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"She has MY BODY"...

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In buried, after completing the easter egg for maxis's side, we get to hear what richtofen knows about samantha, which is still cryptic. It describes how samantha is likely dead, but more importantly, is trapped within the body of richtofen. 


Now I'm just spitballing here... But what if the richtofen in the giant's opening, the old one... Is samantha from moon... 

It would explain a lot. Why she's gone quiet, why there's crying in the furnace... 

If samantha was controlling richtofen in that body, or was linked to it. She's just lost her last conduit to the human world, similar to gersh. 

It'd be a compelling act but look at the dialogue: 

"Do you know who I am?" That's not richtofen being arrogant, that's samantha trying to get the 3 to admit they know it's HER not HIM. 

I don't think the 3 catch on, they believe samantha left long ago. When richtofen (the younger) appears in the teleporter, she smiles and looks to him with great joy and pride. Because she knows that he's finally come around to do as she asks. 

"You can't keep doing this forever richtofen. You know what has to happen." -Samantha in Origins.

 This is richtofen admitting his defeat. Or so it seems, it is here that richtofen kills richtoSam and startles her she now resides in the aether with no body to control. What... to... do... Maxis then uses the beacon to find the 4, but at what consequence?



This is a pretty far fetched theory, but I think it'd be one HELL of a plot twist! 

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38 minutes ago, Stop Mocking Me0 said:

I think that richtofen talking like a girl was a sort of way for the player to identify that the two had switched. Realistically, swaping souls with richtofen wouldn't re-arrange richtofen's vocal cords. 

No, they switched souls. I don't think its out the realm of possibility at all that her voices comes out considering that is what we have to define it is her. Otherwise Richtofen would sound like Sam in Aether.

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Well no, because samantha communicates through the aether, mentally using the voice she'd expect to hear. She doesn't need vocal cords, and thus neither does richtofen. 

RichtoSam may say things in her head that sounds like a little girl, but her actual vocal cords would remain the same, making her sound to others like richtofen. 

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29 minutes ago, Stop Mocking Me0 said:

Well no, because samantha communicates through the aether, mentally using the voice she'd expect to hear. She doesn't need vocal cords, and thus neither does richtofen. 

RichtoSam may say things in her head that sounds like a little girl, but her actual vocal cords would remain the same, making her sound to others like richtofen. 

No because in map we hear its her voice, obviously she has his body but she sounds disembodied still so obviously the possession of his body is different to normal body switching. We hear her as a little girl if we are other characters. What they say in map is not thoughts, aside from out loud thoughts. She has her voice, there is no way around that otherwise they would have her saying "Why am I in Richtofen's Body" but in his voice. They don't though, its obviously an affect of the ethereal switch that makes their voices remain. Something I guess we aren't meant to comprehend. Its like in Scooby Doo, the first one, they switch bodies multiple times and keep the same voice even though its some voodoo magic swapping them. It doesn't have to change their vocal chords, mostly because they can use a simple explanation like the aether.

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6 minutes ago, Stop Mocking Me0 said:

Yeah I just busted my own theory. Nikolai, Takeo, and Tank all discuss about RichtoSam and her "decent shots" once she takes control of richtofen. They never outright say he sounds like a girl, so MAYBE they just assume they swap bodies.... But I doubt it. 

Although saying that, it is a good point to raise. There is still mystery behind why she retains her voice and its something worth looking into.

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