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-Always go right when you start out. It costs the same to open up both sides, but the right path will also bring you by another possible location for what could be a vital perk: Quick Revive, or Jug. 

-Use weak weapons while you can, when your back is against the fence bring out the big guns. 

-Crouch in front of some perk machines to gain an extra 100 points. Not vital but fun. 

-Others might tell you the wonderwaffe is a bad weapon, they're wrong. it's a good weapon but it's not as good as it was. I still wouldn't use it early rounds however, as it's not good for points. 

-You can camp VERY well until about round 35 where things become risky. Don't bother running trains until at least round 15 when you have Jug. It just wastes revives. Also, NOW I see why you opened the left door, which could have it's advantages, but you've gotten ahead of yourself. 

-In online mode, you can only get perks from the teleporters if you have either the "Feeling lucky" or "On the house" gums in your pack when you start the game. Any player can have it, and you don't have to use it. Just equip it so sometimes the teleporter will give you a free perk. 

-Sliding makes you MUCH faster in this game, use it profusely. 

-DON'T bother pack-a-punching until you can DOUBLE pack-a-punch you're wasting precious Alternate Ammo otherwise. 

-Gobble gums can be VERY useful in higher rounds. Here is the ideal set up (to me) 

    On the house: Don't ever actually use this gum unless you want or need to, otherwise it's just there to spawn perk drops from the teleporters.

     Sword Flay: Useful on early rounds for more melee kills. Get the bowie knife, and that goes even FARTHER. 

     The one that makes you invisible: For obvious reasons, this is helpful on ANY round. It's like an extra pair of monkeys. 

      Alchemical Antithesis: This is practically unlimited ammo for 60 seconds, and a max ammo at the end. And you get TWO uses from it. 

      Stock Option: IS SOOOOO USEFUL. Try it out with a rocket launcher too! 

-You can get all 6 perks somewhat easily with perk bottle drops. 

-Oh wow... You need to understand the POWER of double pack-a-punching now. It gives you abilities that outweigh the power of the wonder waffe by far. That Dingo (or dire wolf) you had would have been perfect. There are 5 diffrent ammo types as of right now: 

-Thunder wall- which is basically a mini-thundergun blast. 

-Blast furnace- Causes zombies to burst into flames and harm zombies arround them. 

-Dead wire- Electricutes zombies where they stand NOTE: this one has been known to screw up the wonder waffe. 

-Turned: Gives you a super-powerful zombie minion of your own. 

-Fire-works: Spawns a weapon that will shoot zombies all around you, even through walls. 


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32 minutes ago, shirtlesservice said:

Why would you not do both... you can get more than four perks on this map, and if you're camping then speed cola is invaluable.

I am taking early rounds, you don't anything but jug before round 10, with the exception of speed cola sometimes. By round ten you should have more than enough to open doors and PaP one weapon. That's how I play anyway, early levels are painfully easy, and I get satisfaction for doing everything I need to do in those first ten rounds, except for getting my box weapon, sometimes that can take awhile if the box is being a Richard, so I save it for last.

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9 minutes ago, Tattoo247 said:

I am taking early rounds, you don't anything but jug before round 10, with the exception of speed cola sometimes. By round ten you should have more than enough to open doors and PaP one weapon. That's how I play anyway, early levels are painfully easy, and I get satisfaction for doing everything I need to do in those first ten rounds, except for getting my box weapon, sometimes that can take awhile if the box is being a Richard, so I save it for last.

Stay in the first room till the end of round 3/ beginning of round 4. When you get over run, open one of the doors (which one depends on a couple different factors: whether this is a high round game, whether you're just camping to level up weapons, what strategy you want to use, etc) get to the bowie knife, by the end of round 4 you will have enough points to buy it, unless you've gotten unlucky and hit a nuke at the 2500 point drop time. Knife. You'll have jugg by the end of round 5. opening either route will let you get to atleast three of the perks, and if you open the door to the thomson then it will get you to all 4 of them, so you shouldn't have to worry about opening doors.

By round 7 or so you'll be able to get every perk. But my point is bowie first then jugg. If you die then you've only wasted like 15-20 minutes max

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