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Camping Spot by Lab B


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Here is a decent camping spot by Lab B



The Zombies don't spawn behind you or by the side of you, There is only one way and you can get a lot of head shots here to rack up some points for the doors, Also if you're running out of ammo I suggest if you open the vine down the bank on the left hand side, buy the ICR 1 and just buy ammo for it off the wall.

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On 4/20/2016 at 6:22 AM, Spider said:

Here is a decent camping spot by Lab B



The Zombies don't spawn behind you or by the side of you, There is only one way and you can get a lot of head shots here to rack up some points for the doors, Also if you're running out of ammo I suggest if you open the vine down the bank on the left hand side, buy the ICR 1 and just buy ammo for it off the wall.

Pics are dead.


Were you camping by the door (by Lab B) to Bowie/Bunker area?


It sounds like that from your description, but I'm curious if that's right. I can't find many early camp spots here, it seems like they are all available after SoNS is aquired or the EE is complete.

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