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Thoughts on COD Ghosts?

Jarhead N

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So it has now been a little over 2 weeks since the release of Ghosts on the current gen consoles (and Wii U), it has since been released on the Playstation 4 and is being released on the 22nd of November for Xbox One. With that being said, what are your thoughts on Call of Duty Ghosts?

Please consider these questions as topics:

What do you most enjoy about Ghosts?

What do you least enjoy about Ghosts?

What do you think about the new games modes in Multiplayer?

Has Ghosts been successful so far in terms of community opinion?

What can be improved on the game?

Will competitive gaming be affected due to the different game modes?

This thread was mainly made because Ghosts hasn't received much love so far from the CoDz Forums community, and I would like to know what others members think about this new game, not to mention that it has been a while since I've posted on here, so please don't hate :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I only played it for a while on release night.

Maps are the best since mw2.

Guns come up a little slower and have a bit more recoil, but unsurprisingly, we have hit detection again once you actually manage to aim at them.

So i have very little experience with it, but most likely it will once again trump the latest Treyarch effort, as is the recognized pattern so far.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Got it for Christmas.

Please consider these questions as topics:

What do you most enjoy about Ghosts?

What do you least enjoy about Ghosts?

What do you think about the new games modes in Multiplayer?

Has Ghosts been successful so far in terms of community opinion?

What can be improved on the game?

Will competitive gaming be affected due to the different game modes?

Love the new modes. My favorite ones, actually. Also, Weapon/Ammo Crate

I hate how Demolition and a lot of oldies are dead and gone. Also, care package is no longer a killstreak.

CRANKED! Hunted is pretty fun.

Pretty successful in Squads and MP, to me.

Infected needs work. Throwing Knives feel unbalanced. Needs some oldies back.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi and welcome back. I own this game now (I'm a post-Christmas noob).

I'm gonna try to answer some of those questions, but i can't view them as i post...

First off, nobody is playing this game due to a noob programming fail which causes the most lag ever in a cod game. I already have more kills than almost all of my friends that bought it release day. 1 cod friend plays extinction, none but me play the online mp due to extreme lag.

Maps are amazing, but some are becoming troll maps already. I owned the game for less than two hours and already had to start backing out of warhawk, octane, and fright (wh is the worst, the map is decent, the community is trolls).

Blitz is a great addition. It's like tdm with a reason/place to camp, and a place for the runners to run to. Don't forget to do a dolphin slide into the goal!

Kniving works now but is really wonky in execution.

Ghosts did to shotguns, lethals, tacticals, what bo2 did to kniving. They are dead.

Killstreaks are really weak in general. Dog and ammo crate are the big winners, with some juggernauts. Dogs are bizarre in functionality, you will never get killed from less than 10+ feet away by them. They take 3 sniper shots, 6 shield bashes, or 25 hb bullets to kill. They are immune to rear stabs, will die to one front stab if you miraculously get it. If you see a player and a dog, kill the dog first/counterintuitive.

The servers are halved between one and 360, resulting in 'fetching online profile' and p2p hosts (host-screw results in constant host migrations).

When you shoot someone, there isn't a talk between your xbox, the host, the player that you are shooting. It's just you-host. So on the reviving end, you die real quickly with little to no warning. On the giving end, it doesn't take 11-15 bullets before the enemy takes damage like it did in bo2: they die quickly (when it isn't total laggy shit due to a noob netcode error).

More lag than any other cod: the code for the game was dissected. Of all of the worlds internet infrastructure was amazing, this game would play amazing. It is not, so most people experience more lag in this than any other cod.

Instead of finding 50ms ping games and then finding the best games. It searches for best connections, ignoring hubs that previously showed a little toughness, and puts you in games with 5000ms ping (for 5 seconds of lag). If you leave the game, it tends to return you over and over to the same horrid connection lobby. Yea, racking up game loss'.

Game pros and programmers alike are confused as to how they made such a nooby mistake...presumably they will patch it soon, probably with the map pack update.

Assuming they tried this purposefully, i can't imagine how much revenue they have lost. I could guys that they wanted the lan cod 'olympics' (whatever it's called) to run beautifully, but at the expense of must of their player base? Seems like the viewing and attendance would not make up for lost profits.

Again, out of all of my cod friends, one plays extinction, and I'm the only one playing the mp.

Happier thoughts: no nuketown/firing range garbage. Cool map-specific killstreaks. Great maps, no more 3-lane tiny Trollarch failmaps.

While the online is laggy garbage, the game has only glitched about 1% as much as bo2 (i enjoyed bo2 a lot, I'm just saying: every single game experienced programming errors, every single game).

Bots: suck at most modes (they can't watch a bomb site or flag) besides tdm/ffa, but are fun to play. This time around, they abide to restrictions, do you can do knife only, shotgun only, throwing knife only games. (In bo1/2 the bots ignored any restrictions, only players were effected). Sadly, no 3 or 4 player offline splitscreen, such as bo1/2 did have. Hey, this mattered to me...

The squad point system works well, at first they seem hard to come by, then they just start rolling in. Since i didn't prestige in bo2, i can't unlock lots of stuff, which was a stupid idea obvs. None of that here.

Bad early issue: you almost never get to pick the soldier you want for the map you get. There is no way to choose a soldier when thrown into a game in progress. You must use the currently chosen soldier. When you get one totally unlocked it well be fine, but early on, not getting to choose a soldier is stupid, straight up stupid. Then, given than you must leave most matches due to extreme lag, skipping, freezing due to the netcode idiocy, and hosts dashboarding, you will almost never get to pick the soldier you want for any given map. Total fail.

Lastly a semi fix for the horrid netcode error: average lag in this game is 10+ feet (about 3x what we saw in bo2), if you see players/lobbies where there is more than this, note the players name that killed you because you are connected terribly to them. Leave game, go to friends (silver xbox button), scroll to the right to recent players, submit player review, avoid player. After doing this about 10 or so times the games i got put in are all 10 feet of lag, no more 30+ feet of lag due to the programming idiocy.

When it works it it's a great experience. Be patient, they will fix it, I'm sure they are losing millions right now...

Happy gaming!

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That's really strange to me. All i read about and what i hear from friends is 'unplayable due to lag'.

And my own experience.

The reason is this, most likely: the game will work well on excellent infrastructure. I live in an affluent area (north Jersey) so most likely we had internet infrastructure before many other places, which means we now have some of the oldest which does not work for this game. Instead of connecting me to nearby good pings, it finds me a great connection to Zimbabwe or China at huge ping. I can play bo2 zombies with friends a few states away with almost no lag. But ghosts is horrendously laggy usually. When it isn't, it plays fantastically. But I've read from programmers to cod pros saying this is a huge issue, and given all of my local friends are calling it unplayable, it kind of sucks. If their affluent players don't get good service, it will hurt activations pocket. (I'm a poor boy, fyi. Just born/raised here).

If this game consistently plays well for yous, I'm jealous. It is a really good game when the connection isn't crap.

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