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  1. Bringing this topic up again because I am an insane person. I think I have a more consistent answer for the eye colors of zombies, and it centers around the MPD. By default, zombies seem to just have Apothicon influence with red eyes. When the MPD is present on the Moon, however, the eyes by default are orange-yellow. When Richtofen takes over, he changes them to blue. The APD overrides the MPD in the local area in Alpha Omega to be white. Why are the eyes red in Mob of the Dead and Blood of the Dead? They are in a pocket dimension consisting entirely of Alcatraz Island and the unfinished bridge. No MPD. Why are the eyes red in Tag der Toten? Is is also a pocket dimension consisting of the Siberian Facility. No MPD. Why are the eyes red in Revelations? It takes place in Agartha where the Apothicons have brought their influence, but no Moon and no MPD. Why are the eyes red in Gorod Krovi? This I think is the crux of the wider answer. At the end of Der Eisendrache we teleport the MPD to Earth, remove its controller, and blow up the Moon on November 5th, 1945. The way fractures seem to work is that they build off of each other, so by blowing up the Moon on November 5th, 1945 in the Deceptio fracture, the Moon blows up at the same time in the Proditione and Agonia fractures. Gorod Krovi takes place on November 6th, 1945, so the Moon is now blown up and there is no MPD to influence the zombies, hence the red eyes. Why aren't they red in Zetsubou No Shima? Because ZNS takes place on October 18th, 1945, before the Moon is blown up. The MPD is still there. In Origins and Shadows of Evil, the Moon and MPD are still there, planted by the Apothicons ages ago, so the eyes are orange. I think this theory aligns with what Blundell said about the eyes mattering sometimes and something they don't matter. With this theory it doesn't really change anything that the eyes in Gorod are red, it's just that way because of when it takes place. Same with where Blood and Mob take place. But it does matter in certain cases where we need to know who is in the MPD.
    4 points
  2. Hey, bumping old topics is my business... and going off topic is too. Staying on the Lenne brand, since 2012. awwwwwwwwww yeah
    1 point
  3. Also worth mentioning as I've just noticed it, in Shadows of Evil the Zombie eyes are yellow, and so is the glow from the parasites: In Revelations, when the giant Apothicon is present, again, the eyes of zombies are red, as well as the glow of the parasites: In addition, in the cardboard version of the Great War on the stage of Revelations, the eyes are red again and the giant Apothicon is in the background (just above the margwa in this picture:) It's possible this is just a case of artistic license, as the Primis crew are wielding the wrong staves, but it does provide some amount of evidence for the further connection. We can at least confirm at this point that the color has to do with direct influence from some being and has to do with proximity (Shown by Alpha Omega). The reason the eyes are yellow in Shadows may be the biggest mystery. My only guess is that perhaps yellow is the default, as has been speculated, and instances of red indicate direct, free Apothicon influence. Shadows is the only map to throw a wrench in that idea to my knowledge, and it may perhaps have something to do with the level of proximity and Apothicon influence there. The Shadowman is ever-present, along with the giant laser-boi in the sky, however these beings may not be controlled by this Apothicon blood, so to speak. Dr. Yena's research indicates that the blood is made up of tiny organisms and feels almost alive, like some kind of hivemind. It reminds me of the Hunters from Halo, which are made up of tiny, orange worms that form colonies, inhabit armor, and create a hivemind which can be seen as a single individual. The entire Covenant is not made up of these worms, just the Hunters. In a similar sense, the Apothicons may not be made up of Apothicon blood, which sounds stupid, but remember that Apothicon blood is just a name given by humans to understand it because it came from giant Apothicon beast. I would speculate that these tiny organisms were either assimilated by the corrupted Keepers from some unknown planet, now known as Apothicons, and used as blood for the giant flying type Apothicons, or these organisms were created in some of the dark experiments committed by the Apothicons that also produced the first teleporter and the MPD. The idea that these tiny organisms were used by the Apothicons to fight for them against their will is further enforced by the way the Blood acts in Tag der Toten. The Apothicon Blood begs to be freed, and asks for help from the player, guiding them towards trying to help them, when instead we use them to create the Agarthan Device. Assisting Victis in their quest seems counter-intuitive to what the Apothicons would want, but it would make sense if they are not necessarily willing allies to the Apothicon race.
    1 point
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