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About Gstroy

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  1. Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! This isn't game breaking... at all...
  2. Not bad... but I think I want a TTT gamemode more.
  3. It wasn't shown in the Gamescom gameplay, and I haven't even heard the rumor... so I doubt it.
  4. Could you please put these into a list? It feels like advertising otherwise...
  5. I thought the microwave device was called a "Escort Drone" it said that on the left when the guy deployed it. Could be wrong. Yeah, you are.
  6. This^ I don't mind being knifed if I was too slow to react, that's fair in my opinion. What annoys the hell out of me is blasting someone in the chest/face with 3-5 bullets then getting knifed. Of course this is mostly due to lag, so... (Rant/)And slightly off topic, saw some guy selling a lag switch on Ebay. Wtf?! Most online games suffer from some pretty severe lag and those f@*&ers want to make it worse? If you have to resort to cheating why not do something else instead? Really bugs the hell out of me(/Rant) Lag is dependent on you're internet. I have Comcast and pretty much always have a four bar, sometimes a three, and my ping is normally around 30-50 on PC.
  7. Cod is my real life... but yeah, this.
  8. My thought was equipment, things like light armor or heavy armor.
  9. That's the thing, it's a reflex. It's not magic, or hax, it's just you simply reacting faster than the other guy. I wouldn't say it's panic, it's just reacting to the situation with the correct weapon. I don't tense up and accidentally hit it, I press the button, of my own accord.
  10. This times a million! I'm so sick of people calling me a panic knifer when I clearly out play them. It's called reflexes noobs!
  11. I think the bottom three slots are equipment, such as heavy armor, bandoilers, and light armor. Its pretty clear already that they affected at having 2 perks from the same tier. Plus also having second primary. But there is still one icon I haven't figured out. Actually, look at the AN94 class. I just realized it.
  12. I think the bottom three slots are equipment, such as heavy armor, bandoilers, and light armor. Its pretty clear already that they affected at having 2 perks from the same tier. Plus also having second primary. But there is still one icon I haven't figured out. Hmm... I hadn't noticed... interesting.
  13. I think the bottom three slots are equipment, such as heavy armor, bandoilers, and light armor.
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