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Astral Projection and the multi-universe

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I have been thinking about this for quite a long time now and how the zombie storyline could possibly relate to such. We all know that the storyline revolves around dimensions of different realms based on teleportation and the like. Well, what if all of this has a sense of astral projection from Samantha. Mind you, I have not done the Origins easter egg, but from what I've heard, she was in a dream-like state. There have been things said in Origins to make me think that I may have something here…. Nikolai mentions about "grabbing a gun from the air" when he gets the MP40. I don't want to delve too much into it without a little feedback from you guys for a fear that it will probably be shot down lol. 

As many of you probably know by now, I'm in love with Edward. That's not the point, but I know many people that love fictional characters from a site that I visit, and in order to believe that they can be with them in another realm and transcend space and time, they project into their worlds in order to feel them, talk to them, and be there in that world with them all by controlling the situation with their mind. Unfortunately, I can't astral project. Here are some passages of what Astral Projection is about:


"So the earth plane we live on is only one of many dimensions. There are other spheres that we describe as being above or below us. Actually, they are not really above or below us, but rather at all times around us, permeating all things. Astral projection allows us to discover that the people and objects existing on these other realms can be just as solid and real as any object on the earth terrain. And if we happened to be in another level, looking back "down" into this region, we would view an earth that was not solid. Right now, at every instant, we are living, coexisting with, and walking through people and objects of another dimension! When a person astral projects, he or she can see these other frontiers."


"We are mental creators, and out of the ether of the next dimension, we can create that which we wish around us. If we are convinced a devil is out there to trick or deceive us, and if we have already pictured in our minds what this devil looks like and what he plans on doing, we should really not be surprised when our worst fears are confirmed. The devils we create become real and solid in the next dimension because we created them."



"In our limited awareness, the reality we live and breathe on earth, with its beautiful landscapes, mountains, rivers, streams, animals and insects, can be compared with the petals on a flower. What we see is not the whole flower, but only a part. This is because man has lost touch with the use of his own mind. He concludes, erroneously, that the physical world is the only reality there is. He believes that his life as an individual has only to do with the flesh body of himself, and concludes that the physical world is solid and real because his senses tell him it "feels" solid and real.

The mind has abilities that go beyond the five senses of the physical world. The petal of the flower that we now experience is the material world or physical plane of existence. It has a specific vibration, just as all creatures on this level vibrate at the same rate. Because of this, regardless of where we go on this level, all things take on the appearance of being solid, material objects. Just as the colors of the rainbow show the effects of the different vibrations of light, and the melodies on the piano show the effect of the different notes, so, too, does the entire universe contain various octaves, or rates of vibration. These universal harmonics comprise the different levels of existence."

"When we were born into this physical world, we were provided with a physical body to carry out our duties. Astral projection allows us to project "out of the body" and into the next plane of existence, which is the astral plane. When we do this, we are in another body, which is called the "astral body."

So I'm interested in what you all think. 




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If I may speak for him there are 4 (maybe 5) main points that relate to this multi-reality thing. 


1- The box/wonder fizz/electric cherry flashes: Pulling weapons from other realitys. 

2- The PAP: Pulls weapons that are simple improved versions of earlier weapons, suggested to also be a portal to other domains.

3- The inconsistent storyline 

4- The events of Alcatraz


5(For select few)- Extinction is a parallel to zombies. 

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Great topic @
A few of the things I've been reading about lately have the same people that seem to pop up in topics like this. I think it was yourself that posted about "As above, So Below"? & also that each map in Black Ops 2 featured the 4 Elements? (That was even before Origins came out)

  • Tranzit = Fire
  • Die Rise = Air
  • Buried = Earth

Our reading interests seem to cross paths.
Anyway, I love doing wikipedia link journeys. Even though it is wiki, you can learn about so many things & land on topics so randomly. You pick up the key words & research/learn from there. Here are a few key words which keep coming up in some of the thing I've been reading about. Take it as you will, but I find it quite interesting some of the 'hidden' or underlaying themes in the Zombie Storyline.
Astral Projection

Macrocosm and Microcosm






Francis Bacon

Robert Fludd

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Eliphas Levi

Max Heindel

Jakob Böhme


Classical element


Luminiferous Aether




"The individual is a microcosm ("small world") of the universe (the macrocosm or "great world")

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