now that would be awesome. Regards Alpha.
  2. Arh, Mr Zielinski, like the brother I never had... Still can't wait for this, it has been too long. Zombies is in a world of it's own, always has been. Richtofen will return, this is good news. (Read between the lines) Regards Alpha.
  3. Not for black ops but the news in general, they run stories that you just won't see in you local paper or on TV. Very real stuff I might add, like Agenda 21, Codex & GMO. One of the recent big ones was the NDAA. Regards Alpha.
  4. It is the diagram MMX, it was first seen in Der Riese. Why the hell would it be in TranZit if it has no meaning or no link back to Der Riese or group 935. Regards Alpha.
  5. Keep watching, they expose some crazy things. Regards Alpha.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDqVjcn ... ature=plcp tDqVjcnByqk http://sgtfrankwoods.com/ Get your free Sgt Frank Woods ringtone. "This is Sgt Frank Woods, do not send me to voicemail". Awesome, he said the next zombie analysis video will be late maybe tomorrow or monday. All next week he is doing PR for Activision, interviews & such. So watch out for that. Regards Alpha.
  7. The link in my sig has a lot of info on Tesla stemming from Der Riese. You should check it out. I like this thread. Here is an example of what is in NZC. 1.1001111000110111011… This takes us back to Tesla, JP Morgan (Illuminati Family Faction) & IBM bringing to light some other interesting articles: Wireless Transmission: A Century of Power Politics Tussles Over "Free" Energy's Price Tag: Hidden political interests repeatedly block attempts to bring this energy-saving and cost-saving technology into being. How long will the drama continue before North Americans are able obtain access to that which Russians scientists have already achieved? by Mary-Sue Haliburton, Ottawa, Canada Pure Energy Systems News Act I: Binary Code, Key to Pricing "Free" Energy, 1898: Among his many inventive pursuits, Nikola Tesla had created a "teleautomaton" boat which could be remotely controlled. He used multiple transmitters and differing frequencies to start, stop, steer and drive a four-foot-long model, as well as to turn lighting on and off. It was a practical demonstration unit for a submarine guidance system that Tesla was proposing to the military. After the sinking of the Maine at Havana and the launch of the Spanish Civil war, a stealth submarine ought to have had a strong appeal; it seems shortsighted now that the Navy of that day dismissed the idea. At the Electrical Exhibition at Madison Square Garden in 1898 Nikola Tesla was every inch the showman. To maximize audience reaction, he even made it appear that the unmanned craft was responding to his gestures and words, rather than to the signals being transmitted wirelessly by code. However, it was only for a private audience of potential investors (including J.P. Morgan and Cornelius Vanderbilt) and not for the general crowds that he dramatized his presentation, and therefore reporters did not publicize Tesla's invention. Instead the newspapers focused on Marconi's much less advanced remote detonation system. Not even having the ability to tune frequencies, Marconi's demonstrator Tom Edison Jr. accidentally blew up some explosives stored in a desk as well as those planted in advance in the model ships. Two aspects of Tesla's robotic boat are remarkable. First, this represented the earliest use of wireless broadcasting publicly displayed, though Tesla's experiments with it went back several years. The other is that, as part of the submarine proposal, Tesla had invented binary code and was using it as early as 1896. Thus, decades later when IBM came to adopt this on-off zeroes-and-ones coding as the basis of machine language, the company was not able to patent it and thereby failed to obtain a monopoly. Because Tesla had described it in his 1899 patent, binary code was already in the public domain. Act II: No "Free" Energy (Niagara Falls vs. Wardenclyffe): Scene 1: J.P. Morgan is Disgruntled: Briefly, the essential feature of Tesla's wireless transmission of power was charge separation. The power was to be divided into scalars with the opposite charge pushed into the ground, and the two aspects recombined at the receiving end. Tesla planned to experiment with various frequencies to measure wavelength, voltage and velocity, and to assess nodal points along the equator and at the pole opposite the point of generation. The two poles of the wireless broadcasting tower would be independent of the existing magnetic poles of the planet. The 187-foot-tall Wardenclyffe tower stood over a 12-foot diameter shaft sunk 120 feet down. At 307 ft, overall, this structure was a bit over half the height of the 600 feet that was originally conceived, possibly close enough to the exact half to be harmonic with it. The underground structure was included a spiral staircase to the bottom and iron "terrestrial grippers" which were pipes extending 300 feet out from the core. Further, Tesla built four stone-lined tunnels large enough to crawl through, angled back toward the surface and emerging 300 feet from the tower. All of these contributed greatly to the cost of the facility. Originally having agreed to develop his world-wide broadcast tower at Niagara where there was an abundance of cheap power, Tesla had infuriated J.P. Morgan by moving the project to Long Island. With no nearby waterfall newly equipped with turbines of his own design, Tesla would have to generate electricity more expensively by using fuel. Other than his wanting to live in at the Waldorf Astoria in New York, there didn't seem to be any good reason for the move. Seeing this somewhat illogical (and possibly self-indulgent) move as a breach of contract, Morgan then withheld funding from the inventor. As he was controlling 51% of the company, Morgan was able to block others from investing as well. Tragically, the tower was never finished, and creditors removed parts soon after the impecunious Tesla first fired it up. In the few days that it was in operation, Tesla was able to do some tests. In a letter to J. P. Morgan written in 1904, Tesla stated that he had transmitted a commercial quantity of electric power to Los Angeles with only a 2% loss. Since over standard transmission wires, losses of over 30% would be considered normal for such an extremely long distance, this was an exceptional achievement. Not only that, but a century later there is still no long-distance direct transmission line from New York State to California. Prohibitive losses of both power and money would result from trying to send power some 3900 kilometers by conventional wires. Scene 2: The Myth of "Free" Energy Takes Root Enter another player, Bernard Baruch, then a bright young stockbroker. According to Andrija Puharich, it was this man who planted in J.P. Morgan's ear the misconceptions that have persisted to this day. Baruch told the financier that Tesla was crazy, that he was offering this broadcast energy for "free", and that investors would go broke supporting him. Baruch's source for this notion may in turn have been an article in an 1896 Sunday magazine section of the World, which announced Tesla's wireless broadcast of a song. With a view to protecting his secrets, Tesla had confused the reporter by not explaining that the energy for this musical transmission had come from one of his oscillators on the other side of Pike's Peak, four miles away. Thus this article planted the erroneous idea that Tesla's wireless transmission had been possible because the earth was filled with unlimited "free" energy. A canny but cautions investor, Morgan had got rich by thinking ahead. To protect his other corporate structures, including the banking and mining aspects that would be greatly enriched by the building of networks of wires, he sabotaged the Tesla business he controlled. The concepts of a wayward inventor, however brilliant, would have required him to gamble too much on a single throw. Scene 3: Tesla's Dream: A Profitable Monopoly Although he did expect and state that conventional means of distribution would be rendered obsolete by his broadcast power, Tesla was not so stupid as to give away this continually-needed renewable product. Although political and financial conflicts later forced him to back down from his original royalty demand, he didn't start out by giving away electricity. In his original patent deal with George Westinghouse, Tesla and his partners had attached conditions, and had obtained a commitment to pay a royalty of 2.50 per Watt! In descriptions of experiments with electrocution – with which Tesla was not involved – AC power got bad press by being associated with torturing dogs and other large animals. Worst, a first human execution in the "electric chair" was botched, causing widespread revulsion. Because it was believed to be too dangerous, investors refused to pay for converting to the 60 cycles per second needed to drive Tesla's AC induction motor. George Westinghouse had to yield to their fears, and for several years longer he retained his original 133 cycles per second. What Tesla had offered to Morgan was a world monopoly, which would have been financial as well as informational. The patented binary code would have enabled Tesla selectively to provide power for those paying for it, and to block the flow of energy to anyone with a receiving station who was in arrears. This was the essential fact that neither Mr. Baruch nor news reporters of that day could grasp – and which is still missing from typical discussions of this and similar technologies today. Everyone is still repeating the misconception fed to Morgan, i.e. that this wireless energy was to be given away for free. That was never part of Tesla's plan. ... Hope you enjoy the read. Also just had a thought, Tony Stark is now reminding me of Tesla, with the part of Obadiah Stane being played by JP Morgan. Regards Alpha.
  8. Jet turbines vs man: YJf1okwb-5Y Non fatal to a lucky Human, however this would not kill a freak bag. My point is the Lawn mower is the deadly part of this builable. I know I could be wrong, but I see it like a christmas present. If you let me near it I will always try to guess what it is. Remember that turbines can be reversed, so in theory this weapon could have two different firing modes like the Wave gun/Dual zappers. Blow/suck modes (I guess Richtofen may have had a hand in the creation here) PFnZJeHc-KY E_5lnbZeN_M Just look at the engine in that last video... Turbine from a Ultra light + the prop all in one mounting which is set for thrust, just reverse this set up & you have a turbine powered death saw from hell that sucks in it's victims. If you get over crowded you just flip the switch to repel mode. It will be interesting to see how many different items there are & what can be made from them. Could the parts be interchangable? Gas can & lighter = flame thrower Batteries & pipes = Tazers & Cattle prods Rocks & pipes = large hammers other custom melee weapons These are based off the ones I can remember from RE#OB 1&2. Did Treyarch play this? My guess is yes. I hope they really went all out with this idea. I also remember a thread here at codz about a pack a punch fusion machine. This is quite close I think. Loving every minute of this. Remember James/Franks has a new video today/tommorrow (Saturday) so watch out for that one. Also those that have Youtube account should post a few comments & maybe even plug codz a little. I've asked James to join up here if he hasn't already. Regards Alpha.
  9. Does the bus driver count as a cyber zombie then? Thanks for the comments guys. Regards Alpha.
  10. Top thread, I would give brains if I could. Mr. North was a mistake for Treyarch. A very rare one at that. They knew we would find this out. Question is why? Regards Alpha.
  11. I'm just saying what I see is all. Speculation is part of the fun is it not? Regards Alpha.
  12. I changed the title as I now agree that the blue print is 100% for the MDTs. There is no sign of a machine in the video just a bench & tools. Good to see you posting Who. Regards Alpha.
  13. + + Placed on the work bench, no machine can be seen in the video @ 0:20: wUbVZAy8XeY The same blueprint is seen here (Top Right) This diagram is in our face, Treyarch want us to know this. This link takes us back to Germany/Poland, Group935 had a foothold in the USA as we well know. Just look at the buildings Barn/Diner & the bus/cars = 100% American apple pie. I don't think the machine on the blueprint is for the "Builables", infact I'm 100% sure it is for the MDTs. Yes I believe they will also return in TranZit somehow. Combine the pictures I posted & you get the weapon at the end of the trailer: YH_9GzaUW40 ... Evidence? I agree it is a jet/turbine sound no doubt there, that gives power & suction. Then we have the Lawn mower drop from the bus tour which stated the following "We should not let this type of equipment go to waste". This is the killing element. We now know that you have to put multiple items on the bench to create a "Buildable weapon". A industrial leaf blower, lawn mower & turbine are normal items that could be found just lying around in TranZit. As are the car door & dolly wagon plus wantever else is needed to make the splat shield. Then there is the sound at the end, the zombies sound like they are getting squished. James said that the tool box was important as were the gas canisters. So there could be many different possibilities. 0WCDOtClg7I nGdEeoX42v0 Who is to say that once you have your Buildable weapon, you can't stick it in the Pack-A-Punch. Personally I would wield some spikes on the other side of the splat shield just for some added sting. For some weird reason I want to say TranZit is set in Pennsylvania... IDKW?! Randomness. Late for me so I'll have to cut & run or this post will end up a draft. Regards Alpha.
  14. That does sound awesome but sadly it probably won't happen. The blades would shred zombies which gameplay wise would be so messy it would make it impossible to see with all the gore flying around! Thats what people said about Moon. Regards Snake.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7iSRIRVNow c7iSRIRVNow Thought this was funny. Regards Alpha.
  16. Screw it, I'm putting my money on a jet power lawn mower that shreds zombies as they get sucked into the blades. Bah, i wanted a chain saw... This better be EPIC. Regards Alpha.
  17. The room is from Verruckt. Kino is a window to Verruckt. I have said this in another thread some where. Regards Alpha.
  18. viewtopic.php?f=67&t=14212 Tibetan Dorges, Lightning Bolts, The Golden Rod & Vril Probably already covered by MMN. Good to see you back in action mate. Regards Alpha.
  19. Agreed, this links us all the way back to Germany. Possible 935 outpost in the TranZit area. This could explain why we will be there in the first place. Treyarch are sharp, they do not do random things, just ask James/Frank. Regards Alpha.
  20. wUbVZAy8XeY @ 20 seconds in we see the buildable bench. Notice something familiar? It is plans for the MDTs. This shows that material from Der Riese has made it's way into TranZit. (This is my main point I think) Make of this what you will. Hope this is not a repeat. Regards Alpha.
  21. Frank Woods says we get Horses in zombies... There is another thread on it. He also said that the wonder weapon is not a chain saw... :cry: Oh well, I guess they have something better in mind. Could it be a buildable wonder weapon? Could it be an uber lawn mower? So many questions. Regards Alpha.
  22. Part II is up. He mentions Horses in Zombies. The buildables are some what like the ones seen in Resident Evil outbreak files 1 & 2 which I still have. The main character that can make the weapons is called David. He also mentioned the Zombies in straight jackets meaning an Asylum is close by. I'll say Carbon had something to do with this "Asylum" nGdEeoX42v0 Regards Alpha.
  23. Well there is the bait, now where is the hook? Loving this buildables. Regards Alpha.
  24. There is no trick you just have to get lucky on W@W Veteran. The grenade spam is :shock: I'll play through again see if I can find something more to help. Its been a while since W@W was in my Ps3. Regards Alpha.
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