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Strange Glow in a Window Hole

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Well I tried my best to get a look using the Dolly Cam. Only could see a short time before Theatre crashed.

I believe it is just a texture glitch. The window isn't actually a window with clear glass and a model behind it, it's just a texture that looks like a window, but I have no idea why it is like that. Best thing I can think of is that the lights on the engines above the bunker have somehow managed to get in that area, but that's pushing it.

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I assume it's just a graphical glitch. I've seen something exactly like this under some foliage on a door behind the Pack a Punch. However I've never seen it happen in that location. Could be absolutely nothing. But then again, considering there's now more than one, it might be something.


(If you decide to try anything with it, I've Mesmerised and Vaporised it and nothing happened)

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I, too, think this is just a texture glitch. Like DG, I've seen a similar thing behind the Pack a Punch, and both images are very pixelated, which isn't something that would happen if it were vitally important. It's weird that we can see these glitches, but it is what it is I suppose.

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