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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2016 in Posts

  1. I'm a veteran in the zombies portion of Call of Duty. I've been playing since World at War and have stuck with the game and the story since then. Both World at War and Black Ops 1 featured the Golden Age of Zombies in my opinion. The maps, wonder weapons, unique zombies were all amazing and suited each map so well. When Black Ops 2 came around, the simplicity of the old maps left. We were introduced to buildables which a lot of people didn't like. The maps were mediocre in my opinion and I felt that the overall vibe was gone. It no longer felt creepy as the older maps did. I miss the survival aspect of zombies. I miss the simplicity of the maps. Does anyone else feel the same?
    1 point
  2. I can't fathom most of Trollarch's 'reasoning', as i can't derp that low. However, the bag under footlight's tram steps is way old news. If they added some, i don't know what to say. Maybe 'feed [this servant] zornarkoth' means 'feed [this] mickey dees'. :)
    1 point
  3. @83457 _________ Yea, it's pretty damn Shitty honestly. Spend 3 Months, day in & day out, searching for something they F****d up. Only to finally have it "Fixed" therefore making all the stupid shit we did, become irrelevant. Better off to have been pissing in the wind. Nonetheless, I really feel like it starts with the "Noire Mode" Filter, as that is the only Side Quest/Easter Egg we know how to begin. Yet we've somehow never been able to find how to trigger the "End".
    1 point
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